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New Analysis Of Drugmaker Data Reveals Paxil Is Dangerous

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Fourteen years ago, a leading drug maker published a study showing that the antidepressant Paxil was safe and effective for teenagers. On Wednesday, a major medical journal posted a new analysis of the same data concluding that the opposite is true.

That study — featured prominently by the journal BMJ — is a clear break from scientific custom and reflects a new era in scientific publishing, some experts said, opening the way for journals to post multiple interpretations of the same experiment. It comes at a time of self-examination across science — retractions are at an all-time high; recent cases of fraud have shaken fields as diverse as anesthesia and political science; and earlier this month researchers reported that less than half of a sample of psychology papers held up.

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TED Organizers Ban Any Discussions Criticizing GMOs

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Under the guise of combating a rise in "pseudoscience" the producers of the TED series of lectures have laid down bold new rules that inhibit any discussion on a number of controversial subjects that are anything but pseudoscience. They have even gone so far as to suggest "food as medicine" is quackery.

While some of the claims in their guidelines make sense, such as the non-pandering to the intertwining of spirituality and science, the notion that Genetically-modified foods and the skepticism over their long-term value being considered "psuedo-science" appears to be pandering to select, powerful corporate interests, and has caused a backlash among those in the educational/intellectual community.

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American Food That Is Banned Elsewhere

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Every day, millions of Americans enjoy food products that other countries have deemed unsafe for consumption. Let's take a look at some examples..

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Russia Bans GM Corn After Study Shows Cancer Risk

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Russia is temporarily banning the import of Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) corn after results of a new study published in the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology showed rats fed GM corn developed tumors and organ damage, with a high rate of premature death, according to the Wall Street Journal.

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Studies Show Pesticide Responsible For Bee Disappearances

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Thousands of scientific sleuths have been on this case for the last 15 years trying to determine why our honey bees are disappearing in such alarming numbers. “This is the biggest general threat to our food supply,” according to Kevin Hackett, the national program leader for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s bee and pollination program.

Until recently, the evidence was inconclusive on the cause of the mysterious “colony collapse disorder” (CCD) that threatens the future of beekeeping worldwide. But three new studies point an accusing finger at a culprit that many have suspected all along, a class of pesticides known as neonicotinoids.

In the U.S. alone, these pesticides, produced primarily by the German chemical giant Bayer and known as “neonics” for short, coat a massive 142 million acres of corn, wheat, soy and cotton seeds. They are also a common ingredient in home gardening products.

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Household Cleaning Products You Might Want To Avoid Using

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Nothing like mopping your floors, scrubbing your counters and cleaning your shower with hazardous waste. That’s essentially what you’re doing if you use many name-brand household cleaners to get your home spic-and-span. But you eco-conscious clean freaks probably already knew that.

If you’re concerned about your health and helping the environment, your toxic household cleaners were likely the first to go. And for good reason. The household cleaning industry is largely unregulated and companies aren’t required to include ingredient lists for cleaning products, like they are for food, drugs and personal care products.

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Study Shows GM Corn Linked To Organ Failure

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In a study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences, analyzing the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, researchers found that agricultural giant Monsanto's GM corn is linked to organ damage in rats. It is suggested that almost all corn in America is Genetically-modified, and almost all processed food products may contain GM corn.

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Fish You Should Not Eat

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Did you know that the "catfish" on that plate you're eating is not legally defined as a "catfish" by the US Federal government and is therefor exempt from certain regulations restricting the use of drugs and antibiotics?

But that may be just the tip of the fin...

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Evidence Mounts On Danger of Glyphosate Pesticides

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A recent report put together by various professors, scholars and researchers affiliated with Earth Open Source, a collaboration group devoted to food issues, cites in great detail the multitude of peer-reviewed scientific studies which show that Monsanto's Roundup herbicide (glyphosate), which is applied to many genetically-modified (GM) crops, is responsible for causing birth defects, endocrine disruption, DNA damage, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and cancer -- and yet government agencies around the world continue to ignore this crucial information, and withhold it from the public, as they push for its approval or expanded use.

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World Health Organization: Cell Phones Likely Cause Cancer

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Radiation from cell phones can possibly cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization. The agency now lists mobile phone use in the same "carcinogenic hazard" category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform.

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A Look At Chernobyl Reveals Impending Fukushima Disaster Scope

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Prominent Australian physician, author and nuclear expert Dr. Helen Caldicott reveals the details on what happened in the Chernobyl disaster in Russia; why Fukushima in Japan is "several orders of magnitude worse" and what this means in terms of lives and what the media is not telling you about how radiation affects peoples' health. No matter where you are in the world, you should watch this video to understand the implications of the nuclear disaster in Japan because it indeed will affect all of the Earth...

