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News Media Says Norway Killer Unfairly Called Christian

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[News Media]
The Fox News rapid-response team distinguishes violence in the name of a religion from the practitioners of that religion -- as long as it's Christianity. The Daily Show has their own unique take well worth watching...

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Sam Harris Answers Questions From The Internet

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Sam Harris has a one-hour video where he answers questions submitted from users on the Internet. It's not your typical array of questions and Sam answers them skillfully... check it out

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The Meaning Of Life

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Ever wonder what the meaning of life might be, and the rationale our creator had in giving us existence? An amusing cartoon explores one possibility...

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Jesus Christ Is Tyler Durden?

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Youtube user Dusty Smith, also known as "CultOfDusty" has produced an insightful video where he explains why people who claim they do, in actuality, do not have a "Personal Relationship with Jesus." Can a logical argument be informative and hilarious at the same time? Check it out...

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Preacher Sells Debt Removal Through Prayer On TV

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Peter Popoff has been preaching about God and money for decades.

His shows that he pays BET and other cable and TV channels to appear on are non-stop crusades about spirituality and overcoming addictions, but most of all, they're about helping people erase mountains of debt.

"I'm telling you that God teaches in His word that He wants to cancel, erase, wipe out, obliterate your debt," Popoff says in a video ad.

Popoff claims he has delivered miracles to hundreds of thousands of people supernaturally. Or does he?

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Christian Call-In Prayer Show Gets "Fresh-Princed"

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It seems these people have no sympathy for the poor people of Philly who have to rely on their aunts in Bell Aire. What kind of Christians are they?

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IL Congressman: The Bible Says There's No Global Warming

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If you thought that having an ex-Arabian horse trainer as head of FEMA was an unusual assignment under the Bush administration, take a look at Illinois Republican Congressman John Shimkus, member of the House Energy and Air Quality committee, who actually made a statement before Congress citing the "infallible word of God" in the old testament of the Bible that proves there is no such thing as global warming and only God will decide when the earth will end, before which we'll hear a trumpet call...

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Religion Commercial Banned From YouTube

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A humorous commercial parody is going around the net about "religion." Unfortunately, the folks on YouTube are too uppity to allow any funny commentary on their beliefs so we bring it to you here.

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Vatican Excommunicates Doctors, Mother Of Raped 9 Year Old

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A senior Vatican cleric has defended the excommunication of the mother and doctors of a nine-year-old girl who had an abortion in Brazil after being raped.

The nine year old girl was allegedly raped by her step-father, whom the church has stated will not be excommunicated.

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Christians Pray To Golden Bull For Better Economy

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Cindy Jacobs, a self-claimed "prophet" fond of appearing on cable tv religion channels, has declared October 29th "Day of Prayer for the World’s Economies" and is asking Christians all over the world to stop what they're doing and ask God to improve their IRA balance.

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Hymns With Subtitles

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You ever wonder what they're singing in church with those hymns? Finally, some enterprising people have put up closed captions...

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Uncovered: Vast Atheist Conspiracy Headed By Richard Dawkins?

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There's a video floating around that was supposedly taken in a government raid of Richard Dawkins evil lair in the Galapagos Islands... Woo Woo!

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Kenneth Copeland Says Only God Can See His Financial Records

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Last fall, Senator Charles Grassley on the Senate Finance Committee, began probing the finances of six TV evangelists whose lifestyles include mansions, Rolls-Royces, and private jets, all paid for out of church funds. Grassley told BBC, “I would not contribute to an organization that is Christian and evangelical with money being wasted that way.”

While some have cooperated, some have not, going to far as to suggest their financial records belong to "God."

Funny thing, according to the bible (Luke 20:25), Jesus disagrees.

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Bill Maher Takes On Religion In New Documentary, "Religulous"

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His new documentary, Maher travels all around the world addressing the issue of religion in a documentary called "Religulous" due in theaters October 3rd.

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Vatican Says Absolutely No Female Priests

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The Catholic Church reiterated its love for women's rights by making it quite clear: no women priests -- they will be excommunicated, along with anyone who ordains them.

