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Louisiana's "Bestiality Ten" - Senators Protect Animal Sex

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[Beating Dead Horses]
The Louisiana Senate voted on April 10th, on a bill criminalizing sex with animals. The measure passed on a vote of 25 to 10 in favor (with 4 abstaining).

The bill's author, New Orleans Senator JP Morrell says it's important that the state has a way to arrest someone for having sex with animals.

He told fellow lawmakers, "God forbid you vote against this bill, good luck explaining it."

Ten senators did vote against it.

Here are LA's "Bestiality Ten" - Make 'em famous!

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#MeToo Movement Wins A Few Battles, Losing War

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While the mainstream media focuses on today's accused sexual harasser, are women overall losing the war? Are they being distracted and misdirected at low-hanging-fruit? A very insightful editorial published in the New York Times raises the question...

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Louisiana Law Prohibits Use Of Money... Wait, What?

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If you buy or sell non-new goods and live in the state of Louisiana, you can no longer use legal tender to complete such transactions. Ackel & Associates LLC, a professional law firm, explains that House Bill 195 of the 2011 Regular Session (Act 389), which was recently passed by the state legislature and signed into law by Republican governor Bobby Jindal, prohibits anyone who "buys, sells, trades or otherwise acquires or disposes of junk or used or secondhand property [from entering] into any cash transactions in payment for the purchase of [such items]." Doing so could land you up to five years of hard time in jail.

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Michael Moore Posts Julian Assange's Bail

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President George W. Bush (as shown in this actual photo) was presented a "secret" document on August 6th, 2001. Its heading read: "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US." And on those pages it said the FBI had discovered "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings." Mr. Bush decided to ignore it and went fishing for the next four weeks.

Moore asks America, how different things might have been if Wikileaks had been around and made that information public, instead of it being ignored?

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Wikileaks' Insurance Policy

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In the wake of death threats from the US Government against the founder of Wikileaks - a journalistic web site that posts "whistleblower" information on important social, economic and political issues, a file has mysteriously appeared that is ten times larger than anything else, merely labeled "insurance."

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Mrs. Thomas Goes To Washington

Posted by ueberbill (15028 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Virginia Thomas, a self-described "ordinary citizen from Omaha, Nebraska, is an unabashed conservative (to paraphrase Seinfeld- not that there's anything wrong with that). She "intrigued" by Glenn Beck, is a big fan of Rush Limbaugh, and wants America to get back to "core conservative principles". Toward that end she has started a 501(c) nonprofit that can raise unlimited cash from corporations and spend it advocating for any politician or position in any race across the country. That nonprofit's activities would've been banned by federal law if not for the help of one very special man.

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KBR: Whitewashing Gang Rape Creates A Better Workplace

Posted by MarkPile (13020 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Senator Al Franken asks the attorney for KBR/Halliburton a few questions regarding the current bill he authored before congress that 30 Republicans voted against. It seems pretty simple: Franken believes the government should not do business with companies that force their employees to take serious criminal matters to private arbitration in lieu of actual justice. In this case, a woman who was brutally gang raped and locked inside a storage container fights for her right to face her accusers in court. Watch as KBR's attorney tries to defend their bizzare stance on the issue.

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Everything Is OK

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Reverse psychology proves to be an effective protest technique in the hands of these ingenious Englishmen...

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Green Day Snubs Wal-Mart Over Censorship

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Green Day has the most popular CD in the country, but you won't be able to find it at your local Wal-Mart.

The band says the giant superstore chain refused to stock its latest CD, "21st Century Breakdown," because Wal-Mart wanted the album edited for language and content, and they refused.

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Keith Olbermann: Obama Is Wrong And Selling America Out

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[Beating Dead Horses]
In the wake of the release of the memos from the Bush administration showing their fraudulent mandate for torture and disregard for domestic and International law, President Obama has claimed it's time to put that behind us. "No. You're wrong.", says Keith Olbermann, and he's not alone.

