Machete-Wielding Clowns Terrorize Park

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Police are on the lookout for members of a machete-wielding gang in angry clown make-up after a rampage that left nearly two dozen people injured in a park in Washington state.

Somehow, we always sensed that clowns were dangerous.

The group said they were "juggalos," devotees of the Detroit-based rap-metal group Insane Clown Posse. They attacked and robbed visitors to Fort Steilacoom Park while shouting "Woo, woo, juggalo!" to each other, according to court documents. The evil clowns took cash, wallets and cell phones from terrified park visitors.

Prosecutors charged three people with assault and robbery last week, but police said they are searching for another eight to 10 suspects who took part in the crime circus.

Maybe they should look for extra-large feet and dust for greasepaint.

More details.


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