There's An 84% Chance Your Tuna Sushi Isn't Tuna?

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[Faulty Products]
Nonprofit ocean protection group Oceana took 1,215 samples of fish from across the United States in restaurants, grocery stores and sushi bars and the results were astonishing. There's more than a good chance the fish you think is "tuna" or "snapper" is not what it claims...

Among other things, the study found:

59% of the fish labeled "tuna" sold at restaurants and grocery stores in the US is not tuna.

Sushi restaurants were far more likely to mislabel their fish than grocery stores or other restaurants.

In Chicago, Austin, New York, and Washington DC, every single sushi restaurant sampled sold mislabeled tuna.

84% of fish samples labeled "white tuna" were actually escolar, a fish that can cause prolonged, uncontrollable, oily anal leakage.

The only fish more likely to be misrepresented than tuna was snapper, which was mislabeled 87% of the time, and was in actuality any of six different species.



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