Obama's Plan Now Available

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A video has been leaked onto the net confirming what McCain supporters feared...


This Could Be True
Posted by MrWorrier on 2008-11-10 00:56:27
The video fails to mention that the choice is either military service or community service so I assume that the government will allow the military will be marketing to those needing financial aide, etc...

Personally, I think Barack will be building up the military so the next warmonger, or even Barack himself, can mobilize as needed. The scary part is that Barack's army might even be used to control peace demonstrators, etc...

In the UK, there was an article in their papers about censoring the newspapers when "national security."


So, watch out below! since people bought Obama's smile and, in return, will be betrayed.
This Could Be True (better grammer)
Posted by MrWorrier on 2008-11-10 01:09:05
This video fails to mention that the choice is between military service and community service so I assume that the government's going to permit the military to market to all those who need financial aide, etc...

Personally, I think that Barack will build up the military to allow the next warmonger, or even Barack himself, to mobilize it as needed. The scary part is that Barack's army might even be used to control peace demonstrators, etc...

Moreover, UK newspapers are saying that their government intends to censor them when "national security" is at stake.


So, watch out below people since you bought Obama's smile and, in return, he'll betray you!
Better grammar, but not spelling or insight
Posted by Paul Nesbitt on 2008-12-09 06:02:28
It's grammar NOT grammer!

This video is a satire by the way!

Obama is not going to build up the military. He's going to look for cost savings if anything. There's a small matter of a financial meltdown to deal with.

Nor is he going to use the army to 'control peace demonstrators.' Even if he wanted to repress dissent he'd use a different agency to do it, probably an arm of the FBI, which is what the Bush regime has long been doing to animal rights activists.

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