Egypt: We Will Not Be Silenced!

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Egyptian protester Tamer Shaaban has created a video that's going viral online as fast as it's getting flagged and removed. Check out this poignant illustration of what happens when the divide between the government and the people becomes too wide to handle...


Posted by richard on 2011-02-01 00:13:36
that is so powerful
Posted by Paul T on 2011-02-04 20:49:21
Great video. I am so tired of hearing the US media focus on the economic impact of the Egyptian revolution (on us). It's about freedom. Isn't the price of 80 million people getting their freedom from an oppressive regime worth almost any price? I think so. Let's think of the Egyptians first as fellow humans, people who want basic human rights: freedom and happiness. A lot of other things then dwarf in perspective.

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