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Correcting For Bias In Amazon Reviews

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It's no secret among savvy shoppers that Amazon is a great place to research products and find the best price-quality ratio.

However, it's becoming more and more difficult to do this research due to what's called, "incentivized reviewers." These are people who provide detailed, "honest" reviews in return for free products.

One company has done an analysis of reviews on Amazon differentiating regular from incentivized reviews and produced some interesting results...

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Surviving Whole Foods

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
HuffPo columnist and comedian, Kelly MacLean has written a hilarious article on Whole Foods..

Whole Foods is like Vegas. You go there to feel good but you leave broke, disoriented, and with the newfound knowledge that you have a vaginal disease.

Unlike Vegas, Whole Foods' clientele are all about mindfulness and compassion... until they get to the parking lot. Then it's war. As I pull up this morning, I see a pregnant lady on the crosswalk holding a baby and groceries. This driver swerves around her and honks. As he speeds off I catch his bumper sticker, which says 'NAMASTE'. Poor lady didn't even hear him approaching because he was driving a Prius. He crept up on her like a panther.

As the great, sliding glass doors part I am immediately smacked in the face by a wall of cool, moist air that smells of strawberries and orchids. I leave behind the concrete jungle and enter a cornucopia of organic bliss; the land of hemp milk and honey. Seriously, think about Heaven and then think about Whole Foods; they're basically the same.

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There's An 84% Chance Your Tuna Sushi Isn't Tuna?

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[Faulty Products]
Nonprofit ocean protection group Oceana took 1,215 samples of fish from across the United States in restaurants, grocery stores and sushi bars and the results were astonishing. There's more than a good chance the fish you think is "tuna" or "snapper" is not what it claims...


CourtsTo PepsiCo: Stop Calling Your Juice Products 'All Natural'

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[Faulty Products]
[Junk Food]
While government agencies like the FDA keep stalling on demanding rigorous scientific testing of numerous questionable ingredients, GMO foods, and the correct labeling of such foods, PepsiCo has recently agreed to settle out of court for $9 million over a class action lawsuit that claimed ‘natural’ and ‘non-GMO’ on their bottles was misleading since they are made with GMO ingredients, as well as synthetic and ‘unnatural’ items.


Household Cleaning Products You Might Want To Avoid Using

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Nothing like mopping your floors, scrubbing your counters and cleaning your shower with hazardous waste. That’s essentially what you’re doing if you use many name-brand household cleaners to get your home spic-and-span. But you eco-conscious clean freaks probably already knew that.

If you’re concerned about your health and helping the environment, your toxic household cleaners were likely the first to go. And for good reason. The household cleaning industry is largely unregulated and companies aren’t required to include ingredient lists for cleaning products, like they are for food, drugs and personal care products.

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Louisiana Law Prohibits Use Of Money... Wait, What?

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If you buy or sell non-new goods and live in the state of Louisiana, you can no longer use legal tender to complete such transactions. Ackel & Associates LLC, a professional law firm, explains that House Bill 195 of the 2011 Regular Session (Act 389), which was recently passed by the state legislature and signed into law by Republican governor Bobby Jindal, prohibits anyone who "buys, sells, trades or otherwise acquires or disposes of junk or used or secondhand property [from entering] into any cash transactions in payment for the purchase of [such items]." Doing so could land you up to five years of hard time in jail.

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Seven Dumb Things About The World's Smartest Toilet

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
What happens when Kohler makes a $6,400 toilet? Someone has to make fun of it...

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A Look Inside A Homeopathic Emergency Room

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[Faulty Products]
Ever wonder what a modern hospital might be like if you replaced all the scientifically-trained doctors with New Age Gurus? Here's a glimpse...


Foreign Seafood: Something's Fishy

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Ever wonder how much seafood in your market comes from overseas and how much testing goes into it? And why is it that there are fish here from half way across the world that can be found in area waters?

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Energizer USB Battery Charger Has Secret Access To Your PC

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[Faulty Products]
That cool USB-based battery charger you connected to your computer? Who knew it secretly installed software on your machine that allows someone to connect and control your computer remotely without your knowledge?

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Improve your pool table for only $200 grand

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
In these times of depression, *cough*, excuse me "recession", I'm sure many of us are thinking, "I've got an extra two hundred thousand dollars to blow making my pool table look really cool. What can I do?"

We've got your answer.

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Homeopathy Confronts The Dragon's Den

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[Faulty Products]
The Dragon's Den is an interesting tv show that originally started in the UK. The show is based on the premise that would-be entrepeneurs pitch products and services to the "dragons" - a group of successful businessmen. Sometimes the ideas are good, most of the time they're bad, but almost every time, the inventor is sure they've found "the most awesome product ever!" In one recent case, a guy hawking "miracle cure water", the same kind of stuff you'll see routinely advertised on talk radio, comes up against the Dragons... Let's watch..


World's Funniest Product Reviews

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
Since we have nothing better to do, and I'm sure a cure for cancer is on the way, and our country's democratic process is in perfect health, we here at BSA decided we could afford a more fruitless pursuit for your pleasure. We scoured for funny, humorous and amusing product reviews...

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Ode To The Average American Wondering What Happened

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Hey... you lost your job? What a drag. Wonder how that happened?

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Tanning Beds Now Identified As Major Cancer Risks

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[Faulty Products]
International cancer experts have moved tanning beds and other sources of ultraviolet radiation into the top cancer risk category, deeming them as deadly as arsenic and mustard gas.

A new analysis of about 20 studies concludes the risk of skin cancer jumps by 75 percent when people start using tanning beds before age 30. Experts also found that all types of ultraviolet radiation caused worrying mutations in mice, proof the radiation is carcinogenic. Previously, only one type of ultraviolet radiation was thought to be lethal.

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No More Tears, But Perhaps A Little Cancer

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[Faulty Products]
More than half the baby shampoo, lotion and other infant care products analyzed by a health advocacy group were found to contain trace amounts of two chemicals that are believed to cause cancer.

Some of the biggest names on the market, including Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo and Baby Magic lotion, tested positive for 1,4-dioxane or formaldehyde, or both, the nonprofit Campaign for Safe Cosmetics reported.


Mike Rowe: America Is Engaged In A Civil War Against Work

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Mike Rowe, host of the tv show, "Dirty Jobs" addresses a group in the tech industry and gets into a very insightful talk about whether conventional wisdom is "right" and what the problem is with America. Very well worth watching...

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Mastercard Issues Diamond-Encrusted Credit Card

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
Markets are plunging, banks are collapsing and talk of recession is all about, but the global gloom is not stopping the launch of a MasterCard credit card inlaid with a diamond and laced with gold.

Known as the “Diamond”, the card has a 0.02-carat gem ­embedded in its centre and a picture of a peacock for female cardholders and a winged horse for men.

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Whassup 2008

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Remember the old Budwiser commercials "Whassup!!" Well, here's the modern version...

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Studies Indicate Definite Link Between Cancer And Cell Phone Use

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[Faulty Products]
Society "must not repeat the situation we had with the relationship between smoking and lung cancer where we ... waited until every 'i' was dotted and 't' was crossed before warnings were issued," said David Carpenter, director of the Institute of Health and Environment at the University of Albany, in testimony before a subcommittee of the US House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform.

"Precaution is warranted even in the absence of absolutely final evidence concerning the magnitude of the risk" -- especially for children, said Carpenter

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