PATH: BS | Society | Activists

The Bernie Sanders Youth Revolution Didnt Show Up For Super Tues

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It may be time to admit that young people's support does not automatically translate to young people's votes.

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What I Learned Reading the NZ Shooter's Manifesto

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The mainstream Internet has gone out of its way to scrub any reference to the Christchurch shooter's manifesto from the Internet. While I can appreciate the desire to not make terrorists famous and as a side effect validate their atrocious activities, I think this pales in comparison to a select group of institutions deciding what is and isn't appropriate content for my adult brain to absorb, process, and compute on its own.

Therefore I took the arduous task of navigating the minefield of censorship to read the NZ Shooter's so-called "manifesto" and report what I learned... because if I linked the whole thing, chances are, this site would be erased from most Western search engines. (Yay freedom of speech!)

Note that we here at BSA are completely in favor of any site exercising their right to restrict their systems from promoting hate speech and intolerance. But it's also important to call attention to what is motivating these people - this is a key to how to stop them, and sometimes that requires diving deep into their cesspool. So here are our thoughts on this...

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Dale Hansen on "Responsible Gun Owners"

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[News Media]
Dallas sportscaster, Dale Hansen steps away from the sports desk to deliver an insightful yet scathing monologue on the country's current inability to address the increasing domestic terrorist problem.

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#MeToo Movement Wins A Few Battles, Losing War

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While the mainstream media focuses on today's accused sexual harasser, are women overall losing the war? Are they being distracted and misdirected at low-hanging-fruit? A very insightful editorial published in the New York Times raises the question...

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The Difference Between An Imperfect Friend And A Deadly Enemy

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Bill Maher on the myth of the "lesser of two evils" which tends to turn off liberal voters, especially those who were butthurt that Bernie did not get the nomination, and instead stayed home instead of voting for the Democratic nominee. We all have reaped what they sowed, and Bill has something to say about it...

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"All Lives Matter" is this generation's "Support Our Troops"

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
Maybe you've said it? Maybe you've had a friend say it? "ALL lives matter!"

It's a great way to prove a point, but are you really proving a point, or are you merely trying to silence someone or something that makes you feel uncomfortable?

This isn't the first time we've run into this...

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Thank You Jon Stewart!

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[News Media]
We here at BSAlert want to wish one of the very highest-quality human beings on the planet great fortune on their continued journey. We are very saddened to see Jon depart from the Daily Show and hope he will still be a regular fixture in media and continue to bless us with his unique take on society.

Here is Jon Stewart's farewell message, one which we especially appreciate, on the importance of identifying and dealing with.... Bullshit!

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"Understanding" The Rebel Confederate Flag

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Here's my take on the rebel flag controversy... I think people on both sides of the issue have some valid points, BUT the points are not equal in terms of pros/cons.

My first impression when I heard news that there was talk to outlaw the flag was, "Great, this will come in handy the next time someone kills nine people with a rebel flag. :/

(read more)

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Posted by Pile (11532 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Beating Dead Horses]
With the rampant rages in the social media circles over everything from living wages to police brutality, there's a growing air of discontent brewing in American culture.

Unfortunately, it's always been there.

And it reminds of what John and Yoko said almost half a century ago, "War is over (if you want it)."

Those simple words hold such power and meaning, and it seems people today still don't understand what they meant.

I was prompted to use my horrible Photoshop skills to expand their message and inject a new meme into the social landscape... feel free to share....

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ISIS: Don't Get Fooled Again

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I'm not one to jump on the meme bandwagon, but I'd like to see this idea propagate. When it all comes down to it, ISIS/ISIL is not a threat to America any more than the mythological "WMDs" Saddam Hussein supposedly had. Let's make sure our fellow Americans are reminded of the mistakes of the past so we're not doomed to repeat them.

If you have a cool graphic that also illustrates this point, let us know and we'll feature it here.

Here's ours:

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Open Carry And Suburbia

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[Beating Dead Horses]
I can't help but think... why do gun nuts always choose to "exercise their 2A rights" in cozy, whitebread, surburban establishments like Starbucks, Home Depot and Chipotle?

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Edward Snowden Interviewed By German TV

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This past Sunday evening former NSA contractor Edward Snowden sat down for an interview with German television network ARD. The interview has been intentionally blocked from the US public, with virtually no major broadcast news outlets covering this story. In addition, the video has been taken down almost immediately every time it’s posted on YouTube.

