What Fashion Magazines Do To Model Pictures

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While you're browsing the beauty magazines in the checkout, do you ever wonder if the photo on the cover is ANYTHING like reality? Jezebel.com shows us truth and beauty magazines are quite a ways separate.



A rose is a rose is a photoshopped rose
Posted by wizeGurl on 2007-07-21 11:54:34
And guys wonder why they can't find a woman like the ones on the magazine covers? And women wonder why they can't lose enough weight to have those super-long concentration-camp arms?

It's tough when your standards of beauty involve massive amounts of Photoshop. Too bad they can't bottle it and sell it at the cosmetics counters.
Posted by Johnny Sane on 2007-08-15 13:24:15
Personally, I'd rather see photos of someone who looks like a real person, rather than a slightly animated Barbie doll.
This sort of "heroin chic" look is unnecessary, unrealistic, and unhealthy for women with self-image issues.

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