Kucinich: Are You Kidding? This Is About World Peace!

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Dennis Kucinich appeared on the CBS Early Show the other day and was asked by the host Hanna Storm, whether it was a good idea to meet with the leader of Iran. Watch as he embarrasses the biased show host by speaking frankly and with common sense nobody else at the network seems to have.

When Ms Storm's attempt to malign Kucinich fails, she goes after his wife personally, fixating on her tongue ring while Dennis wants to talk about world peace. Very classy people there at CBS. If this doesn't demonstrate the bizarre agenda some in the media have, I don't know what does.


Posted by TheSimulacra on 2007-11-26 17:21:42
I don't think the media has wholesale bias (except Fox News, of course) as much as it just has an insatiable desire for sensationalism and shallowness. They'll go after anybody for anything if it's something tabloid-worthy. It's easier (and more profitable) to call Dennis a crazy Hobbit than it is to actually listen to his opinions on issues of national importance... I mean, we came here for a puppet show and by gummit we're going to get one! We don't have time for reasonable people with experience and a legitimate concern for the welfare of the world, we have to decide whether we're going to choose the black one or the one with the boobs! (Not Richardson)

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