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French Court Rounds Up Monsanto Lies

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France's highest court has ruled that US agrochemical giant Monsanto had not told the truth about the safety of its best-selling weed-killer, Roundup.

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Just How Bad Is The Deepwater Horizon Disaster?

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It goes without saying that most people no longer believe what British Petroleum is saying publicly about the amount of oil leaking into the Gulf and the condition of the well structure. The reality is much more frightening... In a few crevices in Cyberspace, experts in the industry are whispering what they think is really going on...

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BP Oil Spill Destroying Coastlands; Action Not Happening

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Plaquemines parish president, Billy Nungesser makes a plea to the government to take over the project and stop British Petroleum's control over the Deepwater Horizon oil spill as he watches the coastal marshes become irrevocably destroyed by the oil slick...

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Foreign Seafood: Something's Fishy

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Ever wonder how much seafood in your market comes from overseas and how much testing goes into it? And why is it that there are fish here from half way across the world that can be found in area waters?

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GM Corn Linked To Organ Failure In Studies

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In a study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences, analyzing the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, researchers found that agricultural giant Monsanto's GM corn is linked to organ damage in rats.

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GM Soybeans Now Responsible For "Super Weeds" And More Pesticide

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In 1996, Genetically-modified soybeans were put in use in Argentina. While other areas of the world have been more cautious in dealing with GM crops, little discussion was made and now the end result appears to be a new breed of "super weeds" and the use of even more pesticide and potential damage to the soil, air and water sources.

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Tanning Beds Now Identified As Major Cancer Risks

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[Faulty Products]
International cancer experts have moved tanning beds and other sources of ultraviolet radiation into the top cancer risk category, deeming them as deadly as arsenic and mustard gas.

A new analysis of about 20 studies concludes the risk of skin cancer jumps by 75 percent when people start using tanning beds before age 30. Experts also found that all types of ultraviolet radiation caused worrying mutations in mice, proof the radiation is carcinogenic. Previously, only one type of ultraviolet radiation was thought to be lethal.

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Indians Market New Bottled Water In United States

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A new, beautifully-designed line of bottled water - this time not from the melting Alps, nor from faraway, clean-water-deprived Fiji, but rather from the contaminated ground near the site of the 1984 Bhopal catastrophe - scared Dow Chemical's London management team into hiding today.

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FDA Announces Drugs That Are Being Reviewed

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U.S. regulators on Thursday listed two dozen drugs, including weight-loss medicines and sleep disorder pills, that it is at an early stage of reviewing for potential safety problems. Many drugs that people may think are safe, may not be as safe, including Chantix, Xenical, Orlistat, Nuvigil, Provigil and others.

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Fox News Takes Heat For Hate Speech

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MSNBC takes the right wing media to task for their campaign against recently-murdered Kansas doctor George Tiller. Keith Olbermann suggests Fox News now be "quarantined."

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Court Documents Confirm Dumping Of Toxic Waste In Pirate Waters

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Documents have emerged which detail for the first time the potentially lethal nature of toxic waste dumped by British-based oil traders in one of west Africa's poorest countries.

More than 30,000 people from Ivory Coast claim they were affected by the poisonous cocktail and are currently bringing Britain's biggest-ever group lawsuit against the company, Trafigura.

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Monsanto Wins Case To Stop Hormone-Free Milk Labels

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A federal court in Ohio has ruled that dairies cannot legally label their milk "hormone free" "rBST-free" or otherwise clearly tell consumers that they aren't pumping up their cows with synthetic hormones.

It's a blow to truth-in-labeling advocates, a blow to consumers and a blow to organic farmers. It's a win for Monsanto, the agrichemical giant that prompted the lawsuit, and a win for Eli Lilly, which bought Monsanto's synthetic recombinant bovine growth hormones (known as rBST or rBGH) business a couple months ago. The use of these hormones is banned throughout most other first world nations. The labeling issue is moot in the 27-nation European Union, along with Canada, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, since they don't allow the use of synthetic hormones in the first place.

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No More Tears, But Perhaps A Little Cancer

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[Faulty Products]
More than half the baby shampoo, lotion and other infant care products analyzed by a health advocacy group were found to contain trace amounts of two chemicals that are believed to cause cancer.

Some of the biggest names on the market, including Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo and Baby Magic lotion, tested positive for 1,4-dioxane or formaldehyde, or both, the nonprofit Campaign for Safe Cosmetics reported.


