The Oracle Problem Hits America Hard

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[News Media]
Believe it or not, there's an explanation for what's happening in American society on a quantum level, from the popularity of crypto-currency, to our social and political divisions and even the insurrection at Capital Hill: America Has "The Oracle Problem."

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BitCoin vs Beanie Babies

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[Beating Dead Horses]
In celebration of the recent elevation in Bitcoin price, we thought it was apropos to publish a revised "investment guide"..

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8 Reasons Progressives Are Wary Of Bernie Sanders' Bandwagon

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
EDIT: Note that this article was originally written prior to the 2016 election, it still contains very useful information on the dynamics of the upcoming 2020 election...

*BSA Exclusive Editorial*

I dig Bernie Sanders. I've always loved him and his perspective. I agree with 99% of what he promotes in terms of long-term policy. But I still find myself uneasy with his candidacy. I will vote for whoever gets the Democratic nomination, but I'm not convinced people understand the dynamics and what's really in play right now?

As many of those on the left and the "disenfranchised" are "feeling the Bern" and hopping on the Bernie Sanders bandwagon, theres a schism developing among those who pine for social change.

It seemed hard to fathom that a candidate that has been so succinctly enumerating many of the problems people on the left, center and right have been harping about has now become so contentious?

I gotta be honest.. to me it feels like another Deja Vu moment. How I felt when I heard all my friends get so excited about Ralph Nader in 2000, and how his fresh rhetoric was going to change the political landcape...

It doesn't seem to make sense. Even among the editors at BSAlert, there's contention on the value of a Sanders presidency. Allow us to provide you with what we think are some troubling issues with Sanders and why we feel, as much as we love what he says, In my opinion (though not the opinion of everybody here) Sanders is a pied piper more than he is a path to change...

If all you want is Bernie elected; if all you care about is "sending the message" ok, I can't argue with that. But if you care about actually seeing his policy ideas executed, and moving in a more progressive direction during the next 4-8 years, you have to at least be open to these arguments...

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The Bernie Sanders Youth Revolution Didnt Show Up For Super Tues

Posted by Pile (22615 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]


It may be time to admit that young people's support does not automatically translate to young people's votes.

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"9/11 Never Forget".... what?

Posted by Pile (22347 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Beating Dead Horses]
While everybody is remembering 9/11, here's something to think about.

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Why Wal-Mart Employees Are Incompetent Or Unfriendly

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An ex-Wal-Mart employee explains why there's never anybody around, and when there is, they don't know anything or are in a bad mood. A very interesting and illuminating explanation for how, in their obsessive quest for increased profits, Wal-Mart has created a business model that thrives on attrition and crappy, burned out employees, who are systematically run-off before they can become competent.

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BSA Podcast #12 - WEASEL WORDS - How Advertising and Pundits Lie

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
In our twelfth podcast we take on the advertising and propaganda industries and expose WEASEL WORDS: How people are lied to and misled about everything from products to promises to history and politics.

Using carefully-selected words and crafted phrases, advertisers and political pundits make you think one thing, but are actually saying another. Join us as we delve into this seedy and mysterious realm where all is not what it appears to be!

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GoDaddy's Psychopathic Superbowl Commercial Sparks Outrage

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[Pubic Relations]
A huge Internet outrage has erupted in the wake of GoDaddy's latest commercial leak online of what was apparently going to be their Superbowl commercial. Which has now been pulled.

In what appears to be a clear attempt to court sadist and sociopathic customers, they tell the tale of the abandoned puppy that desperately tries to find its way back to its owner (a GoDaddy customer) who expresses excitement at the puppy returning home after its arduous journey so she can ship it off to someone who bought it off her GoDaddy web site... yes... WHAT?

Watch the video - we have it here. GoDaddy has pulled it from the Internet.

The original YouTube link was here:

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Is Blockchain/Crypto Currency Investment A Risky Scheme?

Posted by Pile (76041 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Essential Factoids]
[BSAlert *exclusive*]
There's tremendous hype all over the Internet and the media about Bitcoin, crypto-currencies, "blockchain" and this new "innovative technology" that is supposedly making people rich.

Or is it?

Is crypto currency the future?

Are you actually doing any "investing" when you purchase and hold crypto-currencies?

Or is this an elaborate Ponzi Scheme or an outright scam?

Let's cut through the chatter and reveal what you need to know about the modern state of crypto currency, the "blockchain" buzzword everybody is using, and whether this is something real, or nefarious?

Is crypto currency a scam or an amazing opportunity?

You can't afford to ignore the critics and skeptics if you really care about your money... Let's jump into the deep end and talk about EVERYTHING!

READ MORE | 13 comments since 2022-05-19 14:54:24 | Comment on this Article - The "Objective" News Site Run By Republicans

Posted by Pile (18088 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[News Media]
There's a new web site that is becoming increasingly popular among social media exchanges and people trying to find a way to wade through news reports and "find the truth through the bias."

One such site that's picking up traction is called, But a look under the hood, or even a casual glance reveals it's not what it appears to be...

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Part II: Speaking their language to fix the system

Posted by Pile (17424 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[BSAlert *exclusive*]
If you're tired of feeling like only one side of the story is being told in mainstream media, here's my idea on how we can effect change, taking a page from the winning side's playbook.

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A Primer On The Fairness Doctrine: How We Screwed Up

Posted by Pile (180225 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[BSAlert *exclusive*]
EDIT: This post is now well over 10 years old, but it's still relevant today.... So we will keep it as is...

With the Internet overflowing with various pundits speculating on "What went wrong in the 2004 election?", I'd like to add my theory. Unlike other theories dancing around which take into account partisan intent, what people are thinking and the use of lots of tin-foil hats, I think there's a very straightforward path that shows how and why the American populace has developed into the polarized mindset that was responsible for the current political climate.

This is the first part of a two part rambling diatribe. The first part outlines what I feel are the two major causes of most of the problems. The second part outlines ideas I have on solving the problems in a realistic way given an environment that is vehemently hostile towards equitible debate.

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Dale Hansen on "Responsible Gun Owners"

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[News Media]
Dallas sportscaster, Dale Hansen steps away from the sports desk to deliver an insightful yet scathing monologue on the country's current inability to address the increasing domestic terrorist problem.

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French fry vending machine

Posted by RantMaster (18226 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Junk Food]
Tasty FriesŪ, Inc. has developed a multi-patented vending machine that prepares, cooks and dispenses French Fries with the flavor, aroma and texture of freshly cut French Fries. Yum, made with Nestles' dehydrated then rehydrated "potato product!"

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Florida Criminalizes Display Of "Truck Nuts"

Posted by Pile (64993 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The Florida Senate on Thursday passed an amendment to impose a $60 fine on Truck Nutz, one brand name for the novelty item on vehicle trailer hitches that resemble the dangling southern end of a northbound bull. The proposal would make displaying bull genitalia reproductions on a vehicle subject to a $60 fine, moving violations and points against a driver license.

Will the legacy of truck-testicle discrimination in this country never be put to rest?

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