PATH: BS | PT Barnum

The Bitcoin Bedtime Story

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How do you explain crypto currency to your kids?

Well, here's a hearwarming story you can tell them...

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Discovery Channel Should Change Its Name To "Shark Bullshit" Ch

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The Discovery Channel's obsessive quest for ratings has caused one of its most popular series of programming: shows about sharks, to veer deep into bullshit territory. Now the channel routinely just makes stuff up and doesn't apologize for it. Check out this expose of the Discovery Channel's foray into deception..

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Fighting Back Against Cardmember Services Telemarketers

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If you have not been annoyed by this operation, consider yourself lucky, but many people know what it's like to get the "Rachel from Cardmember Services" (Bridget or another phony name) robo-call repeatedly to their telephones. The group behind this operation uses social engineering to con random callers out of their credit card numbers, SSN and other personal information under the guise of helping them get a lower interest rate on their credit card debt.

The FTC is actively trying to track down this group and not apparently having much luck. But a group online has managed to ID these people and can use your help to bring them to justice.

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Texas Lawyer Latest Victim Of "Internet Idiot Tax"

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Houston lawyer Richard T. Howell Jr., whose firm was scammed out of $182,500 by a client who contacted and hired him through e-mail, says he is talking publicly about the situation so he can prevent other Texas lawyers from making the same mistakes.

"I'm a capital 'D' Dumbass," says Howell, who has practiced law for 23 years and is a partner in Buckley, White, Castaneda & Howell.

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Huckabee Says It's On Like Donkey Kong

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In what is shaping up to be a battle royale of right-wing wingnuts, Mike Huckabee has said he would consider making a run for the presidency yet again in 2012. The man who proved that being very religiously conservative will hurt you amongst Republican conservatives almost as much as NOT being religiously conservative will says that he's envious of Gov. Sarah Palin's meteoric rise to her current position as the favored conservative to lose to then-President Obama in 2012. Let's get ready to rumble!

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New Pet Service Provides Your Loved Ones Post-Rapture Vittles

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Those that believe Jesus is coming any day have probably not taken time to consider a very important quandary: Little Fluffy won't be joining you alongside our heavenly father upon your ascension. Yes, Heaven has a "no pets" rule according to scripture.

But all is not lost! A group of atheists have graciously offered to ensure your little muffin will be well cared for when Jesus comes to take you to where you deserve to be...

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New iPhone App "I Am Rich" Does Nothing, Costs $999

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Apple recently pulled an application from their online store called, "I am rich". This $999 program users could download and install on their iPhone seemed to do nothing more than add a glowing red icon to their display. But this didn't stop 8 people from buying the application, including six people from the United States, one from Germany and one from France.

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Consumers Fall For Goofy Gas-Saving Devices

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[Faulty Products]
Cracked has put together a list of the most retarded "fuel economy"-increasing devices being marketed. Hopefully you and your friends have not wasted money on these goofy, fraudulent gadgets.

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Can Jim Cramer Be More Of A Laughing Stock? Probably

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He might be the most celebrated stock picker on TV, but many say Jim Cramer got it wrong and some have renewed an older criticism of the television host: Small investors who follow Cramer stand to lose big.

Jim Cramer, host of CNBC's Mad Money is now something of a laughingstock, after telling viewers on March 11th not to "move" their "money" from Bear Stearns.

He told viewers: "Don't move your money from Bear! That's just being silly! Don't be silly!"

Cramer and CNBC have defended his statements, arguing that Cramer's assertions on the bank were in reference to a viewer's question on Bear Stearns' liquidity, not its stock prices.


"US Copyright Registry" Scam E-Mail Circulating

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Today my network operator got an interesting e-mail from the official-sounding "US Copyright Registry" implying that "If you disregard this notice or fail to reply.. the United States Patent and Trademark office will NOT be liable for infringement of your website, interruption of business activity or business losses."

This latest scheme seems intended to scare domain holders into thinking they need some additional services be paid to this official sounding company, selling "copyright registration" - likely charging you an arm and a leg to mail a form you could do yourself, which many people argue makes very little difference.

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Sylvia Brown: Lamest Psychic Ever?

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[Psychic Dorks]
It goes without saying among people who are paying attention to reality, that psychics are frauds, but it's a sad testimony to how people want to believe this stuff when you watch this clip of Sylvia on Montel Williams' show. Here a couple struggles to find meaning in their daughter's mysterious death as Sylvia Brown puts her foot firmly in her own mouth on national TV.

