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Burger King Ad Promotes Something Besides Its Products: Empathy

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[Mean People]
It's rare when we at BSAlert call attention to a corporate ad campaign on a positive note, but the latest commercial from the most unlikely of sources, Burger King, actually tugs on the heartstrings as well as the mind of consumers in a very creative way, and it's worth sharing...

It's also amusing to note that this is from the same company that several years ago launched an ad campaign that stated, "un-friend 10 people on Facebook and get a free whopper" at which point Burger King contacted each of the un-friended friends letting them know their friendship wasn't stronger than a free Whopper... so while we're not apt to completely forgive Burger King, we can appreciate their new turn... for now.


The Truth About Why Videogames Are Male-Centric

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Have you ever wondered why the computer/console video game industry is so male-dominated? Are computer games inherently "male" in design and appeal? It wasnt always this way, and the story about how the gender bias happened is fascinating...


The Truth About Fraud And Advertising On Facebook

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These days everybody is using Facebook. But did you know if you pay to promote something, you might actually hurt your business and waste your money? A diligent Internet truth-seeker shows you in this video that all is not what it seems when it comes to advertising on Facebook, and even Facebook itself is at least indirectly involved in phony and fraudulent activity.


There's An 84% Chance Your Tuna Sushi Isn't Tuna?

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[Faulty Products]
Nonprofit ocean protection group Oceana took 1,215 samples of fish from across the United States in restaurants, grocery stores and sushi bars and the results were astonishing. There's more than a good chance the fish you think is "tuna" or "snapper" is not what it claims...


Things That Really Need To Go In 2013

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
In the last few years, a number of social constructs seem to have become so engorged and dramatic, I desperately want to assume they've peaked and thus, offer up my hopeful plea that perhaps these things should decline if not begin to disappear from our social radar in the coming year. Read on as I'm sure not everyone will agree with me...

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Delta Pulls Ads From Daily Show Following Catholic Complaint

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The Daily show calls attention to a "Battle for the War on Women." While multiple states roll back the equal pay and health rights that women have come to enjoy, Fox News relegates the "war on women" to the rank of "phony" political fight. And in the process, one of their bits enrages the Catholic League, (the same guy who claimed victims of child abuse are a bunch of greedy, bigoted whiners), which prompts Delta Airlines to pull their ads from the show.

Jon Stewart's response? "I’m not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance." Check out the offending video...

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Anatomy Of Local Television - From An Insider

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A local TV newsman of 10 years writes a scathing editorial on the current state of the local TV news industry and how it works (or why it doesn't work). Ever wonder what goes on at your local news station? Here's a glimpse..

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Why You Should Vote Republican

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A cool new PSA has come out that sheds light on why you should vote Republican...

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I Bet I Can Find 1,000,000,000 People To Cough Up Their Privacy

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Someone won't friend you on Facebook and you want to stalk them, or maybe find out more personal info?

No problem. Due to Facebook's new "features", here's a clever way to gain access to their profile as if you were their friend!

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New Facebook "Feature" Exposes Everyones Personal Info

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This past week, Facebook announced Instant Personalization, whereby select websites would "personalize your experience using your public Facebook information." The initial sites are Pandora, Yelp and Microsoft Docs. As Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg explained, this means that when you visit "Pandora for the first time, it can immediately start playing songs from bands you've liked." Pandora, and other partners, can also link your real name and other Facebook information with everything you do on their site.

More specifically, these sites "may access any information you have made visible to Everyone ... as well as your publicly available information. This includes your Name, Profile Picture, Gender, Current City, Networks, Friend List, and Pages." On Monday, Facebook announced a transition where a "new type of Facebook Page" will make the "current city, hometown, education and work, and likes and interests sections of your profile" publicly available after you go through the transition tool (or those items will be deleted).

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Food Network Recycles Fast Food Bits As Healthy Meals

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[Junk Food]
Her bio says, "A New York Times best-selling author, Ellie Krieger is a renowned registered dietitian specializing in nutrition and health communications. Her extensive work in the media has earned her a loyal following and national recognition as a trusted health professional."

Which further confounds people when they see that she's published recipes in Food Network magazine and on the web site recycling fast food products like the innards of Big Macs and Taco Bell Burritos and KFC chicken pieces into so-called healthy meals!


Craig Ferguson Has Figured It All Out

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Have you ever wondered why it's fashionable to be young and stupid? Craig Ferguson has it figured out...


BSA Podcast #12 - WEASEL WORDS - How Advertising and Pundits Lie

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
In our twelfth podcast we take on the advertising and propaganda industries and expose WEASEL WORDS: How people are lied to and misled about everything from products to promises to history and politics.

