The Christmas Resistance Movement

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You know holiday shopping is offensive and wasteful. You know Christmas "wish lists" and "gift exchanges" degrade the concept of giving. You know Christmas marketing is a scam, benefiting manufacturers, stores, and huge corporations, while driving individuals into debt. You know this annual consumer frenzy wreaks havoc on the environment, filling landfills with useless packaging and discarded gifts.
..thus writes the people behind the Christmas Resistance Movement, who are urging people to boycott the holiday season in protest.



The birth of Santa Claus
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-30 18:20:22

As Christmas time does approach, most festive holiday of all.

I ponder on its true meaning as I wander through the malls.

Where bright colored lights and ribbons deck these holy walls.

And stores are touting everything, from nuts and bolts to dolls.

While people spend hard earned cash on gifts and stuff because,

It’s a very holy day for Christians, the birth of Santa Claus.
by, Mike Barret

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