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[Beating Dead Horses]
With the rampant rages in the social media circles over everything from living wages to police brutality, there's a growing air of discontent brewing in American culture.

Unfortunately, it's always been there.

And it reminds of what John and Yoko said almost half a century ago, "War is over (if you want it)."

Those simple words hold such power and meaning, and it seems people today still don't understand what they meant.

I was prompted to use my horrible Photoshop skills to expand their message and inject a new meme into the social landscape... feel free to share....

And no article would be complete without some snark:


So True
Posted by wizeGurl on 2014-12-09 13:00:11
You get the world you want. Most European countries have FREE university tuition--because they want educated citizens. And universal health care, because they want healthy citizens. And high taxes, because they want all citizens to pay their fair share of these great benefits.

Apparently, in the U.S., we want racism and totally open access to guns (and the fun things that come from that combination). USA! USA! USA!

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