"Godless" Washington Dollars Cause Excitement

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What first seemed like a vast "left-wing conspiracy" as reported by some weirdo conservative bloggers has turned into a windfall for some opportunists in select Southeastern states. The U.S. Mint has accidentally let about 50,000 new gold Washington $1 coins get into circulation without the words, "In God We Trust". Collectors and godless heathens are snapping these things up on eBay with the $1 coins going for as much as $600.

On the down side, there appears to be a lot of these coins in circulation, and the mistake relates to the printing not being stamped on the edge of the coins. This promises to be a pretty easy thing to forge, so expect to see tons of these "godless" coins that are merely regular coins with the edge sanded down.

An unknown number of new George Washington dollar coins were mistakenly struck without their edge inscriptions, including "In God We Trust," and made it past inspectors and into circulation, the U.S. Mint said Wednesday.

The properly struck dollar coins, bearing the likeness of George Washington, are inscribed along the edge with "In God We Trust," "E Pluribus Unum" and the year and mint mark. They went into circulation Feb. 15.

The mint struck 300 million of the coins, which are golden in color and slightly larger and thicker than a quarter.

About half were made in Philadelphia and the rest in Denver. So far the mint has only received reports of error coins coming from Philadelphia, mint spokeswoman Becky Bailey said.

Bailey said it was unknown how many coins didn't have the inscriptions. Ron Guth, president of Professional Coin Grading Service, one of the world's largest coin authentication companies, said he believes that at least 50,000 error coins were put in circulation.

"The first one sold for $600 before everyone knew how common they actually were," he said. "They're going for around $40 to $60 on eBay now, and they'll probably settle in the $50 range."


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