Are Comments On Your Favorite Web Site Paid Propaganda?

Posted by Pile (12488 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

It's called, "Reputation Management" or "Word of Mouth Marketing." Their web site says, "WOMMA members represent the best and brightest minds of the business world, and they have come together to build a prosperous word of mouth marketing industry based on best practices, measurable ROI, and ethical leadership. "

What do they really do? These paid shills roam across the Internet planting fake stories, engage in messageboard posting and up and downvote things based on the needs of their corporate clientele. Currently a main series of benefactors are putting them on a quest to discredit anyone and anything good about democrats and the Obama regime online.

Some in the community are speaking out about these new "cyber groups" who are being paid to make a disproportionate dent in the nature of issues being raised online.



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