Top 8 Differences Between the Dept of Motor Vehicles and Hell

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This week I had the pleasure of visiting the DMV to get my license renewed, and while waiting I decided to make a list of the differences between the DMV and Hell. Granted, I haven't been to hell yet, so I'm being presumptuous, but here is my list for your enjoyment. Special thanks to Wizegurl for editing/suggestions.

Differences between hell and the DMV:

* Less available seating at the DMV

* Seemingly never-ending torment of hell not punctuated with random annoying cell phone ringtones.

* Demon minions seem knowledgeable

* Bad hair day does not haunt you as long in hell

* DMV unconcerned about your mortal soul

* Hell accepts all major payment methods

* Fluorescent lighting at the DMV not as flattering as the warm glow of brimstone.

* Hell's website is more helpful

And a bonus one:

* Feels more like being tortured for all of eternity at DMV


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