PATH: Humor

Weird Al Moderates Another Debate

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In a beautifully-timed and incredibly-edited video, Weird Al Yankovic shows up two weeks before the election with a video about Trump and Hillary. Check it out..

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Top 8 Advantages Of A Donald Trump Presidency

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It's not looking good for Trump these days with all the controversy at the Republican National Convention. It's really a shame, and in the spirit of solidarity, I'd like to make people aware of some advantages of a Trump presidency.. so buckle up and check out our Top 8 list..

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Breaking News: BSAlert Style

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[News Media]
The Onion ran this piece and we found it too hilarious and poignant at the time. They dissect the anatomy of a filler "news" story. This is another great way to inoculate yourself against the formulaic media programming.

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Top 8 Reasons Why Your Rebel "Heritage" Flag Is Bullshit

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[Beating Dead Horses]
With all this "controversy" we feel it's important to give at least eight solid reasons why your "heritage not hate" campaign is complete bullshit, so hold onto your pitchforks and check out this exclusive list...

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Top 8 Differences Between the Dept of Motor Vehicles and Hell

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This week I had the pleasure of visiting the DMV to get my license renewed, and while waiting I decided to make a list of the differences between the DMV and Hell. Granted, I haven't been to hell yet, so I'm being presumptuous, but here is my list for your enjoyment. Special thanks to Wizegurl for editing/suggestions.

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Surviving Whole Foods

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
HuffPo columnist and comedian, Kelly MacLean has written a hilarious article on Whole Foods..

Whole Foods is like Vegas. You go there to feel good but you leave broke, disoriented, and with the newfound knowledge that you have a vaginal disease.

Unlike Vegas, Whole Foods' clientele are all about mindfulness and compassion... until they get to the parking lot. Then it's war. As I pull up this morning, I see a pregnant lady on the crosswalk holding a baby and groceries. This driver swerves around her and honks. As he speeds off I catch his bumper sticker, which says 'NAMASTE'. Poor lady didn't even hear him approaching because he was driving a Prius. He crept up on her like a panther.

As the great, sliding glass doors part I am immediately smacked in the face by a wall of cool, moist air that smells of strawberries and orchids. I leave behind the concrete jungle and enter a cornucopia of organic bliss; the land of hemp milk and honey. Seriously, think about Heaven and then think about Whole Foods; they're basically the same.

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Comedy Roundup #1

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Every once in awhile we need a pick-me-up to offset the crazy stuff that seems to happen around us. So here's a nice distraction of some of my favorite comedy routines... I hope you enjoy them.

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Who Is The Real Mitt Romney?

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I've seen some pretty cool video editing in my time, but this one is quite amazing.. check out Mitt Romney doing Slim Shady!

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What Mormons "Believe"

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From the 2011 Tony Awards comes a musical number from the "Book of Mormon" musical on Broadway. Ever wonder what a Mormon believes? This is a particularly interesting issue because it's hard for the church to oppose a musical that is, technically accurate yet in its deadpan glory is off-the-hook hilarious... see for yourself!

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The Meaning Of Life

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Ever wonder what the meaning of life might be, and the rationale our creator had in giving us existence? An amusing cartoon explores one possibility...

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Jesus Christ Is Tyler Durden?

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Youtube user Dusty Smith, also known as "CultOfDusty" has produced an insightful video where he explains why people who claim they do, in actuality, do not have a "Personal Relationship with Jesus." Can a logical argument be informative and hilarious at the same time? Check it out...

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Larry King Interviews Palin About The Tea Party

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In homage to Jon Stewart's Rally To Restore Sanity, I whipped up a little dream sequence of what I might imagine a more sane interview on CNN might look like, or maybe not...

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Conan OBrian Visits Google

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Conan O'Brien visits the Google offices and hilarity ensues as he takes control of the Interview and decides to break his moratorium on being publicly funny.

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Reggie Watts: f_ck Sh_t Stack

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Comedian-Rapper Reggie Watts turns out a hilarious video parody of all other rap videos...

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John Stewart On The Evils Of Progressivism

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Jon Stewart parodies Glenn Beck's tirade against Progressives.

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Christian Call-In Prayer Show Gets "Fresh-Princed"

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It seems these people have no sympathy for the poor people of Philly who have to rely on their aunts in Bell Aire. What kind of Christians are they?

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Epic Star Wars Episode I Movie Review

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On YouTube, he goes by "Red Letter Media" - a middle-aged guy named Mike from Milwaukee who is an avid Sci-Fi fan. How avid? He put together a 70 (Yes Seventy) minute review of Star Wars Episode I - the Phantom Menace. Now you're probably thinking a 70 minute movie review must be incredibly boring. Quite the contrary... Apparently this video is a "must see" in the hollywood movie community and presents a thorough indictment against George Lucas that even the most avid Star Wars fanatic probably can't argue against. Watch and learn and be wickedly entertained.

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Jon Stewart Does Glenn Beck

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Jon Stewart dedicates a significant portion of his show speculating on the cause of Glenn Beck's absence from a recent show, in Glenn Beck style...

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Maher: Democrats Need To Find Their Inner Jerk

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Bill Maher, on his Sept 11 New Rules segment makes a good case for Obama and his administration to stop pandering to wingnuts and stop being cowards.

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Bill Maher's New Rules

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[Beating Dead Horses]
This week's "Real Time" with Bill Maher has some choice "new rules" including commentary on Sara Palin being a "rebel?" and whether or not the History Channel should change it's name to the "Poor Life Choices Network"...

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Cribs: The 21st Century Edition

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Seth Green shows us how to "live large" in the current economic climate and still come with the bling, yo!

