PATH: BS | Business | Commerce

One Company Controls Almost The Entire Eyeglass Market

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When you see all those brands, all those different stores, outlets and eyecare companies, you think, "competition" right? Not exactly. What if I told you there was one company that pretty much had a monopoly on the entire market? If you don't wear glasses or sunglasses, then I guess this won't apply to you...

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Ground Beef In Fast Food Now Contains "Pink Slime"

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[Junk Food]
Imagine what you've been eating the last few years (thanks to meat industry lobbyists) when you eat a McDonald's burger (or the hamburger patties in kids' school lunches) or buy conventional ground meat at your supermarket:

According to today's New York Times, The "majority of hamburger" now sold in the U.S. now contains fatty slaughterhouse trimmings "the industry once relegated to pet food and cooking oil," "typically including most of the material from the outer surfaces of the carcass" that contains "larger microbiological populations."

This "nasty pink slime," as one FDA microbiologist called it, is now wrung in a centrifuge to remove the fat, and then treated with AMMONIA to "retard spoilage," and turned into "a mashlike substance frozen into blocks or chips".

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EU Fines Intel $1.4B For Paying Off Suppliers To Use Their CPUs

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Computer chipmaker Intel has been fined a record 1.06bn euros ($1.45bn) by the European Commission for anti-competitive practices, dwarfing the 497M euro fine levied on Microsoft in 2004 for abusing its dominant market position.

The Commission found that between 2002 and 2007, Intel had paid manufacturers and a retailer to favour its chips over those of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD).

The Commission said that personal computer makers Acer, Dell, HP, Lenovo and NEC had all been given hidden rebates if they only used Intel chips.

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Radioactive Waste Ending Up In Indian/Chinese Consumer Products

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French authorities made headlines last month when they said as many as 500 sets of radioactive buttons had been installed in elevators around the country. It wasn't an isolated case.

Improper disposal of industrial equipment and medical scanners containing radioactive materials is letting nuclear waste trickle into scrap smelters, contaminating consumer goods, threatening the $140 billion trade in recycled metal and spurring the United Nations to call for increased screening.

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Try Your Hand At Balancing The US Budget

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So exactly how hard is it to balance the federal budget? Here's an interesting simulation where you can see what your Utopian version of the Federal budget would get you...

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Nutrition "Science" Has Hijacked Our Meals -- and Our Health

Posted by Pile (11797 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Junk Food]
Why would anyone need to write a book called In Defense of Food? If we can afford it and can get our hands on it, we eat food several times a day. Or do we?

According to Michael Pollan, most of what Americans consume isn't food. He calls it "edible foodlike substances." He also says that the way we consume it is not really eating. It's something we do pretty unconsciously as we work or drive or watch TV.

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Ebay Changes Policy: Retaliatory Feedback Is No More!

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eBay has announced new changes to their feedback system. Sellers aren't too happy, but buyers may be thrilled. Among the new changes, sellers will no longer be able to leave negative/neutral feedback for buyers.

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The Smooth, Satisfying Flavor of Cigarette Industry Appeals

Posted by ueberbill (10530 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit blocked a ruling by a federal judge which found that cigarette companies had been violating racketeering laws and misleading the public for decades about the health risks associated with smoking. The ruling would've forced cigarette companies to stop marketing "light," "low tar," "ultralight," and "mild" cigarettes. In addition, tobacco companies would have had to issue "corrective statements" on their web sites and in newspapers about the adverse affects cigarettes have on health. The block allows advertising and sales of the misleading cigarettes to continue until the cigarette industry's appeals can be reviewed. So smoke 'em if you got 'em, folks--if the original ruling holds up, those light cigarettes of yours won't be healthier any more.

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Paine Webber Exec. Takes Down Network Because Bonus Was Too Low

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Roger Duronio was paid a salary of $125,000 by the bank and was expecting a bonus of $50,000. When he only got $32,000 he decided to take revenge on the bank, prosecutors claim.