17 Year Old Discovers Problems With Splenda Sweetener

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Leave it to a 17-year-old foreign student to run some tests on the popular sweetener sucralose that is Splenda, and find out that the substance does not seem to break down in normal wastewater treatment and might be around in our water supply for a long time, in possibly high enough concentrations to cause harm to people and animals..

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Antibiotic-Free Chicken Injected With Drugs Before Hatched

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Tyson Foods, the world's largest meat processor and the second largest chicken producer in the United States, has admitted that it injects its chickens with antibiotics before they hatch, but labels them as raised without antibiotics anyway. In response, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) told Tyson to stop using the antibiotic-free label. The company has sued over its right to keep using it.

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FDA Raises "Safe" Melamine Level In Baby Formula

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Less than two months after federal food regulators said they were unable to set a safety threshold for the industrial chemical melamine in baby formula, they announced a standard that allows for higher levels than those found in U.S.-made batches of the product.

Food and Drug Administration officials on Friday set a threshold of 1 part per million of melamine in formula, provided a related chemical isn't present. They insisted the formulas are safe.

Presumably based on the number of complaints they received from newborn babies?

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Radioactive Waste Ending Up In Indian/Chinese Consumer Products

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French authorities made headlines last month when they said as many as 500 sets of radioactive buttons had been installed in elevators around the country. It wasn't an isolated case.

Improper disposal of industrial equipment and medical scanners containing radioactive materials is letting nuclear waste trickle into scrap smelters, contaminating consumer goods, threatening the $140 billion trade in recycled metal and spurring the United Nations to call for increased screening.

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Supreme Court May Give Drug Companies Immunity

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The Supreme Court may rule that pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for dangerous or even deadly side effects from their drugs if those side effects arise from an FDA-approved use.

Under a legal argument known as "pre-emption," the FDA's approval of a drug absolves companies of any responsibility if that drug later turns out to be dangerous, even if information was concealed from the FDA during the approval process. While courts have rejected this argument for decades, the winds appear to be shifting.

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Japan Halts Pesticide-Laden Chinese Frozen Beans

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Japan yesterday ordered retailers to pull frozen beans from China off the shelves after a woman fell ill eating a product which had 34,500 times the legal limit of pesticide, officials said. Japan's health ministry instructed retailers and importers nationwide to suspend sales of frozen green beans from a Chinese supplier.

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Studies Indicate Definite Link Between Cancer And Cell Phone Use

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[Faulty Products]
Society "must not repeat the situation we had with the relationship between smoking and lung cancer where we ... waited until every 'i' was dotted and 't' was crossed before warnings were issued," said David Carpenter, director of the Institute of Health and Environment at the University of Albany, in testimony before a subcommittee of the US House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform.

"Precaution is warranted even in the absence of absolutely final evidence concerning the magnitude of the risk" -- especially for children, said Carpenter

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The Dirty Dozen Fruits,Vegetables That Contain Pesticide Residue

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A report by Consumers Union has some important information on which fruits and vegetables you should seek out from organic sources because their conventional counterparts, even after being washed, may still contain significant pesticide residue, and which vegetables and fruits aren't as critical to be acquired from organic sources.

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Facts About Plastics: Which Types To Avoid

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There's a lot of controversy surrounding recent stories about BPA in plastic bottles and its effect on peoples' health. So have you ever paid attention to those numbers on the bottom of plastic bottles? What do they mean? Let's find out.

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Study Says Fluoride Linked To Many Health Problems

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There is clear evidence that small amounts of fluoride, at or near levels added to U.S. water supplies,present potential risks to the thyroid gland, according to the National Research Council's (NRC) first-ever published review of the fluoride/thyroid literature.

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Many Vegetables Americans Eat May Be Toxic

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Much of Europe has banned genetically-modified foods, but not in the USA. This may have proven to be beneficial for Europeans and costly for Americans.

A simple experiment by a Russian scientist to see if eating GM soya influenced the offspring of mice, could threaten the multi-billion dollar GM industry.

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The World According To Monsanto

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On March 11 a new documentary was aired on French television (ARTE – French-German cultural tv channel) by French journalist and filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin, The World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won't ever see on their TVs. The gigantic biotech corporation Monsanto is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind for thousands of years.

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Your Drinking Water Probably Contains Drugs

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A vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, an Associated Press investigation shows.

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Utah Republican Fighting Against Steroid-Free Milk Labels

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Most Utah consumers want to know what's in their food and how it is produced. Some prefer vegetables and fruit that are grown without pesticides, and milk and meat that are produced with no growth hormones.

Enter Republican representative Kerry Gibson from Utah, who is actively fighting against producers being able to identify whether the mild you drink is from steroid-free cows.

