Top 8 Reasons Why Your Rebel "Heritage" Flag Is Bullshit

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[Beating Dead Horses]
With all this "controversy" we feel it's important to give at least eight solid reasons why your "heritage not hate" campaign is complete bullshit, so hold onto your pitchforks and check out this exclusive list...

* The Confederate flag as we know it wasn't even the actual flag of the Civil War Confederacy. That symbol went through multiple versions during the war for practical reasons.

* Even if you could make the highly-arguable claim that the Civil War was about state's rights instead of slavery, this doesn't explain why the confederate flag largely disappeared as a symbol in the South for 83 years (end of Civil War in 1865 to Strom Thurmond's presidential bid in 1948). Did state's rights stop becoming an issue for 83 years?

* When the confederate flag showed back up in public, it was directly attributed to the KKK and the Dixiecrat party (which was objectively a racist group. Article 4 of its platform: "We stand for the segregation of the races.")

* Flying the current Confederate flag and expecting it to stand for state's rights instead of white supremacy is like flying a flag with a swastika and expecting it to stand for good fortune instead of Nazism. (The Swastika's origins are far more noble than what people think today)

* We don't fly the flags of defeated enemies over our government institutions. Government itself should not be flying any flag other than its own, particularly one that attempted to overthrow it.

* Ken Burns, one of the most famous civil war historians says the flag is not about heritage; it stands for slavery and the oppression of certain peoples' civil rights.

* Years ago, popular southern rock bands like Lynard Skynard recognized the rebel flag as being a symbol of hatred and inolernace and started distancing themselves from the Confederate flag

* No matter how many people try to revise history, the fact is, the principal motivation for the civil war was to preserve the institution of slavery.


Posted by Maddy on 2017-07-06 22:55:32
Well put, say it again and again and again.

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