Christopher Hitchens Answers Internet Users' Questions

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Christopher Hitchens tackles an array of eclectic questions solicited from Internet users of the site Reddit. As a result you get some provocative and insightful questions and answers like what you won't see on TV.


Dear Mr. Hitchens,
what historical figures, events, movements, or books do you feel have been ignored, or under emphasized, in the public education of young people?

A Struggle For Power by Theodore Draper (The book he recommends)

From what I've read it seems you initially supported US led military action in Iraq and Afghanistan; do you believe that US foreign policy in Iraq and Afghanistan has had a positive or negative impact on the growth and exposure of Islamic extremism? Also, given that the countries are still plagued with problems many years after the initial invasions what direction d o you think US foreign policy should take now?


Where do you get your news?


Do you believe in some kind of free will or do you subscribe to determinism/ incompatibilism?
Sorry. Question was accidentally skipped. My fault - not Christopher's.

You've stated that the litmus test for the Obama administration is Iran. How is the president doing in this area?


You and your fellow horsemen (Dawkins Dennett and Harris) are sometimes referred to collectively as "New Atheists." What does this term mean to you? Do you embrace it, or do you hold that there is nothing particularly "new" about your breed of atheism? Also, in god is not Great you briefly mention your disapproval of Dawkins and Dennett's "Brights" movement. Are there other significant points on which you disagree with the rest of the "New Atheists?"


If you were the Prime Minister of the UK, what would you do to combat religious extremism? Also, can and should the UK government try to encourage atheism, and if so, how?


I'm a nationally-ranked policy debater in college, and despite years of debating, practice, and research, I am occasionally stumped by a question asked by my opponent. Has there ever been a question asked for which you had no good answer? And if so, what is your typical strategy in dealing with these situations?


You've called yourself a Marxist, but say you no longer consider yourself a socialist. This issue was addressed in a reason article a while ago, but could you elaborate more? For instance, is the power of the unaccountable corporation no longer a major concern for you? You've also been eerily silent on the health care debate (as far as I know), why? *palsh7 has identified the essence of the question: "what consensus exist(s) between Socialism and Libertarianism?"


Your speaking style is very unlike the norm today -- elevated yet accessible, aggressive but still entertaining. What goes into achieving this effect? Are there any other speakers or schools of rhetoric you draw from especially? What do you think of the state of rhetoric and public debate in America?


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