Cheap Furniture Sparks Riot in London

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When a new IKEA store opened in north London, people came expecting huge savings on cool sofas and other Swedish-inspired furniture. What they got was something more like the fabled Who concert, prompting an ambulance worker to state, "It's a miracle no one was killed."

However, 5 people ended up in the hospital, and many more were crushed and trampled when the doors were opened at midnight and the 7000 people who had shown up rushed the doors and began fighting over furniture. The store had expected a turnout of closer to 1000 people.

One of the 40 security guards present said, "A guard next to me was punched by a customer. He had his jaw dislocated."

The store was closed again within a half-hour of its opening. Some people were still unhappy that they couldn't get their sofas, even if they did have a few blood-stains at that point.



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