The Vatican issued its most explicit decree so far against the ordination of female priests on Thursday, punishing them and the bishops who try to ordain them with automatic excommunication.

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Texas Megachurch Minister Nabbed Soliciting 13 Year Old Girl

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A minister at a Dallas-area megachurch, one of the largest in the US, was charged with online solicitation of a minor after police said Friday he was caught in an Internet sex sting.

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Vatican Says Believing In Space Aliens Is OK

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The Vatican's chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God.

The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, said that the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones.

In an interview published Tuesday by Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Funes said that such a notion "doesn't contradict our faith" because aliens would still be God's creatures.

No mention was made by Funes regarding upon which day God made aliens or space ships.

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First Freedom Campaign Gaining Ground

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A grass roots campaign is forming urging people to ask their political candidates where they stand on protecting "religious freedom", the separation of church and state and the sanctity of the First Amendment. Check out the promotional videos.

See the simulcast "Everything you ever wanted to know about separation of church and state."

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Researcher: Moses Was Tripping When He Wrote The 10 Commandments

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We all know that Moses was high on Mount Sinai when God spoke to him, but were the Ten Commandments a result of divine inspiration alone?

An Israeli researcher is claiming in a study published this week the prophet may have been stoned when he set the Ten Commandments in stone.

According to Benny Shanon, a professor of cognitive psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, psychedelic drugs formed an integral part of the religious rites of Israelites in biblical times.

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FOX Acquires Largest Internet Religion Web Site

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[News Media]
Continuing with their business strategy and focusing their marketing efforts, FOX has now acquired Beliefnet, the Internet's largest religious web site. It makes perfect sense. If you're likely to believe in God, you're probably an ideal Fox News consumer.

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Vatican Says "Pollution" Is Now A Sin

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In olden days, the deadly sins included lust, gluttony and greed. Now, the Catholic Church says pollution, mind-damaging drugs and genetic experiments are on its updated thou-shalt-not list.


Beware! They're Coming To Your Town!

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The American Family Association has recently discovered a vast conspiracy. Now they're issuing DVDs to help protect people against the coming invasion!

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Top 10 Arguments For The Existence Of God

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Since many people think Jesus is coming soon, we thought in the spirit of this revelation, we'd share a new article published over at Freethoughtpedia: The Top 10 Arguments For The Existence Of God.

See where your rationale fits in...

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Church Cleaning Leads To Christian Fistfight

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[Mean People]
The cradle of Christianity was rocked by an unholy punch-up when Greek Orthodox and Armenian priests came to blows in a dispute over how to clean Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity.

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God Saves Lost Kids, Nevermind The Helicopter

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"The ordeal began Sunday, when Dominguez and the children left church and headed to the mountains to cut a tree for Christmas. Because the father had custody of his children at the time, his ex-wife did not know they were missing until she learned Joshua failed to show up at school Monday."

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Teen Desecrates "Sacred" Virgin Mary Window Defect

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Angry, bored and unable to sleep, Kyle Maskell grabbed his Marksman slingshot and headed out of his foster home to destroy something that might bring him a degree of infamy that rivaled his rage, police said.

He soon looked up into the image of the Virgin Mary, the iridescent figure that had formed on the side of a glass building on U.S. 19 eight years earlier, leased by a religious group, Shepherds of Christ, exploiting throngs of believers, drawing them to Clearwater, Florida.

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Senate Eyes Ministers' Rich-And-Famous Lifestyles

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Sen. Charles E. Grassley, ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, has sent letters to six high-profile mega-churches, including Creflo Dollar's in College Park, Ga., requesting that they hand over records of salaries, expense accounts, credit cards, cars and airplanes.

"Jesus came into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey," Grassley said in a telephone interview. "Do these ministers really need Bentleys and Rolls-Royces to spread the Gospel?"

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Phelps Cult Loses Court Case, To Pay $10.9 Million

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A grieving father won a nearly $11 million verdict Wednesday against a fundamentalist Kansas church that pickets military funerals in the belief that the war in Iraq is a punishment for the nation's tolerance of homosexuality.

