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Is Blockchain/Crypto Currency Investment A Risky Scheme?

Posted by Pile (75374 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Essential Factoids]
[BSAlert *exclusive*]
There's tremendous hype all over the Internet and the media about Bitcoin, crypto-currencies, "blockchain" and this new "innovative technology" that is supposedly making people rich.

Or is it?

Is crypto currency the future?

Are you actually doing any "investing" when you purchase and hold crypto-currencies?

Or is this an elaborate Ponzi Scheme or an outright scam?

Let's cut through the chatter and reveal what you need to know about the modern state of crypto currency, the "blockchain" buzzword everybody is using, and whether this is something real, or nefarious?

Is crypto currency a scam or an amazing opportunity?

You can't afford to ignore the critics and skeptics if you really care about your money... Let's jump into the deep end and talk about EVERYTHING!

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Election's Over--Gas Prices Rise Again

Posted by wizeGurl (14805 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Essential Factoids]
It seems that BSalert wasn't the only one who noticed that the president's approval rating rises when gas prices fall. Starting in August...about the time the Republicans began to get an inkling that they might not be greeted with chocolates and flowers at the polls this time...gas prices had conveniently been dropping to less insane levels. This gave the Democrats one less sore spot to poke in voters who needed a little reminder why they didn't like the status quo. But even cheap(er) gas wasn't enough to buy off the voters this time. And now that the election's over, have you noticed any changes at the pump?

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Short Toots

Posted by wizeGurl (13852 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Essential Factoids]
  • A school in Colorado has banned flag-waving. Plus, apple pies have been ruled "Too sticky" for the cafeteria's floors.

  • In a speech given in Washington, D.C., President Bush said about democracy, "One of the great things about America, one of the beauties of our country, is that when we see a young, innocent child blown up by an IED, we cry." Apparently, in monarchies, dead children are met with laughter and merrymaking.

  • A study in Michigan found that children behave better, and sleep more soundly, after their tonsils are removed. It helps if the parents threaten to take them back to the hospital and have other parts cut out if they don't straighten up.

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Short Toots: The Livestock Edition

Posted by wizeGurl (15065 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Essential Factoids]
[The "Buzz"]
A 52-year-old Deputy Fire Chief in Arizona was arrested for trying to have sex with his neighbor's lamb. The lamb's owner, Alan Goats (you can't make this stuff up), caught him red-handed and pants-down in the barn with the intended victim.

In Nepal, fathers are offered a piglet in exchange for not selling their daughters into servitude. The program is a huge success for the daughters...not so much for the pigs.

Scientists discover a new species--actually, new genus and family as well--of animals deep under the sea. They look like pale, fuzzy crabs or giant, white, hairy ticks, and they're nicknamed the "Yeti Crab" for their resemblance to Tibet's abominable snowman.

German man kills friend, feeds the body to pigs as a cover-up. His inspiration? A lecture on Buddhism.

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Short Toots

Posted by wizeGurl (14920 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Essential Factoids]
[News Media]
Residents perished, but Formosan termites survived Katrina just fine.

Right-wing French group serves pork soup to the poor to exclude Muslims and Jews. A crowd of soup activists chanted, "We are all pig eaters! We are all pig eaters!"

Red rain dumps alien bacteria from a comet over India, scientist claims.

At least 17 dogs in President Bush's security detail were put up at a five-star hotel in New Delhi; hotel staff were told to address the dogs by their rank, as "sergeant-major" or "lieutenant."

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Who was Raymond Scott?

Posted by Pile (11487 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Essential Factoids]
This is the first of a series we're launching here at BSAlert called "Essential Factoids". The idea is to call attention to something or someone important that most people know little about.

In this case, do you know who Raymond Scott was? Why should he be remembered?

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