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Why Libertarianism Is More A Religion Than A Political System

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American libertarians are less a political party and more like a fundamentalist religious group who believe that the free market is their lord and savior. Here's why their platform might sound charmingly weird in theory, but in practice it's harmful.

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Best Buy Was Paid By FBI To Report On Customer's Computers

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Records posted Tuesday by the Electronic Frontier Foundation following a freedom of information lawsuit filed last year reveal that federal agents would pay Geek Squad managers who pass on information about illegal materials on devices sent in by customers for repairs.

The relationship goes back at least ten years, according to documents released as a result of the lawsuit.

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How America Got Into Its Economic and Social Mess

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Noted economist, Robert Reich outlines his "Big picture" of what's happened to America over the last 80+ years and where we're going. A simple, yet powerful outline of the path and trajectory our country has been headed..

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How The Hillary Campaign Destroyed Trump in the Debates

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Washington Post columnist, Ezra Klein dissects Hillary Clinton's performance in the three 2016 presidential debates and outlines exactly what the Clinton campaign did to Trump. Many people think Trump sabotaged himself, but upon Klein's interesting analysis, it becomes obvious that the Clinton campaign did their homework and were masterful in orchestrating the train wreck that was the GOP implosion. See for yourself..

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Internet Talk: Oregon Domest Terrorist Leaders Captured

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As the "Oregon Militia" leaders became more relaxed and emboldened to wander freely in the area near the wildlife refuse in Oregon they "occupied", the Feds swept in and arrested most of the leaders.

In response the Internet comments have been pretty funny, here is a collection of some of the best...

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Government Attacks Scientist After He Discovers Pesticide Issues

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Until fairly recently, Jonathan Lundgren enjoyed a stellar career as a government scientist. An entomologist who studies how agrichemicals affect the ecology of farm fields, he has published nearly 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals since starting at the US Department of Agricultures Agricultural Research Service laboratory in Brookings, South Dakota, in 2005. By 2012, he had won the ARSs "Outstanding Early Career Research Scientist" award, and directorship of his own lab.

But recently, things have changed. His work has "triggered an official campaign of harassment, hindrance, and retaliation" from his superiors..

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Moyers: The GOP Is Leading A Seccession

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This week’s government shutdown has consequences for all of us, costing an estimated $300 million each day that the government is closed for business. Many Americans have voiced their frustrations with the fallout from the shutdown on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using the hash tag #DearCongress. Here, Bill Moyers shares his own frustrations, admonishing the Republican Party for holding the country hostage via an irrational “ransom list” of demands — while sabotaging democracy in the process. “When the President refused to buckle to this extortion, they threw their tantrum,” Bill says. ”Like the die-hards of the racist South a century and a half ago, who would destroy the union before giving up their slaves, so would these people burn down the place, sink the ship.” He goes on to tell us where the “reckless ambition” of the Republicans could lead us.

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Actually The US Government Has Been Shut Down For 2 Years?

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As the American people ask if the Republican party has lost their freakin minds in the wake of protesting a law that's been legal for several years yet set to take effect this week. Their bluff of shutting down the government this week reveals that perhaps, they've already shut the government down and nobody noticed? Here's an incredibly insightful piece on just what's been going on in Washington over the last 4+ years...

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Senior US Federal Attorney Is Outed On Public Messageboard

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The US Attorney General for Louisiana, Jim Letten, announced today that one of his top prosecutors has been using the handle "Henry L. Mencken1951" to criticize a local landfill owner and a raft of other local and national figures, including federal judges, in the comments section on Louisiana's Times-Picayune website. Perricone "readily admitted" using the pseudonym, and the matter has been referred to the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility, Letten said.

And what does a US Fed utter when he thinks he's protected by anonymity? Will this issue create a controversy over whether or not someone commenting publicly under an alias can be construed as an ethical conflict of interest?

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Stephen Colbert Weighs In On HBGary Scandal

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Stephen Colbert explains the details of the recent scandal involving a private security firm who was working on attacking Wikileaks in order to discredit them... which backfired horribly..

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Obama: Be Prepared For New Wave Of Anonymous Attack Ads

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In his weekly address, President Obama discusses the Republican Power Grab - this is an important, short video worth watching that will shed light on the coming mayhem of the mid-term elections.

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Obama Responds To GOP Talking Points For Point

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President Obama traveled to a House Republican retreat in Baltimore on Friday and delivered a performance that was at once defiant, substantive and engaging. For roughly an hour and a half, Obama lectured GOP leaders and, in a protracted, nationally-televised question-and-answer session, deflected their policy critiques, corrected their misstatements and scolded them for playing petty politics. Check out the video.

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Barney Frank Answers Real Questions About Government

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What happens when a United States Representative answers honestly about pending bills and legislation and "partisanship" in Washington? You get the real deal.. check it out - the 5 minute long explanations of how government works that you'll NEVER see on the TV news...

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Jesse Ventura On Current Events, Career Politicians And 911

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It's always fun when mainstream media has the balls to give Jesse Ventura air time and as usual, his appearance on Larry King Live is thought provoking and insightful. Check it out...

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Peter Schiff: Government Is Contributing To The Depression

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The only finance guy who correctly predicted the mess the country is in has now come out commenting on the current administration's plan to address the economic crisis. As usual, Peter Schiff has some interesting things to say...

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Bill Maher On the Bailouts

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Bill Maher has released a viral video in anticipation of the season premier of his show Real Time, and as usual, he pulls no punches in addressing the current financial crisis...


Environmental Group Exposes EPA Whitewashing

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Preliminary water tests from rivers near a huge coal ash spill in Tennessee show elevated levels of pollutants such as mercury and lead, a environmental group said on Friday.

"We're concerned that the water poses a greater risk to residents in the area than has been revealed so far," said Matt Wasson, a program director at Appalachian Voices, a environmental group that coordinated the testing of the water with scientists from Appalachian State University.

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FEMA Investigates Katrina Victims' Personal Data Put Online

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Personal information on people who applied for disaster aid after Hurricane Katrina was recently published on the Web without authorization, the Federal Emergency Management Agency said.

FEMA is investigating the unauthorized posting of the names, Social Security numbers, telephone numbers, addresses and other personal information that the agency collected from applicants, FEMA announced in a news release dated Dec. 19 and modified Dec. 23. FEMA was alerted Dec. 16 to a Web site posting of a spreadsheet that contained 16,857 lines of personal information about Hurricane Katrina evacuees from the Gulf Coast to Texas, the news release states.

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The Story Of Tommy Chong - What The Feds Don't Want You To See

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Most people are aware Tommy Chong was sent to prison for being involved in a web site operation that sold drug paraphernalia to a state that prohibited such sales. They probably don't know the details of this or who was behind it. It's worth checking out...

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FDA Raises "Safe" Melamine Level In Baby Formula

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Less than two months after federal food regulators said they were unable to set a safety threshold for the industrial chemical melamine in baby formula, they announced a standard that allows for higher levels than those found in U.S.-made batches of the product.

Food and Drug Administration officials on Friday set a threshold of 1 part per million of melamine in formula, provided a related chemical isn't present. They insisted the formulas are safe.

Presumably based on the number of complaints they received from newborn babies?

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