PATH: BS | Media | Pundits

The True History Of Marriage

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In the wake of various pundits and "news" agencies discussing the sanctity of marriage, Lawrence O'Donnell educates us to the true history of marriage. Has it always been "between a man and a woman?" Not quite...

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Sam Harris Answers Questions From The Internet

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Sam Harris has a one-hour video where he answers questions submitted from users on the Internet. It's not your typical array of questions and Sam answers them skillfully... check it out

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Penn Jillette on Work, Atheism, Existentialism and Liberty

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Penn Jillette gives one of his most honest and insightful interviews yet, discussing a number of interesting topics...

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John Stewart On The Evils Of Progressivism

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Jon Stewart parodies Glenn Beck's tirade against Progressives.

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Note To Fox: Corellation Does Not Equal Causation

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Right now large areas of the United States are blanketed by a snowstorm, and as predictable as the eventual accumulation of flies on a turd, the conservatives have come out of the woodwork to champion these atypical weather events as "proof" that there is no global warming. Rachael Maddow and Bill Nye respond to the current trend using some amusing analogies...

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Jon Stewart v Keith Olbermann

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[News Media]
In an amusing and insightful twist, Jon Stewart calls out Keith Olbermann on his over-the-top use of ad hominems against right wingers... and Keith responds..

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Christopher Hitchens Answers Internet Users' Questions

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Christopher Hitchens tackles an array of eclectic questions solicited from Internet users of the site Reddit. As a result you get some provocative and insightful questions and answers like what you won't see on TV.

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Pat Condell Explains How "Intolerant" Atheists Can Be

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English Freethinking comedian Pat Condell has an insightful video discussing "atheist intolerance" - a common claim by theists that non-religious people are even less tolerant than religious people, or how this new wave of "outspoken atheists" are a plague upon our normal religious society...

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Jon Stewart Does Glenn Beck

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Jon Stewart dedicates a significant portion of his show speculating on the cause of Glenn Beck's absence from a recent show, in Glenn Beck style...

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A Passionate Plea To Spend Taxpayer Money Fighting Death

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Grab a kleenex and watch this video as Keith Olbermann makes an incredibly powerful, passionate plea for healthcare reform. Obviously since he's been in the hospital tending to his very sick dad, this commentary has special meaning and purpose..

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Daily Show Lambasts CNN For Bizarre Fact Checking

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John Stewart asks, who does fact checking any more? Apparently CNN does... of SNL skits, instead of their own guests.

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Maher: Democrats Need To Find Their Inner Jerk

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Bill Maher, on his Sept 11 New Rules segment makes a good case for Obama and his administration to stop pandering to wingnuts and stop being cowards.

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Jesse Ventura On Current Events, Career Politicians And 911

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It's always fun when mainstream media has the balls to give Jesse Ventura air time and as usual, his appearance on Larry King Live is thought provoking and insightful. Check it out...

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Fox News Takes Heat For Hate Speech

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MSNBC takes the right wing media to task for their campaign against recently-murdered Kansas doctor George Tiller. Keith Olbermann suggests Fox News now be "quarantined."

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Keith Olbermann Lets Coward Sean Hannity Of The Hook

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Last month on his Fox News show, torture enthusiast Sean Hannity claimed he would agree to be waterboarded "for charity for the troops's families." MSNBC's Keith Olbermann immediately took up Hannity's pledge, offering $1,000 to charity for every second Hannity withstood waterboarding.

Over the next 30 days, Hannity went completely silent on his pledge, opting not to go anywhere near the subject of waterboarding again. Olbermann repeatedly reminded Hannity of his pledge to donate to charity in his name, but to no avail.

Last night on Countdown, Olbermann announced that he was rescinding the offer to Hannity, and instead giving $10,000 to charity following radio host Erich 'Mancow' Muller's waterboarding attempt. Olbermann promised to donate to the charity Veterans of Valor, founded by Sgt. Klay South, who administered the waterboarding to Muller. Olbermann revealed that Mancow's publicist had contacted Olbermann's show yesterday to see whether Olbermann would make a similar offer to Mancow as he did for Hannity.

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Jesse Ventura Speaks Out On Waterboarding

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We hear a lot from people who call "waterboarding", "enhanced interrogation techniques" as if it's not torture. Well ex-Governor, ex-Navy Seal Jesse Ventura was waterboarded and talks about what it really is and what it's worth, and he appears on the network thinktank known as "The View" and takes on their token wingnut blonde. Hilarity and PWNage ensue...

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Jon Stewart Dissects Conservative Fearmongering In The Media

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I haven't seen a more funny, informative and hard-hitting piece outlining the current trend of "liberal media" claiming the country is going to hell in a handbasket with Obama at the helm. Jon Stewart describes it as only he can...

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UPS Pulls Advertising From Bill O'Reilly's Show

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[Beating Dead Horses]
In what can likely be considered a victory against pompous, media-hungry wingnut bullies, ThinkProgress' campaign to fight Bill O'Reilly's circus of lies and partisan attacks has gotten UPS to pull all advertising from Bill O'Reilly's show.

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Zbigniew Brzezinski On Israel's Attack And Bush's Incompetence

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Former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski offered his expertise on the conflict in Gaza on Joe Scarborough's show, and after being badgered by Scarborough, he accused Joe of being so stunningly superficial in his analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that it's "embarassing."

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A Coin Toss Is Better Than Listening To Jim Cramer

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In a not-so-shocking analysis of one of the most-watched TV investment advisers, author Eric Tyson argues that Jim Cramer's actual stock-picking performance doesn't match the strength of his bellowing.

Besides his show Mad Money, Cramer is all over CNBC dispensing investment advice left and right. He's got to be out-performing other investment advisers and especially the market, right? Not really.

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