Albert Snyder of York, Pennsylvania, sued the Westboro Baptist Church for unspecified damages after members demonstrated at the March 2006 funeral of his son, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, who was killed in Iraq.

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Vatican Priest "pretending to be gay to uncover satanic plot"

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A high-ranking Vatican priest has been suspended after a TV programme, using a hidden camera, recorded him making advances to a young man and asserting that gay sex was not sinful.

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What Do You Get When You Mix A Minister, A Wetsuit, And A Dildo?

Posted by ueberbill (13046 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Being a soldier in the Army of Christ is one tough job--there are legions of heathens, pagans, hippies, democrats, and heretics out there who need to be shown how infinite God's love is (unless you disagree, then it's an express train to the eternal fires of Hell that God was kind enough to allow Satan to set up for us). In Montgomery, Alabama, we must now mourn for the first Navy Seal for Jesus.

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Praise The Lord And Pwn Some Noobs!

Posted by ueberbill (8836 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

As a brand, Christianity is pretty damn boring. Sure some Pharisees got crushed to death, some people got brought back to life after death in a non-zombie kinda way, and there are the occasional temple prostitutes--but it's just not as sexy as, say, light beer. How are churches, known throughout the land as the gathering places of squares, going to attract that tough teenage boy demographic? No, not porn. Not yet, anyway

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Bill Maher: We Can't Trust Theists In Government

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Bill Maher makes a provocative closing statement in this week's Real Time show on HBO, suggesting that if we had a president who didn't believe people go to heaven when they die, he might not be so willing to let them get killed in Iraq. Check out the video.

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New Host Of The View Denies Evolution, Thinks Earth Is Flat

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If you think television is getting dumber, that might be an understatement considering the new host of the morning show, "The View" isn't quite ready to admit the earth might not be flat.

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YouTube Becomes Battleground Between Creationists & Atheists

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Groups of atheists are up in arms due to the result of a fundamentalist Christian group firing off dozens of "copyright infringement claims" against their critics' videos and YouTube accounts. The result? Google/YouTube suspends first, and asks questions later and terminates a bunch of popular accounts of agnostics, atheists and others. The only problem is the copyright claims seem to be completely unfounded.

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The Soldier's Bible: In The Beginning God Created Kicking Ass

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There is now an essential tool for every soldier to take with them on their endless deployments to foreign lands. It's not dry socks, armor, guns, bullets, or cheesecake photos of their loved ones. No, friends, it's The Soldier's Bible.

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At Least Senator Vitter Picked An Honest Hooker

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For a hooker, Wendy Yow Ellis (her middle name is actually 'Yow'), does not like her integrity to be impugned. When Senator David Vitter called her a liar for alleging that they had a four month-long sexual affair the year he took Congressional office, she took some offense and was looking for a way to clear her name. Fortunately Larry Flynt, the wheeled rooter-out of both unclothed women AND hypocrisy, was happy to assist.

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Pastor Comes Forward Accusing Another Pastor Of Sexual Abuse

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A high-profile pastor from West Virginia says he's one of the sexual assault victims of another pastor -- and he's written a letter to the public.

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Appeals Court Rules Alcoholics Anonymous Is Sanctioned Religion

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Alcoholics Anonymous, the renowned 12-step program that directs problem drinkers to seek help from a higher power, says it's not a religion and is open to nonbelievers. But it has enough religious overtones that a parolee can't be ordered to attend its meetings as a condition of staying out of prison, a federal appeals court ruled Friday.

In fact, said the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, the constitutional dividing line between church and state in such cases is so clear that a parole officer can be sued for damages for ordering a parolee to go through rehabilitation at Alcoholics Anonymous or an affiliated program for drug addicts.

We've also noted before, statistics show AA - Alcoholics Anonymous' program is no more effective than not attending ANY program.

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Catholic Nun Organization Calls For Bush/Cheney Impeachment

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[Beating Dead Horses]
A progressive group of U.S. nuns has called on Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney because of their roles in the war in Iraq.