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FDA Drags Feet On Bayer Recall, 22,000 Dead

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The lives of 22,000 patients could have been saved if U.S. regulators had been quicker to remove a Bayer AG drug used to stem bleeding during open heart surgery, according to a medical researcher interviewed by CBS Television's 60 Minutes program.

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Ben & Jerry's Fights To Promote The Safety Of Their Ice Cream

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Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc., one of the first companies to label its ice cream as free of a synthetic hormone, is protesting a move by some states to restrict such labeling.

The ice cream maker has joined a national campaign to block what critics say is an effort driven by Monsanto Co., which markets recombinant bovine somatotropin, or rBST, also known as recombinant bovine growth hormone, or rBGH. Many people want to know if products contain this substance and Monsanto would rather you not, and they are trying to stop companies from advertising that they DON'T HAVE Monsanto's chemical additives!

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FEMA Forgets Formaldehyde

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FEMA, a federal agency that ranks in the mind of the public somewhere above herpes and somewhere below groin punches, has been having a bad couple of years. Last summer it came to light that FEMA had avoided testing their famous trailers for formaldehyde (best known for making the dead stay fabulous) in order to not get sued. Well, the hits just keep on coming...

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F.D.A. To Drug Companies: Suicide is Bad!

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The Food and Drug Administration, tasked not only with regulating my two favorite vices but determining whether or not a drug will kill us all, has made a pretty interesting decision. They will require companies to not only disclose if their drugs kill people, but to find out if their drugs make people kill themselves.

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Monsanto Loses Bid To Outlaw Labelling Of Potentially Safer Milk

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Pennsylvania resisted a lobbying push by Monsanto that sought to outlaw the labeling of milk that is free of artificial hormones.

Monsanto had argued that there is no discernible difference between milk from cows that have or have not been injected with its recombinant bovine growth hormones, known as alternately as rbST, bST, BGH or rBGH. It is banned in Europe and Canada.

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Lead Found In Lipstick

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Toys made in China aren’t the only products laced with dangerous heavy metals: lipstick manufactured in the United States and used daily by millions of American women also contains surprisingly high levels of lead, according to new product tests released today by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. The lead tests were conducted by an independent laboratory over the month of September on red lipsticks bought in Boston, Hartford, Conn., San Francisco and Minneapolis. Top findings include:

More than half of 33 brand-name lipsticks tested (61 percent) contained detectable levels of lead, with levels ranging from 0.03 to 0.65 parts per million (ppm). None of these lipsticks listed lead as an ingredient.

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Government Finds Lead Test Kits Don't Detect Lead

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[Faulty Products]
Are you concerned about toxins found in products around the house, like lead in toys? Why not get one of those nifty home lead test kits? Well the Consumer Product Safety Commission has just announced most of those kits don't really work. I wonder where they come from?

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The Secret History of the War on Cancer

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Children shouldn't use cellphones. No one should drink diet sodas sweetened with aspartame. And think twice before getting X-rayed with a CAT scan except in a bona fide life-threatening emergency. That's just some of the precautionary advice that epidemiologist Devra Davis, who runs the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, delivers in her new book, "The Secret History of the War on Cancer."

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Study Shows Nutrisweet-Aspartame Causes Cancer In Approved Doses

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You might want to re-think how much of the common diet soft drinks, candy and other artificially-sweetened foods you consume these days. A recent, peer-reviewed study suggests the artificial sweetener causes cancer in rats at levels currently approved for humans.

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Know Your Food Coloring

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Used in everything from soft drinks to canned vegetable, food coloring is pervasive in our society. Here's a short guide to the various food colors and whether or not you'll be that excited about seeing them in your food from now on..

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Latest Global Warming Threat: Mammoth Poop

Posted by wizeGurl (12376 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Global warming. It has many causes, primarily human burning of fossil fuels. But there are a number of factors that may add to it. For example, as polar ice caps melt, sunlight that would have once reflected away from the earth is now absorbed by the darker land and water underneath, making things even warmer. It's the global warming feedback loop.

Another such feedback loop is taking place as the once-frozen tundra at the top of the world begins to thaw. What used to live on the tundra? Mammoths. And they pooped. A lot. And that poop froze into eternally frozen poopsicles.

Until now.

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Boy Babies Vanishing Among Inuit; Who's Next?

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The Inuit, the native peoples of the world's Arctic regions in Russia, Canada, Alaska, and Greenland (you may know them by the old name, Eskimo), have a little problem. They're having more girl babies than boy babies. A lot more. In some cases, twice as many. And in at least one area in northern Greenland, they're only having girl babies.

This is sad, but why do we care? We're (most of us) not Inuit living in the far north. But they may simply be the exaggerated end of a trend that is growing in other areas as well.

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