Top 8 Advantages Of A Donald Trump Presidency

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It's not looking good for Trump these days with all the controversy at the Republican National Convention. It's really a shame, and in the spirit of solidarity, I'd like to make people aware of some advantages of a Trump presidency.. so buckle up and check out our Top 8 list..

Top 8 Advantages of a Trump Presidency

1. On-staff White House plastic surgeon

2. Free valet parking at Lincoln Memorial if you show your Player's Club card

3. Pork rinds will be classified as a vegetable.

4. Instead of the first lady writing a children's book, children will write books for the first lady.

5. Head of FEMA will be the guy who plays "Mayhem" in the Allstate commercials.

6. Corporate naming rights for each branch of Congress: "Coming up next on CSPAN, live coverage of the latest vote at the Geiko House of Representatives"

7. White House chef replaced with a Hooters franchise

8. Each branch of the armed forces will have its own cheerleading team. No men though. Just super hot women in short skirts with weapons instead of pom poms.

And a bonus one!

* Americorps and Peace Corps will be replaced by Herbalife and AmWay as civil service options.


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