On Wall Street The Revolution Will Be Televised

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Since Sept 17th, there's been a peaceful demonstration, "occupation" of Wall Street in New York City by people who are fed up with Corporate America running the country and society into the ground. While the mainstream media continues to ignore the issue, it's becoming viral online in a bit way. Watch the protests live online!

Global Revolution brings you live stream video coverage from independent journalists on the ground at nonviolent protests around the world. The team includes members of Mobile Broadcast News, Glassbead Collective, Twin Cities Indymedia and the alt.media ninjas that brought you Terrorizing Dissent and Democracy 101 documentaries. Currently broadcasting from #OccupyWallStreet protests in NYC that began on Saturday, Sept 17, 2011. Please donate to equip our live video team:http://tinyurl.com/occupywslive


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