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Georgia's Drought Solution: Pray for Rain

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As global climate change threatens to bring flooding to some areas, and drought to others, the southeastern U.S. is in the grip of the worst drought in decades. One small town in Tennesse has completely run out of water. Water use restrictions in Alabama and Georgia aim to conserve the dwindling reservoir supplies until the rains come at last.

What's Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue's solution? Address global warming by cutting greenhouse gas emissions? Task America scientists to study changing rainfall patterns, to develop new water distribution schemes that will work when the weather takes on new patterns?

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Revenge Of The Nerds: For Real

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What happens when a local television news station (one in Canada where they actually have real news) stages a computer problem and calls in 10 computer repair companies to diagnose the problem? NERDS!!!!

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Discovery Network's TV Show Man Vs. Wild Claimed A Fraud

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The Discovery TV show Man vs Wild shows a charismatic ex-British Special Forces soldier, Bear Grylls, as the ultimate survivalist, braving everything from volcanic lava to river rapids using his wits and a few basic items. Or perhaps not?

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Pepsi: Aquafina Is Merely Tap Water (Marked Up 7000% In Price)

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The soft drink giant Pepsi has been forced to make an embarrassing admission: Its bestselling Aquafina bottled water is nothing more than tap water. Last week, Pepsi agreed to change the labels of Aquafina to indicate the water comes from a public water source.

In a related story Tucson, Arizona residents were amused to find Aquafina pouring out of their garden hoses.


One More Reason A Hummer Is Stupid (And No, It's Not The Name)

Posted by ueberbill (12002 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The Hummer H2, one of the largest penis enhancements currently on the road today, looks rugged and tough-- like it could take on any piece of road and eat competitor's cars for dinner (a much manlier meal that that wussy breakfast). When recently stacked up against a car made in 1921, however, the Hummer went a bit... limp.

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What Fashion Magazines Do To Model Pictures

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While you're browsing the beauty magazines in the checkout, do you ever wonder if the photo on the cover is ANYTHING like reality? shows us truth and beauty magazines are quite a ways separate.

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Panhandling Comes To The Internet

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Hey, has your house burned down, or maybe you need $265 for a headstone for your brother's cemetary plot? Maybe you just need $10,000 for some equipment to make movies? Just get behind your computer and go to the Internet's newest site where, in exchange for your dignity, you can pander for cash...

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Video: Bush's Adoring Fans In Albania Steal His Watch?

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Bush had to travel quite far to find a photo-op of people seemingly pleased to see him. The adoring crowds of one of the remaining allies in his Iraqi invasion in Albania not only wanted to get their hands on him, but also his watch.

Watch on video as the man responsible for the security of our nation can't control the security of his wrists.

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U.K. ISP Tiscali "Taken Down By Spammers"

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Spammers have knocked out the e-mail service for many of the customers of internet service provider (ISP) Tiscali, the firm has said.

BSA's take on this is that Tiscali, long having had a reputation for bad security, has allowed their customers' zombied PCs to run rampant, and now have been wholesale blacklisted by many other ISPs around the world, who are fed up with this service provider being a constant source of junk e-mail.

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Work Sucks, Get Some Slaves!

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Life is hard--you work all day to pay your debts and maybe make enough on the side to enjoy yourself on the weekend. Surely there is some way, some labor-saving device that'll do some of my work for me and leave me free to, I don't know, watch The Price is Right during the day. But what could that be? I know, SLAVES!

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Democracy, It's a Bitch

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The Philippines, the very very very very very poor man's Japan, has just recently celebrated their beloved right to vote. Much like in America, contests are fierce, competitive, devisive, cynical, and cost people a great deal. Unfortunately for Filipinos, over there it costs people their LIVES.

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Flaming Richard Gere and AIDS- PROBABLY Not What You Think

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Actor Richard Gere is being beaten and burned in effigy by various protesting groups in India after his behavior at an HIV/AIDS-awareness event in New Delhi (Same as the Old Delhi). What could Mr. Gere have done to deserve such treatment? The answer will SHOCK you--if you're a conservative Indian Hindu.

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"Godless" Washington Dollars Cause Excitement

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What first seemed like a vast "left-wing conspiracy" as reported by some weirdo conservative bloggers has turned into a windfall for some opportunists in select Southeastern states. The U.S. Mint has accidentally let about 50,000 new gold Washington $1 coins get into circulation without the words, "In God We Trust". Collectors and godless heathens are snapping these things up on eBay with the $1 coins going for as much as $600.

