Green Day Snubs Wal-Mart Over Censorship
Posted by Pile
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Green Day has the most popular CD in the country, but you won't be able to find it at your local Wal-Mart.
The band says the giant superstore chain refused to stock its latest CD, "21st Century Breakdown," because Wal-Mart wanted the album edited for language and content, and they refused. |
| "Wal-Mart's become the biggest retail outlet in the country, but they won't carry our record because they wanted us to censor it," frontman Billie Joe Armstrong said in a recent interview.
While Wal-Mart sells CDs from acts known for raunchy content, including Eminem's latest, they offer customers the "clean" version of those CDs, which are edited for content that may be objectionable. But in Armstrong's view, "There's nothing dirty about our record."
"They want artists to censor their records in order to be carried in there," he said. "We just said no. We've never done it before. You feel like you're in 1953 or something."
"21st Century Breakdown" contains curses and some references considered adult. | Details | |
Posted by classiccom on 2009-05-30 16:30:28 | At least warn people when you have profanity. I was shocked and appalled when I heard GD profanity on a Not Lame music CD. THe company advertises itself "Good music for good people" . THe owner of the record company refused to answer my email complaint about the CD. |
Yeah Posted by Timothy Rutherford on 2009-05-31 00:44:58 | You tell em classiccom. And what's with bread going stale. Man, that sucks ass. |
greenday snubs wal-mart over new cd. Posted by deb on 2009-06-13 17:03:12 | Discrimination, I am sure Walcrap has cd's that are no good. GREEN DAY IS THE BEST!! |
Posted by Anonymous on 2009-07-14 14:11:48 | Wal-mart has done this since roughly forever, who cares. |