The Latest Craze To Hit Japan: Fresh Air!

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
Exhausted Japanese workers in need of a pick-me-up will soon be able to get a hit of canned oxygen at their local convenience store.

Seven-Eleven Japan will start marketing the new product, "O2 Supli," at select stores in the Tokyo area later this month and expand sales nationwide in June.

"People are under a lot of stress and can't get much exercise, so they aren't getting enough oxygen," said Minoru Matsumoto, a spokesman for Seven & I Holdings Co Ltd, Seven-Eleven's parent company.

"This is especially true of people who do long hours of desk work in front of a computer. They don't breathe that deeply."

The oxygen will be sold for 600 yen ($5.50) in 3.2-liter spray cans of 95 percent pure oxygen, each of which comes with a small plastic mask attached to the top.

Users place the mask over their mouth and nose, then push a nozzle, which dispenses the oxygen for two to three seconds.

Each can contains enough oxygen for about 35 doses, in either a grapefruit or peppermint fragrance.



Ahh....Fresh Air....imported from...
Posted by Joseph on 2006-05-22 10:20:31
.........Druidia, of course!!!

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