PATH: BS | Media

Jon Stewart Dissects Conservative Fearmongering In The Media

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I haven't seen a more funny, informative and hard-hitting piece outlining the current trend of "liberal media" claiming the country is going to hell in a handbasket with Obama at the helm. Jon Stewart describes it as only he can...

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UPS Pulls Advertising From Bill O'Reilly's Show

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[Beating Dead Horses]
In what can likely be considered a victory against pompous, media-hungry wingnut bullies, ThinkProgress' campaign to fight Bill O'Reilly's circus of lies and partisan attacks has gotten UPS to pull all advertising from Bill O'Reilly's show.

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Religion Commercial Banned From YouTube

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A humorous commercial parody is going around the net about "religion." Unfortunately, the folks on YouTube are too uppity to allow any funny commentary on their beliefs so we bring it to you here.

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How To Lose Money: Watch CNBC And Jim Cramer

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[News Media]
CNBC's Rick Santelli is angry that those loser homeowners are going to get bailed out. Jon Stewart has some comments on that... especially after Santelli bailed from appearing on The Daily Show.

UPDATE: Now it has turned into a conflict between Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer...


Italian Sci-Fi Channel Ads Offer Interesting Moral Equivalancy

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Print ads for the Sci Fi Channel outside the United States get pretty clever....


Fox News Goes Nuts During Obama's First Day In Office

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[News Media]
John Stewart poignantly points out that the staff at Fox News have gone off the deep end in criticizing Obama's plan for America. It would be even more hilarious if it wasn't so sad.. let's watch..

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Bush's Eight Years In Office Explained In Eight Minutes

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[News Media] only Keith Olbermann can do..

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American Pharmaceuticals Sell HIV-Infected Drugs Overseas

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Just when you think you've heard it all, a shocking story surfaces that most of the mainstream media has not reported. Would an American drug company, upon finding that a supply of blood-based drugs was tainted with the HIV virus, offload these drugs overseas in an attempt to make a profit? Foreign regulators that have allowed this to happen are in prison. Nobody in the United States seems to even know this happened!

So what happens when a drug company gets blood for its new hemophiliac medication from a prison in Arkansas? And who do they dump the tainted drugs off on? And who is accountable?

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Zbigniew Brzezinski On Israel's Attack And Bush's Incompetence

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Former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski offered his expertise on the conflict in Gaza on Joe Scarborough's show, and after being badgered by Scarborough, he accused Joe of being so stunningly superficial in his analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that it's "embarassing."

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A Coin Toss Is Better Than Listening To Jim Cramer

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In a not-so-shocking analysis of one of the most-watched TV investment advisers, author Eric Tyson argues that Jim Cramer's actual stock-picking performance doesn't match the strength of his bellowing.

Besides his show Mad Money, Cramer is all over CNBC dispensing investment advice left and right. He's got to be out-performing other investment advisers and especially the market, right? Not really.

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Anatomy Of The Not News Report

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[News Media]
BBC Analyst Charlie Booker shows us how the news media turns non-news into news, and creates epic tales of nothingness while getting an entire nation to stare, slack-jawed at a picture of a closed door for six hours.

This report leaves little doubt that news reporters are the 21st century version of roaches.

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Majel Roddenberry Passes Away

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Gene Roddenberry's wife, Majel Roddenberry passed away today. We at BSAlert particularly mourn this loss because Majel was an outspoken secular humanist, as was her husband Gene, and this theme ran through all the Star Trek shows while Gene was involved.

Her romance with Roddenberry earned her the title "The First Lady of Star Trek." A fixture in the "Star Trek" franchise, her roles included Nurse Christine Chapel in the original "Star Trek," Lwaxana Troi in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and the voice of the USS Enterprise computer in almost every spin-off of the 1966 cult series. She recently reprised the voice role in the upcoming "Star Trek" film directed by J.J. Abrams.

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Peter Schiff: US "Phony Economy" Is Collapsing - Let It Go

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The one financial pundit who forsaw the mortgage crisis and other issues long before anyone else, and in defiance of other people, is interviewed on what he thinks of the bailout...


TV Talking Heads Eat Their Words (Except Peter Schiff)

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Check out this very amusing compilation of videos of various pundits talking about the future of the U.S. Economy and financial markets. One guy nailed it. The rest, including Ben Stein and everyone at Fox News, pretty much embarrassed themselves...

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Gore Vidal On Obama's Victory And The State Of America

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Gore Vidal, one of our favorite outspoken pundits, comments on Obama's victory and the nature of the Republican party as well as what's going on with America... as only Gore Vidal and BBC can do.

