The Smooth, Satisfying Flavor of Cigarette Industry Appeals

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The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit blocked a ruling by a federal judge which found that cigarette companies had been violating racketeering laws and misleading the public for decades about the health risks associated with smoking. The ruling would've forced cigarette companies to stop marketing "light," "low tar," "ultralight," and "mild" cigarettes. In addition, tobacco companies would have had to issue "corrective statements" on their web sites and in newspapers about the adverse affects cigarettes have on health. The block allows advertising and sales of the misleading cigarettes to continue until the cigarette industry's appeals can be reviewed. So smoke 'em if you got 'em, folks--if the original ruling holds up, those light cigarettes of yours won't be healthier any more.

Studies have shown that the aforementioned cigarettes are not any better for you due to the way smokers smoke them (intravenously). The cigarette companies have stated that the original ruling by Judge Gladys Kessler would result in millions in losses and a loss of customers (other than the ones that, you know, DIE). No date has been set for the D.C. Court to hear arguments and it could be over a year before an opinion either way is issued.



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