On the down side, there appears to be a lot of these coins in circulation, and the mistake relates to the printing not being stamped on the edge of the coins. This promises to be a pretty easy thing to forge, so expect to see tons of these "godless" coins that are merely regular coins with the edge sanded down.

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Most Underage Gambler EVER.

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[Bad Parents]
Nyree Thompson was playing the penny slots in Atlantic City with some bad gas. Turned out, however, that it wasn't gas after all- it was her soon-to-be born son- and he wanted in on the action.

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Weekend at Fidel's

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Fidel Castro, that lovable scamp who ruled communist Cuba until July, when he had to "temporarily" cede power to his brother Raul (which is a much better name for a despot) because he went under the knife for intestinal bleeding is not (repeat, NOT) dead, dying, or really even feeling all that bad. This is according to U.S. lawmakers who were told this by Cuban officials during a trip to the island nation that ended Sunday. They were not, however, allowed to see or speak to Fidel "Not Dead" Castro. They weren't even allowed to speak to his brother.

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The Diamond Deception: What DeBeers Doesn't Want You To Know

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond?

The diamond invention—the creation of the idea that diamonds are rare and valuable, and are essential signs of esteem—is a relatively recent development in the history of the diamond trade. Read about how an effective ad campaign has made these not-so-valuable items seem more precious than they really are.

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Give To A Charity And Be Labeled A Sick Bastard

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Paul's Place, an English disability charity, has just finished development of the first-ever disabled nude calendar to raise money. I think I'd rather just give them money than try to explain to every person who comes into my home why I have a picture of a naked lady with Down's syndrome on my wall. Maybe that should be their tactic--give us money or else we'll mail you a calendar for which you will have a lot of explaining to do.

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Army Continues To Lower Standards To Meet Recruitment Goals

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The U.S. Army recruited more than 2,600 soldiers under new lower aptitude standards this year, helping the service beat its goal of 80,000 recruits in the throes of an unpopular war and mounting casualties.

"Tests don't tell you the answer to the most critical question for the Army, how will you do in combat?" a spokesman said. But, he added, accepting too many recruits with low test scores could increase training costs and leave technical jobs unfilled. But don't worry, it's only your tax dollars.


7-7-7 The Mark of the Wedding Chapel

Posted by Pile (11598 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Even though it's nine months away, plan now to stay off the roads next year on the first Saturday of July. Unless you want to be bumper-to-bumper with limos, that is.

Why? Because the date will be 07-07-07.

That has the wedding industry spinning like a Vegas slot machine as scores of engaged couples scramble to wed on that triple-lucky day.

I know what you're thinking, I'm going to tag this for stupid people, but I actually think it's kind of clever. It would be a lot harder for the men to forget their anniversary when their wedding date involved such a profoundly boneheaded decision. One less reason to not spend the night in the barn is always a good thing.

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Gorilla Glue: The Toughest Advertising Snowjob on Earth

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They advertise their product as "The toughest glue on earth." Really? Well, it took a competitor, Elmers, to challenge this claim and take it to the National Advertising Division of the Better Business Bureau. Gorrilla, if you're making that claim, you can back it up right?

Wait until you hear their response...

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Key To Bush's Approval Rating? Gas

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When it comes to President Bush's approval rating — the number that measures his political health — one factor seems more powerful than any Oval Office address or legislative initiative.

It's the price of a gallon of gas.

Statisticians who have compared changes in gas prices and Bush's ratings through his presidency have found a steady relationship: As gas prices rise, his ratings fall. As gas prices fall, his ratings rise.

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When the Cure is Worse than the Condition

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A man in Belgrade, Serbia, decided to take the advice of a local witch doctor to cure his problem with premature ejaculation. His prescription? Have sex with a hedgehog...a spiky European relative of the porcupine. The witch doctor promised "total discretion" and said the cure was guaranteed 100 percent. The European hedgehog is about the size of a guinea pig, and though it has spikes like a porcupine, the spikes do not generally come loose and are not as sharp as porcupine quills. When threatened with inappropriate sexual advances, hedgehogs roll themselves up into a spiky little ball.

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Katrina Conference Organizers Duped By Fake Government Official

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A man claiming to be a high-ranking federal housing official addressed a conference Monday on public housing in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, claiming the government was reversing its policy.

