Radio Host Fired For Questioning If Pope Will Get To Heaven

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An evangelical Christian talk show host who questioned the beliefs of the Catholic church and entertained a caller's question about whether the late Pope John Paul II would go to heaven has been fired. This goofy story fits into half the categories on the system. I'm truly at a loss.

Marty Minto, 39, a senior pastor at a New Castle church, was fired Friday after three years as a host on WORD-FM in Pittsburgh. He said he was told that he was alienating listeners.

"As far as I'm concerned, I was doing what I've always done on the radio -- look at events around the world from a biblical perspective. I've always been willing to talk about controversial subjects," said Minto, who has had shows in Albany, N.Y., Denver and Phoenix.



Posted by mike on 2005-04-19 08:04:34
I think I understand... that guy should not even argue about that, if Pope John Paul II doesn't get into heaven, well, I doubt anyone else on earth right now is going to. Like God wouldn't let the leader of his church into Heaven. Thats such a rediculous question.
i'm sorry marty...
Posted by chris on 2005-04-20 02:13:23
but we just don't allow free thinkers in our church... it's not that your wrong - that really isn't the point - you need to be sure of yourself man! a good minister always knows - whether he does or not. You need to deliver answers with a tone of evangelical righteousness. People aren't looking for truth - they are looking for guidance. And you, marty, are not the leader we need right now. Perhaps you would feel more comfortable at MIT? or california?

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