In contrast, this was treated as a major political event in both print and broadcast media, in Germany, and across much of the world. In the interview, Mr. Snowden lays out a succinct case as to how these domestic surveillance programs undermine and erode human rights and democratic freedom.

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Moyers: The GOP Is Leading A Seccession

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This week’s government shutdown has consequences for all of us, costing an estimated $300 million each day that the government is closed for business. Many Americans have voiced their frustrations with the fallout from the shutdown on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using the hash tag #DearCongress. Here, Bill Moyers shares his own frustrations, admonishing the Republican Party for holding the country hostage via an irrational “ransom list” of demands — while sabotaging democracy in the process. “When the President refused to buckle to this extortion, they threw their tantrum,” Bill says. ”Like the die-hards of the racist South a century and a half ago, who would destroy the union before giving up their slaves, so would these people burn down the place, sink the ship.” He goes on to tell us where the “reckless ambition” of the Republicans could lead us.

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A Soldier's Last Words

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Daniel Somers was a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He was part of Task Force Lightning, an intelligence unit. In 2004-2005, he was mainly assigned to a Tactical Human-Intelligence Team (THT) in Baghdad, Iraq, where he ran more than 400 combat missions as a machine gunner in the turret of a Humvee, interviewed countless Iraqis ranging from concerned citizens to community leaders and and government officials, and interrogated dozens of insurgents and terrorist suspects. In 2006-2007, Daniel worked with Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) through his former unit in Mosul where he ran the Northern Iraq Intelligence Center. His official role was as a senior analyst for the Levant (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, and part of Turkey). Daniel suffered greatly from PTSD and had been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and several other war-related conditions. On June 10, 2013, Daniel wrote the following letter to his family before taking his life. Daniel was 30 years old. His wife and family have given permission to publish it.


Christopher Dorner's Manifesto

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The ex-LAPD cop who was accused of going on a murder spree left behind a bewildering array of notes and messages some are calling his "manifesto". Here it is in its entirety...

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KONY 2012 - Antiterrorism Campaign or Elaborate Scam?

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What is the connection between an American independent filmmaker and a Ugandan guerrilla group leader? See the short film he made to explain, and watch one guy's attempt to, in no uncertain terms, change the course of human history... which some say is little more than a viral advertisement for a shady charity that favors one dictatorship over another?

And then what happens when the Internet proper does due-diligence on the filmmakers and fact-checks what's really going on in Africa? Is there just one bad guy, or a bunch, including several administrations using African warlords as a way to whip up military intervention to secure oil reserves?

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Jon Stewart: Our Founding Fathers' War On Christmas?

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Once again, it's that time of the year, where various wingnutty pundits pronounce the evils of a secular "war on Christmas" and how the fabric of their way of life is under constant threat because someone has the audacity to say "holiday" instead of "christmas." Jon Stewart explores this conflict, and investigates what the pilgrims and America's founding founding fathers had to say about it.

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Colorado Makes Bold Move To Curtail Corporate Influences

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In the wake of the Occupy Wall Street movements and the overhwhelming backlash against the "corportization of America" and the corruption of its political process, there may be some signs of actual change.

Boulder, Colorado adopted a resolution by a three-to-one margin, calling for the U.S. Congress to amend the U.S. Constitution to say that corporations are not people and money is not speech, and 6 Senators introduced a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. Have corporations overplayed their hand - is the backlash now underway?

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On Wall Street The Revolution Will Be Televised

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Since Sept 17th, there's been a peaceful demonstration, "occupation" of Wall Street in New York City by people who are fed up with Corporate America running the country and society into the ground. While the mainstream media continues to ignore the issue, it's becoming viral online in a bit way. Watch the protests live online!

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Joe Rogan: The Problem In America Is Dumb People

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Joe Rogan lays out an interesting diatribe that explains why he thinks America is messed up...

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Egypt: We Will Not Be Silenced!

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Egyptian protester Tamer Shaaban has created a video that's going viral online as fast as it's getting flagged and removed. Check out this poignant illustration of what happens when the divide between the government and the people becomes too wide to handle...

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Christopher Hitchens Answers Internet Users' Questions

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Christopher Hitchens tackles an array of eclectic questions solicited from Internet users of the site Reddit. As a result you get some provocative and insightful questions and answers like what you won't see on TV.

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Rachael Maddow: The Decade Gave Her Show Its Mission

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MSNBC's Rachael Maddow discusses how her show evolved over the last decade and what service it provides to people seeking some clarity in the fog that is mainstream media.

