Wikileaks' Insurance Policy

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In the wake of death threats from the US Government against the founder of Wikileaks - a journalistic web site that posts "whistleblower" information on important social, economic and political issues, a file has mysteriously appeared that is ten times larger than anything else, merely labeled "insurance."

Cryptome, a separate secret-spilling site, has speculated that the new file added days later may have been posted as insurance in case something happens to the WikiLeaks website or to the organization?s founder, Julian Assange. In either scenario, WikiLeaks volunteers, under a prearranged agreement with Assange, could send out a password or passphrase to allow anyone who has downloaded the file to open it.

It?s not known what the file contains but it could include the balance of data that U.S. Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning claimed to have leaked to Assange before he was arrested in May.

* Download the wiki leak insurance policy (1.4G) (this site appears to be down) here's a torrent

Here's a link to the online version of the Afghan war diaries


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