Perhaps one of his most compelling and powerful arguments, Keith shows how the nation has never "moved forward" without "fixing the mistakes of the past" first and foremost, and until that is done, the past is destined to repeat itself with even more heinous results. Best Godwin argument I've ever seen...

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The Truth About Gun Control And Partisanship

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
Ever since Obama was elected to the White House, conservatives and gun enthusiasts have been screaming about how likely Barak Obama is to take away peoples firearms. People talk of the "Clinton ban" which restricted assault weapons in 1994 and claim another Democrat in the White House is bad news for gun owners.

But is this truthful? Are Democrats more for gun control than Republicans? We examine historical and recent legislation to reveal that a lot of what people are saying is total BS...

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Do You Live In A Constitution-Free Zone?

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Did you know the Federal government has decided that if you live within 100 miles of a land or coastal border they have "extraordinary powers" to stop and search you? The ACLU has some info you need to know...

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The Story Of Tommy Chong - What The Feds Don't Want You To See

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Most people are aware Tommy Chong was sent to prison for being involved in a web site operation that sold drug paraphernalia to a state that prohibited such sales. They probably don't know the details of this or who was behind it. It's worth checking out...

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EFF Sues Bush Administration For Protecting Telcos Wiretapping

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The Bush administration has said the American public can not sue the phone companies who have participated in unconstitutional, illegal surveillance of Americans. As a result, the EFF has filed suit against the Bush administration.

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Amy Goodman Arrested At Republican Convention

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Amy Goodman, much revered journalist and host of "Democracy Now", was grabbed by riot-suited policemen and arrested as she left the Republican National Convention - check out the video...

What's next? Helen Thomas waterboarded?

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Feds Say Air Fresheners Are Now Probable Cause

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Federal appeals court ruled that motorists can be stopped for 30 minutes and searched if they are nervous and use an air freshener.

Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson. A federal appellate court ruled last week that police can delay a routine traffic stop as long as necessary to conduct a search for drugs. In its decision, the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit upheld the validity of a thirty-minute traffic stop in Maryland because the arresting officer claimed the nervous driver had an air freshener hanging from his rear-view mirror and had previously been spotted driving in a run-down neighborhood.

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Have You Used A Phone In The Last Five Years?

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The ACLU wants you to know something...

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All Of Congress Covers Up Administration's Crimes

Posted by Pile (13973 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

For six years, the Bush Administration and the nation’s communication companies have been illegally spying on Americans’ phone calls and e-mails. They did this in direct violation of the Constitution’s 4th Amendment and a federal statute – FISA. Both laws emphatically forbid such surveillance unless the government first obtains a warrant from an independent (eg, FISA) court.

Your Congress, including the Democrats are now working to give the companies that colluded with the administration immunity for these crimes.

By the way, both Barak Obama and John McCain sold out on this one. Obama voted for it; Every single republican voted for it. McCain was too much of a coward to even vote, but we all know which way he would have voted - certainly not against party lines.

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July 4 2008: A Declaration For Our Times

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A group of so-called "rabble rousers" have placed an ad in today's New York Times... it's well worth a read...

“We the people of the United States,” the first words of the Constitution, make it clear that our government was established to serve the people. Our Constitution contains checks and balances to prevent abuses of power, and our Bill of Rights limits government in order to guarantee fundamental rights and liberties. Today the "War on Terror" undermines those crucial limits on power that our Constitution promises. Congress's complicity in this war has enabled constitutional violations of including warrantless surveillance, torture, indefinite detention, and preemptive war.

Fighting against one violation at a time fragments our movement. It is time to unite to face the common source of these problems.

See the video and the actual ad placed.

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Hitchens After Being Waterboarded Now Claims It's Torture

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Want to know if waterboarding is torture? Ask Christopher Hitchens. Previously, this outspoken writer and atheist has taken the atypical view among his contemporaries that the war against those in the middle east was not necessarily a bad thing, and that water boarding was not torture.

