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Clear Channel Censors Bruce Springsteen

Posted by Pile (12128 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Bruce Springsteen should be very happy. He has the No. 1 album, a possible Grammy for Best Album of the Year for "Magic," an album full of singles and a sold-out concert tour.

Alas, there’s a hitch: Radio will not play "Magic." In fact, sources say that Clear Channel has sent an edict to its classic rock stations not to play tracks from "Magic."

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Michael Savage Dumped By Agent After Remarks

Posted by Pile (12856 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Mean People]
Hollywood's Creative Artists Agency has reportedly dropped its representation of radio host Michael Savage two days after announcing that it had signed him as a client. CAA's dumping of Savage followed a rant on February 26, over singer Melissa Etheridge's Academy Awards acceptance speech, in which she thanked her wife. Savage said, "I don't like a woman married to a woman. It makes me want to puke. ... I want to vomit when I hear it. I think it's child abuse."

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Radio Host Fired For Questioning If Pope Will Get To Heaven

Posted by Pile (9249 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

An evangelical Christian talk show host who questioned the beliefs of the Catholic church and entertained a caller's question about whether the late Pope John Paul II would go to heaven has been fired. This goofy story fits into half the categories on the system. I'm truly at a loss.

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Conservative Talk Show Host For Sale on E-Bay

Posted by wizeGurl (12035 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A conservative talk radio host has put himself up for bid on E-Bay. It seems that he has bills to pay, too, and would like to earn a little of that adminstration money that has been going to other right-wing pundits on the sly.

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Clear Channel reformats yet another radio market

Posted by Pile (11549 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

In a clear signal of the growing media clout of Houston-area Hispanics, radio behemoth Clear Channel Communications has yanked legendary rock station KLOL-FM (101.1) off the air and replaced it with a format that radio insiders call "Spanglish Top 40."

On the plus side, epic lamer morning show losers, Walton and Johnston (who had the seventh-most-popular morning show in Houston) were part of the crew that got canned with virtually no notice as part of the station's format change.

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Is Bush wired?

Posted by RantMaster (9337 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

This is a good example of the types of buzz that starts on (and may be limited to) the Internet. There's a brewing discussion over whether or not Bush was wired with a receiver having dialogue fed to him during the presidential debates. Many more people will be watching this Friday for tell-tale signs that his words may not be his own. Do you think this is a legitimate issue that people need to be made aware of? Should a president in a public debate have hidden assistants feeding him information in real time?

Update: The BBS also has taken an interest in this issue.

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Do YOU have bad taste in music?

Posted by Bullwinkle (9368 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Do you have bad taste in music? I'm thinking you do. Now there is a site that can help.

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