The Soldier's Bible: In The Beginning God Created Kicking Ass

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There is now an essential tool for every soldier to take with them on their endless deployments to foreign lands. It's not dry socks, armor, guns, bullets, or cheesecake photos of their loved ones. No, friends, it's The Soldier's Bible.

The publisher's description does more for the book than I ever could:

Christian Standard Edition. The Bible might be called a library of freedom - not just temporal freedom but enduring freedom in the truest sense of that expression. Horace Greeley, founding editor of the New York Tribune, said "it is impossible to mentally or socially enslave a Bible-reading people."

For these perilous times, for the men and women who serve the cause of freedom around the world, Holman Bible Publishers is pleased to provide the entire Bible in a format that is handsome, easy to carry, and that is designed to meet the specific needs of those who serve in the most difficult of situations.

So well put. To meet the "specific needs" of our boys and girls in uniform this Bible, the gen-u-wine word of God, has been blessed with a couple of improvements. Some of these upgrades are the addition of The Pledge of Allegiance, The Star Spangled Banner, Explanatory Notes (because that pesky "Thou shalt not kill" is confusing to a soldier) and some quotes from famous people (perhaps not quite as famous as Jesus or Yahweh, but you get the point). Our warriors will read quotes from the likes of George Washington, Gen. George S. Patton, Jimmy Stewart (?), and President George W. Bush. Because when you're looking for respite from the horrors of endless war in a place far from your home in the word of your Lord and savior, you're going to want to read quotes from the guy who sent you there.

Buy One Now!


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