That is... until he took the challenge to experience it first hand...

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Taking Liberties (Since 1997)

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Taking Liberties is a shocking but hilarious polemic documentary that charts the destruction of all your Basic Liberties under 10 Years of New Labour.

Released to coincide with Tony Blair's departure, the film and the book follow the stories of normal people who's lives have been turned upside down by injustice - from being arrested for holding a placard outside parliament to being tortured in Guantanamo Bay.

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Gore Vidal: US Media Doesn't Give "A Flying f*ck" About Country

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One of the biggest stories in the last 20 years, American media is largely ignoring. Gore Vidal has something to say about it...

On June 9, 2008, a counterrevolution began on the floor of the House of Representatives against the gas and oil crooks who had seized control of the federal government. This counterrevolution began in the exact place which had slumbered during the all-out assault on our liberties and the Constitution itself.

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Dennis Kucinich Introduces Articles Of Impeachment

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Thirty-five articles were presented by Rep. Dennis Kucinich to the House of Representatives late Monday evening, airing live on C-SPAN. Is the mainstream media reporting this?

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Florida Set To Approve Christianity-Promoting License Plate

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Florida lawmakers may approve a new license that includes a cross and the words "I Believe."

Even though Florida now has more than 100 specialized license tags, the Republican-controlled Legislature may soon add one more: a colorful license plate that features the words ''I Believe'' set among a resplendent sunrise and the image of a cross in front of stained-glass window.

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Secret Memo Made Public In Torture Case

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[Mean People]
A secret memo authored by the Department of Justice (DOJ) asserting that President Bush has unlimited power to order brutal interrogations to extract information from detainees was declassified today as a result of an American Civil Liberties Union Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The memo, written by John Yoo, then a deputy at the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), was sent to the Defense Department in March 2003.

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Fighting the Advil menace, one strip search at a time

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There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it's perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible. The first group includes officials at Safford Middle School in Safford, Arizona, who in 2003 forced eighth-grader Savana Redding to prove she was not concealing Advil in her crotch or cleavage.

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Rush Limbaugh Implicated In Vote Fraud Scheme

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In case you missed it, Rush Limbaugh, the oxycotin-taking conservative talk radio host, was urging Republicans in Texas and Ohio to skip their party's primary on March 4 and instead cast a vote for Hillary Clinton in order to prolong the fight between her and Barack Obama. And that Tuesday, as media in both states reported, thousands of Republicans did just what Limbaugh and others had suggested -- they changed parties to vote for Clinton.

One problem. That's basically illegal. And now the board of elections is looking into a criminal investigation of the matter.

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Web Site Revealing Money Laundering Scheme Is Shut Down

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A group people are apparently behind a scheme to shut down the web site Wikileaks, for publicizing documents which appear to show an elaborate tax evasion scheme involving the Cayman Islands, Swiss bankers and a host of powerful American businesspeople. In what's a poignant demonstration of how much people in government know technology, an injunction was granted against the domain registrar for to make it not resolve (shut the whole web site down instead of ask offending content to be removed) but these people didn't know much about mirrors or IP addresses apparently.


New Hampshire Ballot Process Gets Weird

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While a recount of the Democratic primary in New Hampshire shows little changes, that's not the whole story. The real story is what you won't see on the news, and that's the hanky panky that was done with the ballot boxes, which defies logic and common sense.

What happens when a camera crew follows the ballot boxes from a local election? Chaos and confusion and total deviation from the plan... watch the video. It's as if our political leaders are a bunch of pod people and nobody cares if their votes are counted properly!

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Evidence For Impeachment?

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There's lots of talk about impeaching Bush and Cheney, but is there really enough evidence? Let's take a look...

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Programmer Testifies He Was Paid To Hack Florida Election

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Video is now surfacing showcasing a computer programmer, Clint Curtis testifying that Tom Feeney (Speaker of the House of Florida at the time) tried to pay him to rig election vote counts in South Florida.