Following speeches by Gov. Kathleen Blanco and Mayor Ray Nagin, a man who said he was the "deputy assistant secretary" of the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced a total reversal in the government's policy on public housing in New Orleans, claiming HUD would halt plans to demolish thousands of public housing units.

Turns out this was the work of an activist/theatrical group called The Yes Men. Their web site states, "We have impersonated some of the world's most powerful criminals at conferences, on the web, and on television, in order to correct their identities."

What's even more brilliant about this farce is that the company producing the event, Equity International claims to be "The center for homeland security" that specializes in "Winning the global war against terrorism." And they didn't have the aptitude to check to find out if one of their primary speakers, on stage with both the mayor and governor, wasn't a total imposter.

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"Just the Lord" Fleeces His Flock of $50 Million

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Randall W. Harding sang in the choir at Crossroads Christian Church in Corona, Calif., and donated part of his conspicuous wealth to its ministries. In his business dealings, he underscored his faith by naming his investment firm JTL, or "Just the Lord." Pastors and churchgoers alike entrusted their money to him.

By the time Harding was unmasked as a fraud, he and his partners had stolen more than $50 million from their clients, and Crossroads became yet another cautionary tale in what investigators say is a worsening problem plaguing the nation's churches.

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Machete-Wielding Clowns Terrorize Park

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Police are on the lookout for members of a machete-wielding gang in angry clown make-up after a rampage that left nearly two dozen people injured in a park in Washington state.

Somehow, we always sensed that clowns were dangerous.

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From Inside the Luxurious Pyramid

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On April 19, 2001, a man named Alyn Waage was arrested at the airport in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, with $4.5 million in his briefcase. Waage had boarded the Learjet intending to fly to Belize to pick up an employee who worked at the mail forwarding office there, then fly on to Vallarta where his company, the Tri-West Investment Club, was based, and then to Latvia where he intended to buy a bank he dealt with. The first two steps of this schedule he completed, but he wanted to deposit some of the money in the bank himself so he took a few million and stuffed it in his luggage. When the jet landed and the customs officials asked to look through his bags, the jig was up.

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ABC Airs Bogus Feelgood Reality Show

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On Easter Sunday 2005, ABC's Extreme Makeover Home Edition aired an especially poignant episode. Five children, ages 14-21, from the Higgins family were orphaned. A couple from their church, with three children of their own, took them in. The result was 10 people living in cramped quarters.

The show finds families like these and, in the course of a week, rebuilds their home from scratch. The process is edited into a one-hour episode.

Unfortunately in this episode, all is not what it seems. The family's landlord evicts them from their newly-built home before the fairy-tale episode even airs on television. Does ABC care? What do you think?

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Parents Clueless As Teen Flies To Middle East To MySpace Friend

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[Bad Parents]
A 16-year-old girl who tricked her parents into getting her a passport and then flew to the Mideast to be with a man she met on, was returned to Michigan.

This is one of the myriad of myspace stories, but I couldn't help posting it to qualify use of the "bad parents" tag, which isn't used nearly as much as it deserves.

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For The Goth Who Has Everything: Designer Black Toilet Paper

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
If you're tired of wiping your butt on plain white or printed toilet paper, a Portugese company has come up with a tres chic all black designer toilet paper for $3+ a roll. Just what we've all been waiting for!

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All Is Not Fair In Love In CyberSpace

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Online dating is a huge industry now. So big that some claim it's a huge marketplace for fraud and scamming, which is prompting lawmakers to consider passing legislation to regulate more of these activities.

The incidence of would-be suitors being scammed out of money for plane tickets and other items is increasing, as is "date bait" e-mails from ficticious, flirtatious women used to entice people to renew their online memberships. Who's at fault if the cute Russian girl never shows up after you send her a few grand to fly to the states? You say you left your wife because you found your soulmate online... and you haven't met her in person yet? I'm sure you're doing the right thing, right?

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Missing Your Grilled Cheese Virgin Mary?

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Remember that grilled cheese sandwich with the image of the Virgin Mary on it?

The woman who sold it on Ebay does. And she misses it. So on June 2, 2006, she made sure she would have it with her always by having the miraculous sandwich tattooed on her right breast. And for good luck, the sandwich came along, arriving at the tattoo parlor in its own limousine and bulletproof case. The casino that owns it now sponsored the cheese sandwich field trip, and even paid for the tattoo. Online gambling establishments have so much heart....

