Medication For Your Car?

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[Faulty Products]
One of the latest ads sweeping the Internet is a "gas pill" marketed by Fuel Freedom International. Fuel Freedom International says dropping a $2 MPG-Cap in your tank with every fill up will increase mileage by 10 percent or 20 percent. When expert with AAA checked out the pill, the results were not as advertised.

The Environmental Protection Agency has not tested MPG-Caps, but it has tested more than 100 other gadgets and additives that say they will save gas and has found they do not work.

"Those kind of claims, we have yet to find any kind of device or additive that can produce that type of result," said Joni Lupovitz of the Federal Trade Commission.

This doesn't apparently stop stupid consumers from believing otherwise.



MPG Caps Gunk Product Recall
Posted by Chris on 2006-09-25 06:45:30
The stupid consumers believe it works because theyre earning an income from promoting the pyramid scam er mlm scheme. Eventually the bubble will burst, or the FTC will step in.

The MPG Caps don't work by the way. I've tested them. Wish I hadn't though. Alarming details of engine blockage by MPG Caps gunk, as posted on and other boards is worrying.

There's supposed to have been a product recall of MPG - Caps that won't dissolve, but as yet I find no evidence of any recall on their websites. That's bad for business.
Works for me
Posted by Craig on 2006-12-21 08:37:48
I was introduced to the MPG CAPS during a trip to Los Angeles. I drove from Houston, Texas to LA. When I got there an old friend gave them to me and on my way back I got 7 to 8 extra miles per gallon and I continue to get great results.

My truck runs better too. I have been using the product (MPG CAPS) since October and the results remain the same.
IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by marcial on 2007-06-28 00:07:52
At the beginning a friend told me about the MPG Caps and i didnt care to use them...after he told me that they actually work i began to use them my self...and i went from 250 miles per tank to 340 to 345 miles per tank and ive been using it for 4 months now and the results have remained on that average 340-345 miles per tank.
CONTACT ME and ill tell you and prove it that it works! 786-298-9936


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