(too bad he wasn't paid to hack this toupee?) ==>

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Posted by Pile (12411 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Little did this young Islandic woman know, the painful reality she would find herself in when, 12 years ago, she overstayed her VISA for 3 weeks in the USA.

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Report Shows Conclusive Proof 2004 Elections Were Rigged

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Ohio’s top election official, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, announced Friday that the voting systems that decided the 2004 election in Ohio were rife with “critical security failures.” There now appears irrefutable proof that the 2004 election outcome was fudged.

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Congress Turns Internet Into Police State

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Reason #34,261 To Not Use Wi-Fi: The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved a bill saying that anyone offering an open Wi-Fi connection to the public must report illegal images including "obscene" cartoons and drawings--or face fines of up to $300,000.

That broad definition would cover individuals, coffee shops, libraries, hotels, and even some government agencies that provide Wi-Fi. It also sweeps in social-networking sites, domain name registrars, Internet service providers, and e-mail service providers such as Hotmail and Gmail, and it may require that the complete contents of the user's account be retained for subsequent police inspection.

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US To UK: It's Legal For Us To Kidnap Your Citizens

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America has told Britain that it can “kidnap” British citizens if they are wanted for crimes in the United States.

A senior lawyer for the American government has told the Court of Appeal in London that kidnapping foreign citizens is permissible under American law because the US Supreme Court has sanctioned it.

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CBS: Only A Handful Support Impeachment; Its A Bluff

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[News Media]
In reaction to Dennis Kucinich's bill to pursue impeachment proceedings for Vice President Cheney, CBS's Harry Smith called the effort a "bluff," that only a "handful of people" are in favor of impeachment and merely a political tactic to get a failing presidential candidate some attention... Watch this embarrassing hit-piece on a politician who is actually trying to do something about the administration's impending rhetoric for invading Iran....

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Revisiting "The Gore Exception" Supreme Court Decision

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As we approach the 2008 election season, it may be worth it to take a look at what happened in 2000 when the United States Supreme Court, in effect, halted the democratic election process and declared George W. Bush the winner. Attorney Mark Levine has an informative Q & A about this landmark court decision that may have forever changed the face of democracy in the U.S.

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AT&T/BellSouth Can Now Turn You Off If You Talk Bad About Them

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The latest version of AT&T/Bellsouth's customer terms of service contains this wonderful gem:
"AT&T may immediately terminate or suspend all or a portion of your Service, any Member ID, electronic mail address, IP address, Universal Resource Locator or domain name used by you, without notice, for conduct that AT&T believes.. tends to damage the name or reputation of AT&T, or its parents, affiliates and subsidiaries."

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Bush Inserts Secret Clause In Bill To Pardon His Own War Crimes

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This is about a year old, but still worth revisiting because it never got enough press last year: Deep within the "Terrorist Tribunal" Act is a provision retroactively pardoning the President, Vice President, and their subordinates for violations of the War Crimes Act committed since September 11, 2001.

Btw this bill was part of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which passed and is now law.

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University of FL Student Tasered At Kerry Q&A

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During a political rally at the University of Florida, an excited student apparently abused his two minute allotment of freedom to ask John Kerry several questions about why he conceded the election early, why he doesn't impeach bush, and whether he is a member of skull and bones. The stunt got the student wrestled to the ground, tasered and arrested by no less than five cops. Yay Freedom(tm)!

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Oklahoma Video Game Violence Law Struck Down

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Oklahoma is the latest state to have a video game law permanently thrown out. Following a preliminary injunction against the unconstitutional law last year, the court has issued a new decision to permanently enjoin Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry's law, which singled out video game companies for games with "inappropriate violence" while not putting such restrictions on other media.