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The Latest Craze To Hit Japan: Fresh Air!

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
Exhausted Japanese workers in need of a pick-me-up will soon be able to get a hit of canned oxygen at their local convenience store.

Seven-Eleven Japan will start marketing the new product, "O2 Supli," at select stores in the Tokyo area later this month and expand sales nationwide in June.

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The Perfect Mark

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"Late one afternoon in June, 2001, John W. Worley sat in a burgundy leather desk chair reading his e-mail. He was fifty-seven and burly, with glasses, a fringe of salt-and-pepper hair, and a bushy gray beard. A decorated Vietnam veteran and an ordained minister, he had a busy practice as a Christian psychotherapist, and, with his wife, Barbara, was the caretaker of a mansion on a historic estate in Groton, Massachusetts.

Worley scrolled through his in-box and opened an e-mail, addressed to CEO/Owner. The writer said that his name was Captain Joshua Mbote, and he offered an awkwardly phrased proposition: With regards to your trustworthiness and reliability, I decided to seek your assistance in transferring some money out of South Africa into your country...

Still, Worley, faced with an e-mail that would, according to federal authorities, eventually lead him to join a gang of Nigerian criminals seeking to defraud U.S. banks, didn’t hesitate. A few minutes after receiving Mbote’s entreaty, he replied, "I can help and I am interested."

The New Yorker has a great story about a prominent Christian leader who lets his greed overcome his commmon sense. His reward? Two years in prison and more than $600,000 in fines. When you read those goofy Nigerian e-mails, you think, "Nobody is stupid enough to fall for this stuff right?" Well, it seems that Christians are one of the scammers' favorite targets. They have the right combination of naivety and greed that makes them, "The Perfect Mark."

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Demonic Teddy Bear For Sale On eBay

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"I never used to believe in powers of darkness, but now I do. If you are willing to buy it, please let me know. I take no responsibility for what may happen afterwards and for god's sake don't keep it anywhere near children.... There are indeed things in this world that are best not meddled with or even thought about, because sometimes all they need is an opening. I'll start from the beginning, it's the only way to tell the story..."

And so begins the sordid saga of the Tennessee man who has managed to snowjob a bunch of people into paying way too much for a torn up teddy bear on eBay.

Read on if you must, but be warned, this is not for the faint of heart (or the weak of wallet)...

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Media Hoodwinked By Bosnian Pyramid Story?

Posted by Pile (9320 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[News Media]
The world's oldest and largest pyramid found in Bosnia? It sounds incredible. The story has swept the media, from the Associated Press and the BBC, from papers and websites in the U.S. to those in India and Australia. Too bad that it is not a credible story at all. In fact, it is impossible. Who is the "archaeologist" who has taken the media for a ride? Why did the media not check the story more carefully?

Archeology magazine calls into question the credibility of the man making the pyramid claims, while others say that stone blocks discovered indicate it may have been man made.

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Medication For Your Car?

Posted by Pile (16347 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Faulty Products]
One of the latest ads sweeping the Internet is a "gas pill" marketed by Fuel Freedom International. Fuel Freedom International says dropping a $2 MPG-Cap in your tank with every fill up will increase mileage by 10 percent or 20 percent. When expert with AAA checked out the pill, the results were not as advertised.

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eBay Can't Even Tell Which "eBay E-Mail" is Fake

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A sophisticated phishing attack has proven to be so successful, it has tricked eBay Inc.'s own fraud investigations team into endorsing it as legitimate, according to an independent security consultant who reported the attack to eBay.

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Indiana Man Receives Patent For Space Vehicle

Posted by Pile (9415 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

On November 1 Boris Volfson of Huntington, Indiana, received U.S. Patent 6,960,975 for his design of an antigravity space vehicle.

Volfson's craft is theoretically powered by a superconductor shield that changes the space-time continuum in such a way that it defies gravity. The design effectively creates a perpetual-motion machine, which physicists consider an impossible device.

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From Red Paperclip ... to House?

Posted by Pile (9367 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Your 15m]
The story begins with an industrious guy taking a single red paperclip and trading it for a fish pen, then a doorknob, then a camp stove, then a small portable generator. The "pay it forward, upsize" approach, he figures will eventually result in bigger and better trades, leading him to his goal of a new house.

Is this the sign of a paradigm shift in our materialistic society? A poignant commentary on consumerism? Maybe just some trailer-dweeling geek looking to milk his 15 minutes for some property?

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