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Healthcare Activist Released From Jail Against His Will

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On Thursday, Sam Pullen was arrested at the Los Angeles offices of the insurance giant Blue Cross. He refused to give his information to police and vowed to remain in prison until Blue Cross agreed to hear demands that it stop denying doctor-recommended medical treatment to seriously ill patients. Despite his resistance, Pullen was finally ordered released from jail on Monday, against his will.

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Everything Is OK

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Reverse psychology proves to be an effective protest technique in the hands of these ingenious Englishmen...

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One Man Stands Up To The Wingnut Protesters

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When you think the left has no balls, take a look at this video of a single brave man who had the guts to show up at one of Glenn Beck's coalition of crazy people holding a sign that says, "Public Option Now!"

After being attacked and spit upon, he eventually completes his march through the protest with the help of several armed policemen. It's pretty amazing to watch the amount of hatred and vitriol spewed at this guy who is merely expressing an opinion.

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A fun viral video series floating around the net is a show we like called, "Bogosity". We interviewed producer Shane Killian for a future podcast and thought we might introduce you to this neat show...

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Backlash Against Mormons Over Prop 8 Looms Large

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After spending more than $20 Million to lobby for the passage of Proposition 8 in California, which retroactively banned gay marriage and nullified 20,000 existing marriages, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as "The Mormons" is catching quite a lot of backlash, from campaigns to revoke the church's tax-exempt status to calls to boycott the entire state of Utah!

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Election 2008: Win For Dems, Fundies; Huge Failure For Gays

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While everybody is celebrating (or whining about) Obama's victory, they might have missed the fallout from the election from various religious campaigns. Namely an array of propositions passed all across the United States banning gay marriage and even restricting same-sex couples from adopting unwanted children.

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Opie For Obama?

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This has to be one of the most amusing campaign ads I've seen....

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Sara Silverman Worries Jews May Screw Up Election

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There's a sinister demographic group that apparently has the capacity to screw up the future of the United States according to Sara Silverman: The Jews. And they need to get on board before it's too late and she needs YOUR help!

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Slacker Uprising Movie Released Online

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Michael Moore's latest movie is not in theaters. It's online and you can download and watch the first free online release of a major motion picture.

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Democratic Protesters Don't Show Fox News Any Love

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[News Media]
Check out this video of Fox News reporter trying to interview protesters at the Democratic National Convention... this made it to live TV?

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Wal-Mart Tells Employees They'll Lose Their Job If Obama Wins

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Wal-Mart Stores Inc said on Friday it has held meetings with U.S. store managers warning them of issues that could arise if Democrats win power and pass a law that would make it easier for workers to unionize, but stressed it was not telling workers how to vote.

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Help Contact the Media and Demand Coverage Of Impeachment

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[News Media]
Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich announced that his impeachment resolution against President George W. Bush will be heard before the House Judiciary Committee on Friday.

He's asking that everyone petition the mainstream media to COVER THIS HISTORICAL EVENT - we need your help! - contact names, numbers and e-mail addresses are here.

"I want to thank you for the support which you have given to my efforts to hold this administration accountable for taking us into a war based on lies, and for the destruction of the rule of law and the destruction of cherished Constitutional principles," Kucinich said.

He will make the case, he continued, that the President has violated his oath of office, violated U.S. and international law, has separated our nation from our Constitution, and has threatened the democratic core of our nation.

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Obama Bashing, Extra Crispy State Farm Style

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A friend of mine sent these pictures to me, taken by someone in Louisiana. I wonder what State Farm Corporate thinks of this? And it's further ironic considering what this insurance company did to residents in the region post-Katrina.

I had to personally drive out and verify this. Yes, it's there.

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July 4 2008: A Declaration For Our Times

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A group of so-called "rabble rousers" have placed an ad in today's New York Times... it's well worth a read...

“We the people of the United States,” the first words of the Constitution, make it clear that our government was established to serve the people. Our Constitution contains checks and balances to prevent abuses of power, and our Bill of Rights limits government in order to guarantee fundamental rights and liberties. Today the "War on Terror" undermines those crucial limits on power that our Constitution promises. Congress's complicity in this war has enabled constitutional violations of including warrantless surveillance, torture, indefinite detention, and preemptive war.

Fighting against one violation at a time fragments our movement. It is time to unite to face the common source of these problems.