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AT&T Goes Dark In Wake Of Hurricane

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[Faulty Products]
Despite the day earlier, statements being issued by major cellular companies that they were prepared for Gustav, one company wasn't. AT&T customers in the New Orleans area experienced a total loss of cellular service for almost the entire day during the impact of Hurricane Gustav in Louisiana.

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Democratic Protesters Don't Show Fox News Any Love

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[News Media]
Check out this video of Fox News reporter trying to interview protesters at the Democratic National Convention... this made it to live TV?

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The FOX Is Wrong!

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[News Media]
Robert Greenwald has released a very amusing video styled after a popular game show to illustrate the degree to which the Fox News Network is making stuff up about Obama.

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They're Putting Something In Our Water?

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There's an interesting activist clip circulating around the Internet from a Northern California woman who seems to have uncovered a vast government conspiracy. Check it out...

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Non-Existent KFC In Iraq A Symbol Of War's Success

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Last week on the Fox News network, their pundits beamed over the "opening of a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Fallujah", Iraq. Apparently, the opening of this slave-wage fast food operation is a signal that the invasion is successful, democracy is taking root, the economy is thriving and everything is working.

Unfortunately, reality has a way of hating America, apparently.

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Al Qaeda Mastermind Killed Last Week, Also 2 Years Ago

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[News Media]
CBS News reports, "One of al Qaeda's top chemical and biological weapons experts was killed in an air strike by a CIA pilotless drone in a remote Pakistani border region."

Unfortunately two years ago ABC also reported Abu Khabab al-Masri was killed in Pakistan.

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Help Contact the Media and Demand Coverage Of Impeachment

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[News Media]
Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich announced that his impeachment resolution against President George W. Bush will be heard before the House Judiciary Committee on Friday.

He's asking that everyone petition the mainstream media to COVER THIS HISTORICAL EVENT - we need your help! - contact names, numbers and e-mail addresses are here.

"I want to thank you for the support which you have given to my efforts to hold this administration accountable for taking us into a war based on lies, and for the destruction of the rule of law and the destruction of cherished Constitutional principles," Kucinich said.

He will make the case, he continued, that the President has violated his oath of office, violated U.S. and international law, has separated our nation from our Constitution, and has threatened the democratic core of our nation.

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Taking Liberties (Since 1997)

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Taking Liberties is a shocking but hilarious polemic documentary that charts the destruction of all your Basic Liberties under 10 Years of New Labour.

Released to coincide with Tony Blair's departure, the film and the book follow the stories of normal people who's lives have been turned upside down by injustice - from being arrested for holding a placard outside parliament to being tortured in Guantanamo Bay.

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Gore Vidal: US Media Doesn't Give "A Flying f*ck" About Country

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One of the biggest stories in the last 20 years, American media is largely ignoring. Gore Vidal has something to say about it...

On June 9, 2008, a counterrevolution began on the floor of the House of Representatives against the gas and oil crooks who had seized control of the federal government. This counterrevolution began in the exact place which had slumbered during the all-out assault on our liberties and the Constitution itself.

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Study Says Fluoride Linked To Many Health Problems

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There is clear evidence that small amounts of fluoride, at or near levels added to U.S. water supplies,present potential risks to the thyroid gland, according to the National Research Council's (NRC) first-ever published review of the fluoride/thyroid literature.

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Matt Taibbi's, "The Great Derangement"

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The 21st century gonzo reporter, Matt Taibbi, takes us on revelatory and darkly comic adventure through a nation on the verge of a nervous breakdown—from the halls of Congress to the bases of Baghdad to the apocalyptic churches of the heartland.

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April 25: National Helen Thomas (True Journalist) Day!

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[News Media]
In the wake of the latest exhibit of true journalism by what appears to be the only real journalist left in the Washington Press Corps, we proclaim April 25 HELEN THOMAS (True Journalist) DAY!

While other networks talk about steroids in sports or dogs who can ride a skateboard or American Idol, Helen Thomas is the only real news reporter left in the White House Press Corps.

More than a week after the revelation that President Bush knew and endorsed specific plans of torturing detainees, the media has been largely silent over it other than cursory mentions at best. But Helen Thomas isn’t about to go silently into that good night and becomes the first White House reporter to ask White House spokesliar Dana Perino about how the president could have lied multiple times that we do not torture only to turn around and admit that not only do we, but he approved of it.

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FOX Acquires Largest Internet Religion Web Site

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[News Media]
Continuing with their business strategy and focusing their marketing efforts, FOX has now acquired Beliefnet, the Internet's largest religious web site. It makes perfect sense. If you're likely to believe in God, you're probably an ideal Fox News consumer.

