Lost Generation

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How clever and moving can a simple video be? Check this out...


Posted by DON on 2008-04-22 12:25:55
Really neat and VERY moving
They Are Not Lost!
Posted by carouselle on 2008-05-18 17:33:16
Thanks to the internet, the young people of this generation are the most savvy, well-informed in my memory. Instead of being spoon-fed lies generated and approved by those who would wish to keep us in the dark and completely ignorant, these young people have access to truth, in all it's gory details. They are not the brainwashed, robotic humans we've been churning out in this country for the last 60yrs. Thanks to the internet they now have access to the truth and because of that, I have hope that they will make a difference and affect changes for the betterment of this country and indeed the whole world!

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