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The Bitcoin Bedtime Story

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How do you explain crypto currency to your kids?

Well, here's a hearwarming story you can tell them...

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Discovery Channel Should Change Its Name To "Shark Bullshit" Ch

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The Discovery Channel's obsessive quest for ratings has caused one of its most popular series of programming: shows about sharks, to veer deep into bullshit territory. Now the channel routinely just makes stuff up and doesn't apologize for it. Check out this expose of the Discovery Channel's foray into deception..

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Fighting Back Against Cardmember Services Telemarketers

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If you have not been annoyed by this operation, consider yourself lucky, but many people know what it's like to get the "Rachel from Cardmember Services" (Bridget or another phony name) robo-call repeatedly to their telephones. The group behind this operation uses social engineering to con random callers out of their credit card numbers, SSN and other personal information under the guise of helping them get a lower interest rate on their credit card debt.

The FTC is actively trying to track down this group and not apparently having much luck. But a group online has managed to ID these people and can use your help to bring them to justice.

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Texas Lawyer Latest Victim Of "Internet Idiot Tax"

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Houston lawyer Richard T. Howell Jr., whose firm was scammed out of $182,500 by a client who contacted and hired him through e-mail, says he is talking publicly about the situation so he can prevent other Texas lawyers from making the same mistakes.

"I'm a capital 'D' Dumbass," says Howell, who has practiced law for 23 years and is a partner in Buckley, White, Castaneda & Howell.

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Huckabee Says It's On Like Donkey Kong

Posted by ueberbill (11008 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

In what is shaping up to be a battle royale of right-wing wingnuts, Mike Huckabee has said he would consider making a run for the presidency yet again in 2012. The man who proved that being very religiously conservative will hurt you amongst Republican conservatives almost as much as NOT being religiously conservative will says that he's envious of Gov. Sarah Palin's meteoric rise to her current position as the favored conservative to lose to then-President Obama in 2012. Let's get ready to rumble!

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New Pet Service Provides Your Loved Ones Post-Rapture Vittles

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Those that believe Jesus is coming any day have probably not taken time to consider a very important quandary: Little Fluffy won't be joining you alongside our heavenly father upon your ascension. Yes, Heaven has a "no pets" rule according to scripture.

But all is not lost! A group of atheists have graciously offered to ensure your little muffin will be well cared for when Jesus comes to take you to where you deserve to be...

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New iPhone App "I Am Rich" Does Nothing, Costs $999

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Apple recently pulled an application from their online store called, "I am rich". This $999 program users could download and install on their iPhone seemed to do nothing more than add a glowing red icon to their display. But this didn't stop 8 people from buying the application, including six people from the United States, one from Germany and one from France.

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Consumers Fall For Goofy Gas-Saving Devices

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[Faulty Products]
Cracked has put together a list of the most retarded "fuel economy"-increasing devices being marketed. Hopefully you and your friends have not wasted money on these goofy, fraudulent gadgets.

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Can Jim Cramer Be More Of A Laughing Stock? Probably

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He might be the most celebrated stock picker on TV, but many say Jim Cramer got it wrong and some have renewed an older criticism of the television host: Small investors who follow Cramer stand to lose big.

Jim Cramer, host of CNBC's Mad Money is now something of a laughingstock, after telling viewers on March 11th not to "move" their "money" from Bear Stearns.

He told viewers: "Don't move your money from Bear! That's just being silly! Don't be silly!"

Cramer and CNBC have defended his statements, arguing that Cramer's assertions on the bank were in reference to a viewer's question on Bear Stearns' liquidity, not its stock prices.


"US Copyright Registry" Scam E-Mail Circulating

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Today my network operator got an interesting e-mail from the official-sounding "US Copyright Registry" implying that "If you disregard this notice or fail to reply.. the United States Patent and Trademark office will NOT be liable for infringement of your website, interruption of business activity or business losses."

This latest scheme seems intended to scare domain holders into thinking they need some additional services be paid to this official sounding company, selling "copyright registration" - likely charging you an arm and a leg to mail a form you could do yourself, which many people argue makes very little difference.

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