Food Network Recycles Fast Food Bits As Healthy Meals

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[Junk Food]
Her bio says, "A New York Times best-selling author, Ellie Krieger is a renowned registered dietitian specializing in nutrition and health communications. Her extensive work in the media has earned her a loyal following and national recognition as a trusted health professional."

Which further confounds people when they see that she's published recipes in Food Network magazine and on the web site recycling fast food products like the innards of Big Macs and Taco Bell Burritos and KFC chicken pieces into so-called healthy meals!

Why not make a "healthy" tortilla soup by emptying the contents of a Taco Bell 1/2 pound combo burrito into a pan with some low-salt chicken broth and voila! Healthy eatin'!

If that doesn't have your tastebuds erect, why not take a KFC chicken meal and blend all the ingredients together into a "healthy asian chicken salad!"

If Big Macs aren't disgusting enough, chop them up, put them in a pot with some mustard and ketchup packets and make sloppy joes!


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