FDA Announces Drugs That Are Being Reviewed

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U.S. regulators on Thursday listed two dozen drugs, including weight-loss medicines and sleep disorder pills, that it is at an early stage of reviewing for potential safety problems. Many drugs that people may think are safe, may not be as safe, including Chantix, Xenical, Orlistat, Nuvigil, Provigil and others.

Pfizer Inc's smoking cessation drug Chantix for possible risk of accidental injury, vision impairment and other issues, and Cephalon Inc's sleep disorder drugs Nuvigil and Provigil for a potential of serious skin reactions.

Other drugs listed included Orlistat, a weight-loss drug sold by Roche Inc as the prescription product Xenical and by GlaxoSmithKline Plc as the over-the-counter drug Alli. The FDA said it was continuing to evaluate liver toxicity reports for orlistat.

The FDA also said Pfizer's overactive bladder drug Detrol was under investigation for reports of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a serious skin reaction.



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