Using carefully-selected words and crafted phrases, advertisers and political pundits make you think one thing, but are actually saying another. Join us as we delve into this seedy and mysterious realm where all is not what it appears to be!

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Are Comments On Your Favorite Web Site Paid Propaganda?

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It's called, "Reputation Management" or "Word of Mouth Marketing." Their web site says, "WOMMA members represent the best and brightest minds of the business world, and they have come together to build a prosperous word of mouth marketing industry based on best practices, measurable ROI, and ethical leadership. "

What do they really do? These paid shills roam across the Internet planting fake stories, engage in messageboard posting and up and downvote things based on the needs of their corporate clientele. Currently a main series of benefactors are putting them on a quest to discredit anyone and anything good about democrats and the Obama regime online.


Italian Sci-Fi Channel Ads Offer Interesting Moral Equivalancy

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Print ads for the Sci Fi Channel outside the United States get pretty clever....


De-Friend Ten People For A Free Whopper

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[Junk Food]
It hasn't escaped my notice that America's advertising industry continues to bundle product merchandising with insatiable selfishness between two sadism-seed buns. I thought I'd seen these campaigns peak with slogans like Twix's, "Two for me, none for you" campaign, or the myriad of commercials showing people making others suffer in tawdry amusement at the altar of materialism (My favorite was Toyota demonstrating how quiet their car's interior was by locking a passenger in the cabin with a light-sleeping flesh-hungry critter), but Burger King apparently went so far, even Facebook said "Hold the mayo!"

At the first of the year, Burger King released the "Whopper Sacrifice" application on the social-networking Facebook website, allowing Facebook users to dump 10 of their Facebook friends and get a coupon for a free burger. The application, which received widespread publicity, was used by 82,000 people to delete more than 230,000 friendships on Facebook.

On Wednesday night, David Swain, a spokesman for Facebook in Palo Alto, Calif., said the website had placed restrictions on the use of the application. Some concerns about privacy had been raised, because when Facebook friends were deleted, they were notified that it was because of the "defriending."

It's bad enough to have someone abandon you as a friend, but over a really bad fast food item? Isn't this one of the signs of the apocolypse?


Voter Registration Does Reverse Psychology

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Everybody's getting creative trying to get people to register and vote. Is it too creative?


Chrysler's $2.99 A Gallon Gasoline Ad Campaign Exposed

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Have you seen those commercials promoting trucks and SUVs and if you purchase right now, you will only have to pay $2.99 per gallon of gasoline? Let's take a look at that...


"Pentagon Pundits" Scandal Continues To Loom

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In case you haven't heard, another big scandal for the administration involves so-called, "Pentagon Pundits" -- supposedly "retired" military officers that appear on network news to talk about "the war in Iraq" and how good its going. Well, it turns out these "retired pundits" were on the government payroll...


Fiji Water Foists "Eco Friendly" Campaign On Gullible Consumers

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Suppose, for example, that you own a company that sells bottled water," which is "shipped, in its little plastic bottles, ten thousand miles from the bottling plant to the consumer," writes Steve Burns. "Could you possibly 'brand' such a product as eco-friendly?"

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Tim Robbins Tells National Ass. Broadcasters: Enough is Enough!

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Even as he came on stage to give the keynote address at the National Association of Broadcasters Show in Las Vegas, it was obvious that Tim Robbins' remarks had caused controversy backstage. The Academy Award-winning actor and critically acclaimed screenwriter, director and producer first indicated to the audience that he would not be giving his speech. Then, floor agents of the NAB organizers ordered journalists' video cameras turned off. An NAB spokesman later said Mr. Robbins contract had a "no filming" clause. Ultimately, Mr. Robbins changed his mind and started talking. However, some still recorded the audio and we have it. Listen to the six best minutes of the speech.


Your ISP May Be Messing With Your Internet Activity

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About one percent of the Web pages being delivered on the Internet are being changed in transit, sometimes in a harmful way, according to researchers at the University of Washington.

In a paper, the researchers document some troubling practices. In July and August they tested data sent to about 50,000 computers and discovered that a small number of ISPs were injecting ads into Web pages on their networks. They also found that some Web browsing and ad-blocking software was actually making Web surfing more dangerous by introducing security vulnerabilities into pages.

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Hillary Clinton's Ad Accidently Featured Obama Campaign Staffer

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Hillary Clinton can't seem to get a break these days. The latest salvo between her and Obama is a counter video by an actress that was in her infamous "3am phone ad" that unbeknownst to Hillary, was a campaign staffer for Obama at the time.

Check out the video that puts the nail in the coffin on this issue..