A US court has heard how a disgruntled IT manager allegedly wiped out all UBS Paine Webber servers for a day leaving traders unable to trade because he was unhappy with his bonus.

Not only is Roger Duronio accused of using a "logic bomb" to crash the investment bank's servers he is also accused of going short on UBS shares just before the incident - so if UBS shares fell in value Duronio would make a profit. UBS yesterday asked the judge to keep the trial secret to avoid embarrassment and injury to the bank - the judge refused.

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Louisiana Wants eBay Sellers To Be Licensed

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If you sell more than two items per year on eBay, the Louisiana Auctioneer Licensing Board is trying to force eBay Sellers to be licensed as auctioneers.

Complying with the Auctioneer Licensing Board is not simple. It requires sellers to fill out forms, pay a licensing fee, obtain surety bonds and submit a notarized copy of your voter registration cards. All this just to sell a few items on eBay.

It's a good thing Louisiana is in such great economic shape that it can afford to stifle even more business development.

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Disney Trades Sportscaster For Cartoon

Posted by RantMaster (11013 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Al Michaels was traded from ABC to NBC for a cartoon bunny, four rounds of golf and Olympic highlights... no kidding!

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Cheap Furniture Sparks Riot in London

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When a new IKEA store opened in north London, people came expecting huge savings on cool sofas and other Swedish-inspired furniture. What they got was something more like the fabled Who concert, prompting an ambulance worker to state, "It's a miracle no one was killed."

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Conservative Talk Show Host For Sale on E-Bay

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A conservative talk radio host has put himself up for bid on E-Bay. It seems that he has bills to pay, too, and would like to earn a little of that adminstration money that has been going to other right-wing pundits on the sly.

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Top 10 New Years Resolutions to Protect Your Privacy

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Want to have a safer, more private and secure 2005? The Electronic Privacy Information Center has published a nice top 10 list of things you should/should not do.

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Google upset over "click fraud"

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A top Google official said that growing abuse of the company's lucrative sponsored ad-search model jeopardizes the popular Internet search engine's business.

He's talking about "click fraud". They claim people are clicking on sponsored links illegitimately to cause advertisers to pay more money. We here at BSA have never quite understood how the whole pay-per-click model would ever be "fraud proof" and aside from obvious attempts, how do you determine what is and isn't a legitimate click?

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Exxon funds "think tank" promoting value of global warming

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A London-based "think tank" funded by Exxon is once again clouding the global warming issue, with their scientists claiming the notion is a myth, and furthermore, if it were true, they claim global warming would be a good thing.

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The Christmas Resistance Movement

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You know holiday shopping is offensive and wasteful. You know Christmas "wish lists" and "gift exchanges" degrade the concept of giving. You know Christmas marketing is a scam, benefiting manufacturers, stores, and huge corporations, while driving individuals into debt. You know this annual consumer frenzy wreaks havoc on the environment, filling landfills with useless packaging and discarded gifts.
..thus writes the people behind the Christmas Resistance Movement, who are urging people to boycott the holiday season in protest.

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Buy Nothing Day

Posted by RantMaster (10391 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

While yesterday was the official Buy Nothing Day, sponsored by Adbusters. It's not a bad idea for more than a day. Adbusters proposed, "For 24 hours, millions of people around the world did not participate -- in the doomsday economy, the marketing mind-games, and the frantic consumer-binge that's become our culture. We paused. We made a small choice not to shop. We shrank our footprint and gained some calm. Together we said to Exxon, Nike, Coke and the rest: enough is enough. And we helped build this movement to rethink our unsustainable course."

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Delicious Holiday Beverages

Posted by wizeGurl (9794 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

It's true--the Jones Soda Company is releasing its latest holiday dinner beverage pack.


So you're going to prison...what can I get ya?

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So you're about to be incarcerated? Have no fear. An enterprising user of has put together a snappy list of the perfect gifts for soon-to-be-jailbirds.

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