See the video and the actual ad placed.

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Hitchens After Being Waterboarded Now Claims It's Torture

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Want to know if waterboarding is torture? Ask Christopher Hitchens. Previously, this outspoken writer and atheist has taken the atypical view among his contemporaries that the war against those in the middle east was not necessarily a bad thing, and that water boarding was not torture.

That is... until he took the challenge to experience it first hand...

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Before You Enlist: A Short Film About Recruitment Realities

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Before You Enlist! provides a rational voice to counter the seductive and often deceptive recruiting practices of the U.S. military. The message is not "don't enlist" but rather to provide young people and their families a more complete picture of the life-altering consequences of joining the military especially in wartime.


RIP: George Carlin

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We here at BSalert mourn the passing of one of the world's greatest comedians; one of the world's greatest human beings - a man who found a unique way to make people think about interesting, important and controversial issues that others were too afraid to talk about.

We will miss you George - let's take a look at some of your work...

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What It's Really Like At A John McCain "Town Hall Meeting"

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From DailyKOS comes, "Yesterday, I drove to New Jersey, quietly stood on line which ushered me into the Community College Auditorium in Pemberton, picked a good spot on the third level of benches, pretended to clap and applaud when John McCain said stupid things which I didn't agree with, all with the hopes of being called on by one of the McCain staffers holding a microphone. I was oh so close. I was next on the other side of the auditorium when McCain abruptly ended the supposedly open town hall where he allegedly takes tough questions after 1 questioner, who only got called on because his nine year old kid was next to him, asked McCain about Bin Laden."

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Richard Dawkins appears on Bill Maher's Show

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Richard Dawkins appears on "Real Time" with Bill Maher - check out the video.

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Moore: Hillary Sounds Like A Bigot Stoking The Fire Of Stupidity

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Michael Moore has broken his silence on the issue of whom he supports for President. After watching the debacle that was ABC's Democratic Debate, he felt compelled to take a stand in contrast to what many people thought...

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Tim Robbins Tells National Ass. Broadcasters: Enough is Enough!

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Even as he came on stage to give the keynote address at the National Association of Broadcasters Show in Las Vegas, it was obvious that Tim Robbins' remarks had caused controversy backstage. The Academy Award-winning actor and critically acclaimed screenwriter, director and producer first indicated to the audience that he would not be giving his speech. Then, floor agents of the NAB organizers ordered journalists' video cameras turned off. An NAB spokesman later said Mr. Robbins contract had a "no filming" clause. Ultimately, Mr. Robbins changed his mind and started talking. However, some still recorded the audio and we have it. Listen to the six best minutes of the speech.


Lost Generation

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How clever and moving can a simple video be? Check this out...

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CIA Expert Fired For Doing His Job Too Well

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He was the CIA's expert on Pakistan's nuclear secrets, but Rich Barlow was thrown out and disgraced when he blew the whistle on a US cover-up. Now he's to have his day in court.

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Montel Williams On Fox Morning Show: Enough Heath Ledger!

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[News Media]
It's ironic that talk show host Montel Williams is the one to bring actual "news" to a show about news. Let's watch as he turns the Fox hosts' conversation from another hollywood actor who OD'd to more important social and political matters like soldiers dying in Iraq.

UPDATE: Montel Williams has lost his job because of this!!

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Beware! They're Coming To Your Town!

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The American Family Association has recently discovered a vast conspiracy. Now they're issuing DVDs to help protect people against the coming invasion!

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MTV Refuses To Air *Buy Nothing Day* Ad

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Adbusters, in order to call attention to rampant consumerism, has been promoting the idea of "Buy Nothing Day" on November 23rd. They wanted to run their advertisement on MTV but the network refused! See the controversial ad MTV was too chicksh*t to run, and consider not being a consumer sheep on November 23.


Senate Wastes Time/Money Slapping Wrist of

Posted by Pile (11292 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death EstimatorHaving addressed all the nation's other issues, Congress now has time to waste passing meaningless resolutions saying they don't like stuff, such as activist group's recent ad calling Bush administration war spokesman, David Petraeus, a sell-out for not telling the truth about the surge's "progress."

In a classic case of Attack the messenger, ignore the message, conservative groups are going after, the New York Times and everybody in between, meanwhile the war rages on and the truth is lost in between the latest report on OJ, and those who disgree being called unpatriotic and fascist.

The Senate just told you to sit down and be quiet! What are you going to do about it?


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