Louisiana's "Bestiality Ten" - Senators Protect Animal Sex

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[Beating Dead Horses]
The Louisiana Senate voted on April 10th, on a bill criminalizing sex with animals. The measure passed on a vote of 25 to 10 in favor (with 4 abstaining).

The bill's author, New Orleans Senator JP Morrell says it's important that the state has a way to arrest someone for having sex with animals.

He told fellow lawmakers, "God forbid you vote against this bill, good luck explaining it."

Ten senators did vote against it.

Here are LA's "Bestiality Ten" - Make 'em famous!

Louisiana's "Beastiality TEN"

These 10 Louisiana State sentators voted AGAINST a bill criminalizing sex with animals.

1. Republican - President of the Senate: Senator John A. Alario, Jr., alarioj@legis.la.gov

2. Republican - Senator R. L. Bret Allain, II, allainb@legis.la.gov

3. Republican - Senator James R. "Jim" Fannin, fanninj@legis.la.gov

4. Republican - Senator Jonathan W. Perry, perryj@legis.la.gov

5. Republican - Senator Ryan Gatti, gattir@legis.la.gov

6. Republican - Senator Neil Riser, risern@legis.la.gov

7. Republican - Senator Jack Donahue, donahuej@legis.la.gov

8. Republican - Senator Dan Claitor, claitord@legis.la.gov

9. Republican - Senator Gerald Long, longg@legis.la.gov

10. Republican - Senator Beth Mizell, mizellb@legis.la.gov

Vote record: http://www.legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1084427

In fairness, the bill did a few other things, most notably, it replaced an earlier law that outlawed, "Crimes Against Nature" that also was the infamous anti-"sodomy" law used to shame homosexuality, that was ruled unconstitutional in 2003. So lawmakers who voted against this bill can arguably claim they're not necessarily as much in favor of animal sex as they are homophobic assholes.

In any case, Congrats Senators!

Additional references: http://www.wwl.com/articles/louisiana-law-ban-sex-animals-wins-senate-vote-25-10


Posted by LL on 2018-04-12 11:42:21
To clarify, this bill doesnt replace the existing crimes against nature law. It only strikes the word animal and creates a new section making sexual abuse of animals or trafficking animals for sex a separate crime.
Posted by Pile on 2018-04-13 12:09:17
Still trying to understand why anybody would be against this?
Posted by wizeGurl on 2018-04-17 13:35:45
Because you can't risk alienating those rural voters, right?

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