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CIA "Torture Jet" Crash Lands With 4 Tons Of Cocaine On Board

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From the "Seems too crazy to be true" files comes this story, which now has quite a load of hard evidence to back it up.

A Florida-based Gulfstream II jet aircraft #N987SA crash-landed on September 24, 2007, after it ran out of fuel over Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. It had a cargo of several tons of cocaine on board. Now documents have turned up on both sides of the Atlantic that link this cocaine-smuggling Gulfstream II jet aircraft that crashed in Mexico to the CIA, who used it on at least 3 rendition flights from Europe and the USA to Guantanamo's infamous torture chambers between 2003 to 2005.

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Montel Williams On Fox Morning Show: Enough Heath Ledger!

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[News Media]
It's ironic that talk show host Montel Williams is the one to bring actual "news" to a show about news. Let's watch as he turns the Fox hosts' conversation from another hollywood actor who OD'd to more important social and political matters like soldiers dying in Iraq.

UPDATE: Montel Williams has lost his job because of this!!

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The Tom Cruise Indoctrination Video

Posted by thingy (13388 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Didn't get a chance to watch the terrifyingly creepy Tom Cruise video yesterday before Scientologists pulled it off YouTube? Well, managed to get their hands on a copy and now they'd like to invite you to watch in all its technicolor glory. Nevermind the orgs, nevermind the SPs and nevermind David Miscaviage, Defamer won't hesitate to put their ethics on ANYONE! Don't miss out, over one billion earth humans have been served. KSW and KFC forever (or something). This is must-see. Do not pass go without watching this video.

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Top 25 Censored News Stories Of 2008

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Project Censored is a media research group out of Sonoma State University which tracks the news published in independent journals and newsletters. From these, Project Censored compiles an annual list of 25 news stories of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported or self-censored by the country's major national news media.

Between 700 and 1000 stories are submitted to Project Censored each year from journalists, scholars, librarians, and concerned citizens around the world. With the help of more than 200 Sonoma State University faculty, students, and community members, Project Censored reviews the story submissions for coverage, content, reliability of sources and national significance. The university community selects 25 stories to submit to the Project Censored panel of judges who then rank them in order of importance. Current or previous national judges include: Noam Chomsky, Susan Faludi, George Gerbner, Sut Jhally , Frances Moore Lappe, Norman Solomon, Michael Parenti, Herbert I. Schiller, Barbara Seaman, Erna Smith, Mike Wallace and Howard Zinn. All 25 stories are featured in the yearbook, Censored: The News That Didn't Make the News.

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Helen Thomas Reminds Us What Journalism Used To Be Like

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[News Media]
A snippet from a White House press briefing shows that there is at least one remaining journalist who knows how to ask important questions, despite the press secretary insisting that Helen's position in the press corps is a privilege and she shouldn't be asking tough questions...

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Fox News: The Future Of News

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[News Media]
Take a look at this amusing overview of Fox news as only the Australians can describe...

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Kucinich: Are You Kidding? This Is About World Peace!

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Dennis Kucinich appeared on the CBS Early Show the other day and was asked by the host Hanna Storm, whether it was a good idea to meet with the leader of Iran. Watch as he embarrasses the biased show host by speaking frankly and with common sense nobody else at the network seems to have.

When Ms Storm's attempt to malign Kucinich fails, she goes after his wife personally, fixating on her tongue ring while Dennis wants to talk about world peace. Very classy people there at CBS. If this doesn't demonstrate the bizarre agenda some in the media have, I don't know what does.

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His Early Writings: Is Ron Paul A Racist Wingnut?

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Ron Paul writes in an early newsletter, that blacks are "barbarians", "The criminals who terrorize our cities--in riots and on every non-riot day--are not exclusively young black males, but they largely are. As children, they are trained to hate whites, to believe that white oppression is responsible for all black ills.."

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Fun With Newspaper Layouts

Posted by ueberbill (11477 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Good News]
Working on the layout for a newspaper cannot be that easy-- you have to produce editions constantly, day in and day out, and sometimes you just miss something. Here's my favorite example of something somebody missed.

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Writer's Strike Explained by Daily Show Writers

Posted by wizeGurl (11887 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

In case you've been living under a rock and haven't heard, the Writers Guild Association--the union of the folks who write most TV shows and movies--is on strike. What do these fiends want? Why do the insist on making us watch reruns of our favorite late-night talk shows, like The Daily Show or Letterman? And why--if the strike lasts for a while--will we also have to watch reruns of most of our favorite prime-time shows, like Heroes? And if the strike goes really long, we might have to watch--gasp!--foreign movies from England or Canada or somewhere?!!

