April 25: National Helen Thomas (True Journalist) Day!

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[News Media]
In the wake of the latest exhibit of true journalism by what appears to be the only real journalist left in the Washington Press Corps, we proclaim April 25 HELEN THOMAS (True Journalist) DAY!

While other networks talk about steroids in sports or dogs who can ride a skateboard or American Idol, Helen Thomas is the only real news reporter left in the White House Press Corps.

More than a week after the revelation that President Bush knew and endorsed specific plans of torturing detainees, the media has been largely silent over it other than cursory mentions at best. But Helen Thomas isn’t about to go silently into that good night and becomes the first White House reporter to ask White House spokesliar Dana Perino about how the president could have lied multiple times that we do not torture only to turn around and admit that not only do we, but he approved of it.

There's a large effort to contact Helen and send her flowers and thanks. Here's her address: Helen Thomas Hearst Newspapers 700 12th St. NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 263-6400

Pictures of our flowers here


love it
Posted by luke i on 2008-04-29 05:54:01
you have to love the ease in which everybody can lie through their teeth. we are a society with no culpability or shame.

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