Gay Scientists Discover Christian Gene

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Gay scientists have isolated the gene they believe makes people Christian.


Posted by Destinie on 2008-09-26 14:40:46
When will they find one for Hindus or Wiccans or something? :D
Posted by Eddie on 2008-09-27 17:32:12
I hope they can find the one that makes gay guys walk and talk weird so they can fix this, its disterbing and i dont like the way gays talk at all.
Posted by FLS on 2008-09-28 16:53:48
disterbing?? i dont??
How about disturbing and I don't.
How about school and dictionaries?? Spellcheck?
OH MY ! At last
Posted by Gay on 2010-12-10 18:13:17
OH MY GAY! At last... I was so worried for christies...

I'm gay, but I'm not narrow-minded, so I don't condemn anyone, neither murderers, nor adulterers, nor christians... but for me, it's like a veeery bad habit (to become a christian). And now, it's such a good news that they can overcome their perverted lifestyle! Love the sinner, hate the sin: I love christians, but I hate their sin - christianity...
XD :D :} :] :) :-)

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