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Olbermann On Fox News' Attack On Decency

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[News Media]
On Monday's episode of Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Keith was joined by Brave New Films' Robert Greenwald to discuss the phenomenal success of their "Fox Attacks: Decency" video. Fox News repeatedly uses gratuitous footage of T & A even in stories which are totally unrelated. Get a look at the report about a serial killer in Daytona which Fox inexplicably juxtaposes with what appears to be some kind of wet t-shirt contest.

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CBS: Only A Handful Support Impeachment; Its A Bluff

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[News Media]
In reaction to Dennis Kucinich's bill to pursue impeachment proceedings for Vice President Cheney, CBS's Harry Smith called the effort a "bluff," that only a "handful of people" are in favor of impeachment and merely a political tactic to get a failing presidential candidate some attention... Watch this embarrassing hit-piece on a politician who is actually trying to do something about the administration's impending rhetoric for invading Iran....

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Concision In the US Media

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[News Media]
What is Concision? This is the notion that the American media has adopted that demands that details they provide in the mass media, and guests they invite to talk, must be able to make their points quickly and concisely.

What does this mean for you and the search for truth? Noam Chomsky has some wickedly brilliant insight...

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Tonight on Larry King: Avoiding Insurance Scams

Posted by wizeGurl (13387 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

If you're Larry King, doing an hour-long TV interview with a celebrity or a central figure in a news story (a fireman fighting the California wildfires! a 9/11 widow! a murderer's brother!) every week night, you ought to eventually, in your 70-something years of life, learn a few basics about human nature.
  • Celebrities who collapse from "exhaustion" are exhausted from too much booze and drugs.

  • People who are accused of a crime will always claim innocence.

  • There is no free lunch.

  • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Unfortunately, it seems that ol' Larry didn't learn those last two life-lessons very well. At least, not judging by his lawsuit against an insurance company for "breach of fiduciary responsibility."

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Clear Channel Censors Bruce Springsteen

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Bruce Springsteen should be very happy. He has the No. 1 album, a possible Grammy for Best Album of the Year for "Magic," an album full of singles and a sold-out concert tour.

Alas, there’s a hitch: Radio will not play "Magic." In fact, sources say that Clear Channel has sent an edict to its classic rock stations not to play tracks from "Magic."

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The Daily Show: Who's Exploiting The CA Wildfires?

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[Beating Dead Horses]
[News Media]
Jon Stewart takes an amusing look at who's exploiting natural disasters and who's suggesting terrorists might be at the center.

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FCC Decides American Media Isn't Screwed Up Enough

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The head of the Federal Communications Commission has circulated an ambitious plan to relax the decades-old media ownership rules, including repealing a rule that forbids a company to own both a newspaper and a television or radio station in the same city.

Good f*cking grief! Is anybody paying attention? We've been railing for years about how eradicating The Fairness Doctrine and the passage of the 1996 Telco Act gutted media and created the mess we're in now, and the Bush administration's FCC is again, pandering to corporate interests at the expense of Americans ever having any hope of decent news and other media options.


Military Recruitment Facts, Myths And Outright Lies

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According to a new book called, "Army of None", there are plenty of reasons to be very suspicious about what a military recruiter tells you about the benefits and details of service in the armed forces...


Top 10 Big Stories Censored By US Media

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Project Censored is a media research group out of Sonoma State University which tracks the news published in independent journals and newsletters. From these, Project Censored compiles an annual list of top news stories of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported or self-censored by the country's major national news media.

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Columbus Dispatch Cartoon Portrays Iranians As Cockroaches

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[Mean People]
[News Media]
So how far is too far in demonstrating how profoundly insensitive and mean-spirited a publisher can be? I think the editors of Ohio's Columbus Dispatch may have found a new low.

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Posted by Pile (11963 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Web site has suffered an online attack with the personal data of hundreds of thousands of users stolen, says a security firm.

A computer program was used to access the employers' section of the website using stolen log-in credentials.

The most amusing part of this is that didn't even know about this until a security company noticed phishing spam with stolen customer information within and contacted

As usual, it's the European press which break stories like this. Why do I have to read in English papers what happens to U.S. companies? Never mind, don't answer that. We all know why.

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Fox News Trumpets Iran War Drums

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[News Media]
Robert Greenwald has put together a shocking montage of Fox news clips clearly showing the network's attempt to lobby for another preemptive attack in the middle east. This time in Iran.

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