Zbigniew Brzezinski On Israel's Attack And Bush's Incompetence

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Former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski offered his expertise on the conflict in Gaza on Joe Scarborough's show, and after being badgered by Scarborough, he accused Joe of being so stunningly superficial in his analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that it's "embarassing."

If you'd like to know a lot more than Joe Scarborough does about the Israel-Palestine conflict watch this movie Occupation 101:


the host reads propaganda
Posted by haha on 2009-01-03 11:02:15
and it means something.

the newspapers here in Minnesota wrote that Hamas used rocket attacks to get sympathetic PR when Israel retaliated.

of course the pundit was bs'ing when he said that the US was neutral since the US gives plenty of military aid to Israel.

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