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Bill Maher: America is not #1

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Bill Maher lays down some painful reality in his latest New Rules segment...

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The Shoes Are A Flyin'

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Everybody, and I mean everybody has jumped on the bandwagon after an Iraqi journalist hurled his shoes at George W. Bush at a news conference...

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The Matrix Runs On Windows XP?

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Who knew? The Matrix runs on Windows...

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Obama's Plan Now Available

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A video has been leaked onto the net confirming what McCain supporters feared...

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Whassup 2008

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Remember the old Budwiser commercials "Whassup!!" Well, here's the modern version...

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Top 10 Arguments For A McCain Presidency

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
I'm sure many think Obama is probably the better candidate, but have you thought about the advantages of a McCain presidency? I came up with a list....

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Weird Al's Post Financial Disaster Bling-A-Thon

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Weird Al Yankovic has a new song out which addresses how the rapper lifestyle will change in the aftermath of the current financial crisis. Hilarious and poignant....

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Gay Scientists Discover Christian Gene

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Gay scientists have isolated the gene they believe makes people Christian.

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Bush or Batman?

Posted by wizeGurl (11829 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

You'd think it would be an easy task...determine who said a specific quote, President George W. Bush or Batman from the 1960's classic TV show of the same name. But it's harder than it sounds....

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Garfield Minus Garfield

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Who would have guessed that when you remove Garfield from the Garfield comic strips, the result is an even better comic about schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and the empty desperation of modern life?

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Meet The Cursed Fisherman

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He has his own sports fishing show. His web site says, "Bill Dance is an outdoors legend. For over 30 years, he has delivered fishing advice on television in his humorous, off-beat way. To the avid fisherman, Bill represents the best that fishing has to offer. Even for people who don't know much about fishing, Bill Dance is the one name that stands out."

So did these video clips actually make it on his show?

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RIP: George Carlin

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We here at BSalert mourn the passing of one of the world's greatest comedians; one of the world's greatest human beings - a man who found a unique way to make people think about interesting, important and controversial issues that others were too afraid to talk about.

We will miss you George - let's take a look at some of your work...

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US Mint Announces New Coinage!

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It turns out there was a method to the government's madness when they raided recently gold coin distributors. The government has plans for a new series of coins. Take a look!


Patton Oswalt Eats KFC's "Famous Bowl" And Lives To Tell

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[Junk Food]
If you think you've read a restaurant or food review before that amused you, think again after you find out what Patton Oswalt thinks of KFC's fast food monstosity, "The Famous Bowl"...

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How To Enjoy Sushi

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With the popularity of sushi restaurants at an all time high, the Japanese board of tourism has released an official video outlining proper protocol when dining at a sushi restaurant. Check it out.

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Merry Christmas from BSAlert

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In honor of the day we were told as children celebrated the birth of Christ--even if we were more fixated on Santa and toys--we here at BSAlert would like to offer up this lovely nativity scene.

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The World's First Honest Rap Video

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Check-check-check it out. Finally someone does a rap video that makes sense...

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BSA Show #6: Christmas Seasons Greedings!!

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
BSAlert tackles the Origins of Christmas as only we can, with a look at the history of various Christmas traditions while reflecting on modern day holiday and religious concerns. Don't miss this great show, also available from iTunes.

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Fox News: The Future Of News

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[News Media]
Take a look at this amusing overview of Fox news as only the Australians can describe...

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Bill Maher On What We Should Really Be Scared Of

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This Halloween, Bill Maher has some ideas on what should scare us the most...

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Selling Girlfriend's Laptop On EBay

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Hey, let's say you want to buy a laptop cheap, but you'd also like some interesting provenance behind it? Well sit down and hear the story of the spurned boyfriend's ebay auction...

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A Telemarketers Nightmare

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We all have to deal with telemarketers, and I thought I'd heard all the ways in which you could get back at them, until Tom Mabbe one-upped everyone with his hilarious conversation with a telemarketer who has just stepped into... the payback zone.


A. Whitney Brown Supports Our Troops

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We've all heard the phrase, "Support Our Troops" but I think ex-Saturday Night Live player, A. Whitney Brown best describes what it all means...


Fallwell In Hell: A Most Irreverent Web Comic Book

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"As far as we can tell, this isn't exactly 'hell' in a classical sense, but more likely a place created by the powerful forces of irony released when Jerry Fallwell died of his own gluttony..."

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Retired General George Washington Criticizes Iraq War

Posted by Pile (10161 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Breaking a 211-year media silence, retired Army Gen. George Washington appeared on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday to speak out against many aspects of the way the Iraq war has been waged.


When You Care Enough....

Posted by wizeGurl (10741 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

When you care about someone...well, when you care enough to send them a meaningless e-card, says something very special. It says, "I was too cheap to spend money to buy and mail an actual paper card, which can be obtained for about two bucks."

Unless, of course, you send one of the very special cards at These cards express the kinds of feelings we all have, but sometimes have difficulty expressing.

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Happy Birthday George Carlin!

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The greatest comedian alive turns 70 years old. Happy Birthday George!

Let's take a walk through some of George's memorable material...

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World's GREATEST Music Videos

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What are the world's greatest videos? Which ones truly rate a place in the pantheon of musico-visual divinities? Thriller? Baby One More Time? The Legend of Bilbo Baggins? Virtual Insanity? Safety Dance? Dirty? Justify My Love?

You may think so. But that's only because you may never have beheld the wonders of true artistry....behold. You haven't seen anything yet...

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Apple's Latest Product

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Steve Jobs has introduced another new product for the Apple line. Check it out.

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