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Vatican Says "Pollution" Is Now A Sin

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In olden days, the deadly sins included lust, gluttony and greed. Now, the Catholic Church says pollution, mind-damaging drugs and genetic experiments are on its updated thou-shalt-not list.


BillBoard Liberation Front Makes AT&T Ads Truthful

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A rogue activist group that adds creative touches to advertising campaigns has announced their new target: AT&T


MTV Refuses To Air *Buy Nothing Day* Ad

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Adbusters, in order to call attention to rampant consumerism, has been promoting the idea of "Buy Nothing Day" on November 23rd. They wanted to run their advertisement on MTV but the network refused! See the controversial ad MTV was too chicksh*t to run, and consider not being a consumer sheep on November 23.


Trent Reznor's Warning

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David from the Art of Mental Warfare teamed up with Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails to present “Warning.” The project takes on the covert interests behind the war and our media saturated society. Personally I think this is also a huge nod to Noam Chomsky's, "Manufacturing Consent". Check out the video...

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A Telemarketers Nightmare

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We all have to deal with telemarketers, and I thought I'd heard all the ways in which you could get back at them, until Tom Mabbe one-upped everyone with his hilarious conversation with a telemarketer who has just stepped into... the payback zone.


How Do You Promote A Chocolate Bar?

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With a gorilla of course... right?


Satan Hates Local Church, and Lima Beans

Posted by wizeGurl (10204 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Satan hates the New Life Center Church in Cedar Grove, West Virginia. How do we know? It's on a billboard...paid for by the church.

No word yet on whether Mammon, Loki, or the Easter Bunny also hate the New Life Center.


Freedom's Watch...Watching Out for Who?

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There's a new organization out there called "Freedom's Watch." (Useful rule of thumb: if a law or an organization contains happy buzzwords--freedom, patriot, America--look very carefully to see if what they're promoting is in any way related to those words. "Clean Skies Initiative," anyone? It doesn't sound like a bill loosening the restrictions on air pollution, does it?


Brazil Outlaws Billboards, Calling Them "Visual Pollution"

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[Good News]
In 2007, the world's fourth-largest metropolis and Brazil's most important city, São Paulo, became the first city outside of the communist world to put into effect a radical, near-complete ban on outdoor advertising.


Pepsi: Aquafina Is Merely Tap Water (Marked Up 7000% In Price)

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The soft drink giant Pepsi has been forced to make an embarrassing admission: Its bestselling Aquafina bottled water is nothing more than tap water. Last week, Pepsi agreed to change the labels of Aquafina to indicate the water comes from a public water source.

In a related story Tucson, Arizona residents were amused to find Aquafina pouring out of their garden hoses.


Newsflash: OxyContin Is Apparently Addictive

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Purdue Pharma L.P., the maker of OxyContin, and three of its executives were ordered Friday to pay a $634.5 million fine for misleading the public about the painkiller's risk of addiction.

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New Dodge Nitro Ad May Offend Animal Lovers

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Ya think? Well, watch for yourself and comment...

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Google's Sicko Scuffle Shuffle

Posted by ueberbill (10601 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A Google Health Account Planner did not like Michael Moore's new film, Sicko, about the deficiencies in this country's healthcare system. Fair enough, it's a free country--she then posted her opinion on Google's corporate blog that “Moore’s film portrays the industry as money and marketing driven, and fails to show healthcare’s interest in patient well-being and care." She wants to help the poor industry get out its own message of peace and love, but how to do that?


British Petroleum's Quest To Patent The Color Green

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The High Court of Australia has dismissed a bid by BP to have the green Pantone color 348C used in its logo registered as its trademark. Despite the setback, BP has registered the color green in over 20 countries.

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Hillary Clinton Picks Campaign Song; Gets Whacked

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If you think our presidential candidates are out of touch with pop culture, you may be right; you may be wrong, but it just may be a lunatic you're lookin' for..

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NOAA Chief Resigns; Funding Cut, Except To Party Planners

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The Federal Government has cut $700,000 from the NOAA's budget for hurricane research and instead, decided to spend more than $4 Million on advertising hawking the 200th anniversary of the NOAA. The Director and Deputy Director of the government's weather service have resigned in disgust.

Seriously... what is this administration going to do next? Shut down all the VA hospitals and instead launch an ad campaign promoting the 250th anniversary of soldiers being buried?


Chocolate May No Longer Be Chocolate Thanks To The FDA

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The federal Food and Drug Administration is proposing to redefine the very essence of chocolate and to allow big manufacturers such as Hershey to sell a bar devoid of a key ingredient — cocoa butter. The butter's natural texture could be replaced with inferior alternatives, such as vegetable fats. And consumers would never know.