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Appeals Court Rules Alcoholics Anonymous Is Sanctioned Religion

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Alcoholics Anonymous, the renowned 12-step program that directs problem drinkers to seek help from a higher power, says it's not a religion and is open to nonbelievers. But it has enough religious overtones that a parolee can't be ordered to attend its meetings as a condition of staying out of prison, a federal appeals court ruled Friday.

In fact, said the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, the constitutional dividing line between church and state in such cases is so clear that a parole officer can be sued for damages for ordering a parolee to go through rehabilitation at Alcoholics Anonymous or an affiliated program for drug addicts.

We've also noted before, statistics show AA - Alcoholics Anonymous' program is no more effective than not attending ANY program.

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"Unauthorized Adhesive" Lands War Protesters In Jail

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A coalition of groups representing the movement were arrested yesterday when they held a press conference in Washington D.C. announcing a September 15th demonstration against the Bush administration.

Less than 18 hours ago, National Park Service Police turned a September 15 Press Conference, held in front of the White House, into a chaotic scene. On the pretext that there was no permit for a three foot long folding table that the media placed their microphones on, the police intervened in the middle of the press conference to announce that it was an unpermitted activity. Three people were arrested and are still being held in jail. They include Adam Kokesh, an Iraq war veteran; Tina Richards of Grassroots America; and Ian Thompson an ANSWER Coalition organizer.

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Boeing Implicated In CIA Rendition Torture Scheme

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The ACLU has brought a lawsuit against a Boeing subsidiary accused of falsifying flight plans to air traffic controllers to cover up CIA flights where people were "kidnapped" and tortured in foreign countries.

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AT&T Censors Anti-Bush Comments From Pearl Jam Concert Broadcast

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According to Pearl Jam's website, portions of the band's Sunday night set at Lollapalooza were missing from the AT&T Blue Room live webcast. Fans alerted the band to the missing material after the show. Reportedly absent from the webcast were segments of the band's performance of "Daughter," including the sung lines "George Bush, leave this world alone" and "George Bush find yourself another home."

Update: While AT&T claims the censorship was a "mistake", according to Wired's Listening Post, concerts streamed on the Blue Room by The Flaming Lips and the John Butler Trio have also been censored for political reasons. If true, this action coupled with past allegations aimed at AT&T suggests an unnerving pro-Bush political agenda from one of America's biggest telecoms.

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Passed: "Protect America Act" Pisses On Constitution

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If you e-mail or phone or otherwise contact anyone outside of the United States, you'll be pleased to know that now Congress has given Bush the power to tap your conversations without any court order.

Oh Wait, get this.. it's called "The Protect America Act."

The Senate bowed to White House pressure last night and passed a Republican plan for overhauling the federal government’s terrorist surveillance laws, approving changes that would temporarily give U.S. spy agencies expanded power to eavesdrop on foreign suspects without a due process.

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Fugitives Turn Themselves in...To God?

Posted by wizeGurl (9122 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

It's looking like Tennessee's first-ever fugitives safe surrender. On its first day, well over 100 people with outstanding warrants turned themselves in to designated churches across the state. But why did they turn themselves in? Did they expect God to cut them some slack for their transgressions? Why does the government need special programs to get people who want to surrender to do so?

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ACLU Sues Louisiana Judge Over Jesus

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A small southern Louisiana town is the latest battleground for a classic First Amendment showdown over the separation of church and state, pitting a feisty judge with a painting of Christ in his courthouse against the nation's top civil liberties group.

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Winner of CIA's Extraordinary Rendition Vacation Trip Tells All

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What's it like to win the dream vacation of a death-time? Bisher al-Rawi tells the story of how helping track radical Muslims landed him on a one-way trip to the illegal torture factories in Afghanistan. A four year wild ride where he ended up in Guantanamo and was later released with no charges filed.

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Free Speech is Killing Our Children!

Posted by ueberbill (9699 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee passed a bill today that would allow the FCC (the great and powerful Oz of this country's communication infrastructure and content) to fine broadcasters for "slip of the tongue" expletives. Well shit.

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