PATH: BS | Religion

Ten Commandment Statues Are Really Taxpayer Money Grabs

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Within days of the controversial Ten Commandments monument erected on the courthouse grounds in Arkansas, it was destroyed by an irate citizen. Beyond the obvious controversy of the state endorsing a particular flavor of religion, what seems to be going on with municipalities continuing to put up these displays when there's overwhelming evidence they will be rules unconstitutional and taken down?

Filed public documents in the Akansas case make it very clear: This is a thinly-veiled attempt to funnel taxpayer money to select private religious legal groups...

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How God Reveals His Existence To His Followers?

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This may be one of the most interesting and poignant videos ever that demonstrates the unusual dynamic between not just believers and non-believers, but between different religious factions.

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Atheist Group Writes Their Own 10 Commandments

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Atheists have written their own version of the ten commandments. These commandments were chosen from submissions to Atheist Mind Humanist Heart’s (AMHH) Re-Think Prize, a crowdsourcing project.

In November Adam Savage announced he would be a judge in the ReThink Project, the host of MythBusters (one of only two, these days), caused a new surge of interest and awareness for the contest. Read on to see the selected 10 Atheist Commandments...

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SCOTUS Sides With Hobby Lobby To Deny Women's Rights

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The Supreme Court says corporations can hold religious objections that allow them to opt out of the new health law requirement that they cover contraceptives for women.

The justices’ 5-4 decision Monday is the first time that the high court has ruled that profit-seeking businesses can hold religious views under federal law. And it means the Obama administration must search for a different way of providing free contraception to women who are covered under objecting companies’ health insurance plans.

Contraception is among a range of preventive services that must be provided at no extra charge under the health care law that President Barack Obama signed in 2010 and the Supreme Court upheld two years later.

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The True History Of Marriage

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In the wake of various pundits and "news" agencies discussing the sanctity of marriage, Lawrence O'Donnell educates us to the true history of marriage. Has it always been "between a man and a woman?" Not quite...

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Delta Pulls Ads From Daily Show Following Catholic Complaint

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The Daily show calls attention to a "Battle for the War on Women." While multiple states roll back the equal pay and health rights that women have come to enjoy, Fox News relegates the "war on women" to the rank of "phony" political fight. And in the process, one of their bits enrages the Catholic League, (the same guy who claimed victims of child abuse are a bunch of greedy, bigoted whiners), which prompts Delta Airlines to pull their ads from the show.

Jon Stewart's response? "I’m not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance." Check out the offending video...

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Jon Stewart: Our Founding Fathers' War On Christmas?

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Once again, it's that time of the year, where various wingnutty pundits pronounce the evils of a secular "war on Christmas" and how the fabric of their way of life is under constant threat because someone has the audacity to say "holiday" instead of "christmas." Jon Stewart explores this conflict, and investigates what the pilgrims and America's founding founding fathers had to say about it.

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News Media Says Norway Killer Unfairly Called Christian

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[News Media]
The Fox News rapid-response team distinguishes violence in the name of a religion from the practitioners of that religion -- as long as it's Christianity. The Daily Show has their own unique take well worth watching...

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Sam Harris Answers Questions From The Internet

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Sam Harris has a one-hour video where he answers questions submitted from users on the Internet. It's not your typical array of questions and Sam answers them skillfully... check it out

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What Mormons "Believe"

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From the 2011 Tony Awards comes a musical number from the "Book of Mormon" musical on Broadway. Ever wonder what a Mormon believes? This is a particularly interesting issue because it's hard for the church to oppose a musical that is, technically accurate yet in its deadpan glory is off-the-hook hilarious... see for yourself!

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The Meaning Of Life

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Ever wonder what the meaning of life might be, and the rationale our creator had in giving us existence? An amusing cartoon explores one possibility...

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Jesus Christ Is Tyler Durden?

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Youtube user Dusty Smith, also known as "CultOfDusty" has produced an insightful video where he explains why people who claim they do, in actuality, do not have a "Personal Relationship with Jesus." Can a logical argument be informative and hilarious at the same time? Check it out...

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Preacher Sells Debt Removal Through Prayer On TV

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Peter Popoff has been preaching about God and money for decades.

His shows that he pays BET and other cable and TV channels to appear on are non-stop crusades about spirituality and overcoming addictions, but most of all, they're about helping people erase mountains of debt.

"I'm telling you that God teaches in His word that He wants to cancel, erase, wipe out, obliterate your debt," Popoff says in a video ad.

Popoff claims he has delivered miracles to hundreds of thousands of people supernaturally. Or does he?

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Princeton Student's Suicide Note Reveals Tortured Life

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[Bad Parents]
Princeton Graduate student, Bill Zeller's life ended this week, by his own doing. But what marks his departure is probably the most cogent, expressful and poignant suicide note ever written. He wants to make sure this note does not disappear from cyberspace so we've posted it here...

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Make Your Own Flying Spaghetti Monster Holiday Lights

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We here at BSA want to get in the holiday spirit too, and what better way than to show off these cool, festive holiday lights... Find out how you can make your own too!

We also have t-shirts for sale with a picture of my FSM hovering over my neighbor's "traditional" lawn. WizeGurl also created a very cool graphic FSM "May the Flying Spaghetti Monster illuminate your solstice" that she's got on shirts and greeting cards. We guarantee that 0% of these proceeds will go anywhere near the state of Kansas! Help support our site if you're interested. Thanks! Enjoy!

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What If Atheists Acted Like Religious People?

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Have you ever wondered what would happen if atheists acted as "fundamentalist" as some religious groups? Ok, probably not, but if you are curious, check out this very amusing video...

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Sam Harris: Science Can Answer Life's Important Questions

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It's often argued that science can provide a lot of insight into the world, but ultimately cannot answer life's most important questions: What is the meaning of life? What is and isn't moral behavior? What is worth killing or dying for? Sam Harris makes a convincing argument otherwise.

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Christian Call-In Prayer Show Gets "Fresh-Princed"

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It seems these people have no sympathy for the poor people of Philly who have to rely on their aunts in Bell Aire. What kind of Christians are they?

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Pat Condell Explains How "Intolerant" Atheists Can Be

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English Freethinking comedian Pat Condell has an insightful video discussing "atheist intolerance" - a common claim by theists that non-religious people are even less tolerant than religious people, or how this new wave of "outspoken atheists" are a plague upon our normal religious society...

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IL Congressman: The Bible Says There's No Global Warming

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If you thought that having an ex-Arabian horse trainer as head of FEMA was an unusual assignment under the Bush administration, take a look at Illinois Republican Congressman John Shimkus, member of the House Energy and Air Quality committee, who actually made a statement before Congress citing the "infallible word of God" in the old testament of the Bible that proves there is no such thing as global warming and only God will decide when the earth will end, before which we'll hear a trumpet call...

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