Mining Lobby Tries To Shut Down Activist Web Site Parody

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By invoking Australian copyright law, the New South Wales Minerals Council (NSWMC) twice succeeded in shutting down a website that satirized its "Life: Brought to you by mining" advertising campaign.

However, the website of the spoofers, Rising Tide Newcastle, is now hosted overseas. Following protests that the mining industry was attempting to "silence" them, the environmentalists are enjoying more web traffic than their corporate rivals. NSWMC's chief executive, Nikki Williams, said the industry's campaign is about "establishing a fair voice for the mining industry."

Associate lecturer in law at the Queensland University of Technology Peter Black argues, "This is clearly a situation that would be covered by the fair dealing defence of parody and satire. This is political speech that is being suppressed by our copyright regulations, which is something that should not happen."

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Exxon Mobil Acquires Stanford University

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"Exxon Mobil has teamed up with Stanford University to find breakthrough technologies that deliver more energy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions," enthuses a TV commercial by the oil giant. Under Exxon Mobil's partnership with Stanford, first announced in 2002, the university "will get up to $100 million from the company over 10 years to fund climate and energy research."

After seeing the ads, major Stanford donor Steve Bing "decided to rescind a promised $2.5 million donation to the school." He is also "asking other major philanthropists to reconsider their promises to give to the Stanford cause," and is pushing for "an end to the 4-year-old ad campaign." Bing's advisor on climate issues said, "Exxon Mobil is trying to greenwash itself, and it's using Stanford as its brush." A Stanford spokesperson countered, "We are proud of our work on seeking solutions to serious energy and environmental problems and our collaborations in these areas with a variety of private and non-profit organizations." An earlier Exxon print ad, carrying the Stanford seal, "suggested that scientists were debating the cause of global warming."


Cinema Comes Full Circle With Burger King Feature

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It's bad enough that going to the movies these days is like poking your head into a bar in a bad neighborhood: maybe you'll have a good time, or maybe you'll be sorry you ever got out of bed that day.

It's even worse that moviegoers are now subjected to at least fifteen minutes of obnoxious commercials prior to the movie; adding insult to injury is that often these advertisements are for lame television programs.

Could things get any worse?

Well, it looks like they have.


Truth In Advertising

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This short film really demonstrates real "Truth In Advertising". Ever wonder what people really mean? Check it out!


Geico Caveman Commercial Series

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Normally, I despise corporate advertising, but these commercials are so clever I can't help but call attention to them. I still wouldn't piss on a flaming insurance agent to save his life, but I will laugh at the Geico caveman. Check out the series here...


Coming To An Airport Security Checkpoint Near You: Advertising!

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It's a good thing the TSA has its priorities in order, otherwise we'd think that air safety might have more importance than promoting the new Dodge Neon.

Under the one-year pilot program, TSA will allow commercial advertising at passenger screening checkpoints in select airports throughout the U.S. and its territories. "Interested parties will have to partner with airport operators to develop a proposal for TSA review. Only airport operators can submit proposals for use of the checkpoints for advertising," according to a Dec. 21, 2006, posting on the Federal Business Opportunities web site.

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Playstation 3 Worth 12,000 Tacos?

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The latest person to go completely nuts over the latest video game console is not a person, but a corporation. Taco Bell has announced that if you're willing to donate your precious Playstation 3 to them to give a Boys & Girls club, they'll offer the generous gamer what they consider a "lifetime" worth of taco bell food (~ $12k in "taco bell bucks" -- no word about whether Angioplasty is included).


Will It Blend? That Is The Question.

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So what do you do if you make an industrial grade blender and you want to show off what it can do? How about seeing exactly what it can blend? Marbles? A Coke Can? A Rake Handle? An entire McDonald's Meal?

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Advertiser Blacklist Against Air America Revealed

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An internal ABC Radio Networks memo obtained by Media Matters for America, originally from a listener to The Peter B. Collins Show, indicates that nearly 100 ABC advertisers insist that their commercials be blacked out on Air America Radio affiliates. According to the memo, the advertisers insist that "NONE of their commercials air during AIR AMERICA programming." Among the advertisers listed are Bank of America, Exxon Mobil, Federal Express, General Electric, McDonald's, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, and the U.S. Navy.


Jesus Gets MySpace Page; Ad Campaign

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In an attempt to encourage more Britons to go to church this Christmas, an image of Jesus Christ in the froth of a half empty pint of beer will be used on posters.

Pastor Francis said he "hoped the poster and accompanying radio advertisements would spark a debate about religion." The church will also use a Jesus MySpace Profile (Jesus hasn’t accepted my friend request), the social networking portal for teens, to promote the frosty miracle.

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