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Personal Letters Show Now-Sainted Mother Teresa Was An Atheist

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In life, Mother Teresa was an icon for believers of God's work on Earth. Her ministry to the poor of Calcutta was a world-renowned symbol of religious compassion. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

In a rare interview in 1986, Mother Teresa told CBS News she had a calling, based on unquestioned faith.

"They are all children of God, loved and created by the same heart of God," she said.

But now, it has emerged that Mother Teresa was so doubtful of her own faith that she feared being a hypocrite, according to a book of her letters which was recently released. Her doubts about faith were documented as far back as the 1950s.

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Bill Nye Boo'd In Texas For Saying The Moon Reflects The Sun

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Bill Nye, the harmless children's edu-tainer known as "The Science Guy," managed to offend a select group of adults in Waco, Texas at a presentation, when he suggested that the moon does not emit light, but instead reflects the light of the sun.

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Christian Boot Camp Officials Drag 15yo Girl Behind Van

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[Mean People]
Arrest warrants have been issued for two officials at a Christian boot camp, Love Demonstrated Ministries, accused of dragging a 15-year-old girl behind a van after she fell behind the group during a morning run, authorities said.

Charles Eugene Flowers and Stephanie Bassitt of San Antonio-based Love Demonstrated Ministries, a 32-day boot camp, are facing aggravated assault charges for the alleged June 12 incident.

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What Would Jesus Pasteurize? Apparently Not Almonds.

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What happens when you love Jesus, but also almonds? You, my friend, have a classic moral dilemma.

A recent decision by the Almond Board of California to pasteurize all almonds from the state in order to protect consumers from salmonella has Christian raw foodists up in arms. Apparently some Christians believe Jesus said, "Prepare not your foods with the fire of death...," therefore they don't want any cooked food in their diet.

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ACLU Sues Louisiana Judge Over Jesus

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A small southern Louisiana town is the latest battleground for a classic First Amendment showdown over the separation of church and state, pitting a feisty judge with a painting of Christ in his courthouse against the nation's top civil liberties group.

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Los Angeles Roman Catholics Pay $660M To Settle 508 Abuse Cases

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A California judge approved the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles's agreement to pay $660 million to people who claim they were abused by priests, in the biggest clergy-abuse settlement ever, a plaintiffs' lawyer said.

The accord is intended to resolve 508 claims, some decades old, and avoid a trial that was scheduled to begin today, said Raymond Boucher, a Beverly Hills lawyer who represents 245 plaintiffs.

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Fraternity Sues School For Not Allowing Them To Discriminate

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A Christian fraternity alleging discrimination is taking the University of Florida to court.

Beta Upsilon Chi's lawsuit says the university refuses to recognize it as a registered student group.

According to the lawsuit filed in federal court in Gainesville, school officials told the group it can't be registered because only Christian men are eligible for membership.

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Christians Disrupt Hindu Prayer In Senate

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For the very first time, a Hindu delivered the morning invocation in the Senate chamber — only to find the ceremony disrupted by three Christian right activists. Check out the video.

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Al Sharpton Debates Christopher Hitchens

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Taking on possibly the greatest issue of our time - the malignant force of religion in the world - Christopher Hitchens makes the ultimate case against religion through a close and learned reading of the major religious texts, citing numerous historical instances in which sexual repression and outrageous acts of violence have been committed in the name of God. He argues for a more secular life based on science and reason, in which hell is replaced by the Hubble telescope's awesome view of the universe, and Moses and the burning bush give way to the beauty and symmetry of the double helix.

Join The New York Public Library as the Reverand Al Sharpton and author Christopher Hitchens debate faith, religion and God.

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Christopher Hitchens "Eulogy" of Jerry Falwell

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Christopher Hitchens appears on Hannity & Colmes and has some undiplomatic comments about Falwell's life, in contrast with the Fox take that Falwell "was one of the most important figures of the last 50 years."

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Atheist Face-Off: Part Two

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On Thursday, ABC showed the first half of the debate on "Does God Exist" between Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron and Brian Sapient & Kelly. We've compiled the video from the second half of the debate. Check it out...

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