Barney Frank Answers Real Questions About Government

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What happens when a United States Representative answers honestly about pending bills and legislation and "partisanship" in Washington? You get the real deal.. check it out - the 5 minute long explanations of how government works that you'll NEVER see on the TV news...

When will we see more widespread adoption/acceptance of medical marijuana?

Barney Responds to the perception that Democrats aren't really doing much in Congress..

Are the Democrats doing more than the Republicans to effect progressive change, or are they affected by the same dynamics all politicians pander to? Frank honestly admits "re-election fears" are a major factor that affects how Democrats vote.

Frank explains why he criticized the recent LGBT march on Washington and why he feels it's not a productive way to effect change in government.


Posted by James Smith on 2013-12-26 12:05:53
While Barney Frank is probably better than most, but that's a weak comparison.

As with all politicians, there is only one rule, "Get (re)elected."

Everything they think do or say must pass only one filter. "Will this help e get elected?" Nothing else matter. Not truth, the good of their constituents, the good of the country, or even simple human decency.

The only solution for that is a one-term limit of perhaps 6 years for all elected or appointed officials. There is an essay about that at:

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