Missing Your Grilled Cheese Virgin Mary?

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Remember that grilled cheese sandwich with the image of the Virgin Mary on it?

The woman who sold it on Ebay does. And she misses it. So on June 2, 2006, she made sure she would have it with her always by having the miraculous sandwich tattooed on her right breast. And for good luck, the sandwich came along, arriving at the tattoo parlor in its own limousine and bulletproof case. The casino that owns it now sponsored the cheese sandwich field trip, and even paid for the tattoo. Online gambling establishments have so much heart....

The woman who discovered, and later sold, the holy sandwich, Diana Duyser, said that she wanted to keep the Virgin's miraculous close to her heart. (Someone really should have clued her in that the heart is on the left side of the body, not the right.) And really, who are we to say that a 54-year-old woman who could stand to lose 100 pounds and seems to be missing at least 6 front teeth (judging from the news video) won't look pretty hot with the Virgin Mary on a cheese sandwich staring back at you from her boob? That could certainly be a spiritual experience for some.

Read more about the sacred tattoo event.




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