Non-Existent KFC In Iraq A Symbol Of War's Success

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Last week on the Fox News network, their pundits beamed over the "opening of a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Fallujah", Iraq. Apparently, the opening of this slave-wage fast food operation is a signal that the invasion is successful, democracy is taking root, the economy is thriving and everything is working.

Unfortunately, reality has a way of hating America, apparently.

There's one problem, there is no KFC in Fallujah according to KFC corporate, Yum! Restaurants International spokesman Christophe Lecureuil:

I understand you wanted some details about the store in Falluja that looks like a KFC. This store is not approved by KFC International and we have working with the US Military to warn the troops of this situation.

Apparently the franchise is a totally bogus counterfeit. I think maybe the Original Recipe Goat Testicle Nugget Clusters might have been a giveaway.


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